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Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by FuzzyBlueBaron, Mar 10, 2015.



  1. auspol

  2. very auspol

  3. wow auspol

  4. many auspol

  5. such auspol

  6. lol auspol

  7. auspol auspol

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Feeling very wow many disappoint such auspol? This is the thread for you. Please catalogue your disappoint here; preferably with links to news sources (so those poor Americans can understand what we're on about). No endorsements of a particular party, side of politics, or piece of policy allowed. Flaming or getting hot under to collar is totally fine so long as you meet the following criteria:
    1. Target is not a member of these forums;
    2. Target is involved in auspol;
    3. You explain/justify your impotent rage using words with no less that fourteen syllables. Or with news articles/facts. MS paint drawings are good too.

    J-man2003 and 101i like this.
  2. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    >wasting time on some drug smugglers in bali
    >auspol the movie
    startselect3 and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  3. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    @Reudh posted a fantastic rant in the old fags convo recently. I'd share but rage like that it too golden to cheapen by stealing. Grace us with your insight and acrid criticism, O Reudh, Lord of the Rant. :heart:
    101i likes this.
  4. don't even get me started on this thing


    okay so to understand the predicament Chan and Sukumaran (sp?) are in, we have to understand Australia's response to the Banda Aceh tsunami in 2004. We sent enormous amounts of aid to them. As Indonesia is a largely Muslim country, the "giving of gifts freely from the heart" meant a lot to them, and our standing in their eyes improved - maybe we weren't colonialist Westerners with superiority complex. We might simply have been citizens of the world who gave freely to their neighbours kindly.

    so in comes Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran with their heroin to be smuggled in. Indonesia tries them harshly as they did any of the other Bali Nine. Sentences them to death where the others got life or 20 years in prison, so that's a little ouchie.

    Australia comes in wanting to intervene. Rudd-Gillard-Rudd and later the Abbott ministries plead with the Indonesian president, but don't manage to get very far. Y'know my personal view is that Chan and Sukumaran should rot in prison for what they did, but definitely not die. The misery they could have inflicted with the imported heroin outweighs in my mind their redemption - even if they are truly repentant.

    Conservative leader Joko Widodo arrives in the parliament raring for a fight.
    Julie Bishop as Foreign Minister and DFAT do their best to appeal to Widodo for clemency, to change their sentence, as they did for other convicted Australian drug smuggler Schapelle Corby.

    Along comes the Mad Monk. Ties the treatment of Chan and Sukumaran and the other Bali Nine to the aid we gave them.

    So suddenly, the implication is thus:

    our worst citizens are worth more than the help we gave you when yours were dead and dying and distraught

    Really, no wonder Indonesia dislikes us
    FuzzyBlueBaron and 101i like this.
  5. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]


    Blerg. D:

    Amusing imaging Tones trying to deal with the catastrophe said tsunami would represent for him; but am simultaneously enraged and devastated at the use of countless human lives (both asylum seekers and the Bali nine) as chips in a sickening game of dick-measuring & one-upmanship.

    In the words of an acquaintance: Fuck. Fuck everything.
    101i likes this.
  6. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

  7. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    I had heard about this situation, I just think it's a little insane on BOTH fronts. First of all, the fact that Indonesia is trying to execute a couple of heroin smugglers is pretty surprising and a little bit overkill. The president of Indonesia is a fucking moron, and why anyone would support this dude is beyond me. Then there's Australia claiming to want money back for all the aid given...

    I get why Australia is doing what they're doing, but it's really not gonna help matters. I do think it's crazy that two smugglers are getting sentenced to death. The world is a wild and frightening and fucked up place...

    e: Almost forgot... Widodo is a fucking moron if he thinks executing people with narcotics offenses is going to save the world from being addicts... Coming from a recovering addict, it doesn't matter if you shoot, hang, etc. smugglers or drug dealers, if an addict wants to get high, nothing will get in their way. Also, "Jokowi said that there were currently 1.2 million narcotics users who were already in acute stages of addiction and could not be treated." Uhhh... Could not be treated? The hell is that supposed to mean? Sure, when a person is an addict there's no such thing as a cure, but if a person wants it bad enough they can stay clean... There's no such thing as medical treatment to cure addiction. God, what a bunch of uninformed goons in terms of this subject.
    FuzzyBlueBaron and Reudh like this.
  8. Widodo's a conservative in an already fairly conservative country. And it's not Australia who wants our $1 billion we sent to them in 2004 back, it's just Abbott. Fuckin' Abbott.
  9. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    An acquaintance mentioned the notion that Widodo was doing it to garner political support at home in the same way Abbott is fucking with powerless foreigners in Nauru to win brownie points with xenophobic and/or sadistic, overly conservative, wackjobs in Aust. :v
    Reudh likes this.
  10. Undoubtedly, they're both arch-conservative heartless shitlords.
    FuzzyBlueBaron and 101i like this.
  11. Ozminer

    Ozminer Bison Rider

    2 People were gonna get executed in bali for dealing heroin (got me facts wrong, mixed it up with that girl who got in trouble for having weed in bali, her excuse was it was planted there)
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 24, 2015 ---
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2015
  12. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    ...it was heroin brohaim. Not bud.
  13. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

  14. Anonymuse

    Anonymuse Arsonist

    Ouch, all I hear is more and more things in the news about Australia becoming more conservative and closed-minded. What is it with the excessive censorship, corrupt government, and general bad laws and bills that pass? Any idea?
    J-man2003 likes this.
  15. Western governments as a whole have become more conservative in the last fifteen years, but Tony Abbott is a fucked up man.
    J-man2003 and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  16. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Not that the offerings from Labor or the Greens are any better, really. :<
  17. That's for sure. Did you hear about the moderate party Malcolm Fraser was working on before he died? It'd would've shaken things up quite impressively had he lived long enough. :(
  18. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    What? No. Damn, that sounds like it could have been fantastic. RIP Fraser. :(
  19. Canadian98 and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  20. ieatpieandlikepie

    ieatpieandlikepie Drill Rusher

    Wow thats screwed up :o
Mods: BlueLuigi