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Tunneling is too easy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by nuggitx, Nov 21, 2011.

  1. nuggitx

    nuggitx Shopkeep Stealer

    Played a game where we've build a big tower and enemy simply tunneled beneath it straight to our flag, it often happens in many games.

    Tunneling should be way harder for attackers than defenders, there could be special 'underground' door or block that lasts a lot more than stone block but can be only placed underground so it's easier to defend.

    The biggest 'push' should be always through the middle imo, and underground aswell as skybridges should be a support role and not main ways of attacking.
  2. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I think a part of the problem is that castles are too hard to attack head on. It's nigh-impossible to attack a fortification head on, so people go over and under.
    Noburu and trelawney like this.
  3. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    I think a nerf to tunneling would be helpful as well as making it easier to attack castles head on.
  4. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    People just need to learn to fortify their base, notably by lacing parts of the ground that are easy to tunnel through with stone.
    Eggnogg and Noburu like this.
  5. pinguiniv

    pinguiniv Shopkeep Stealer

    The easiest wa to prevent it is to build a tunel yourself and place some traps. And soon builders won;t be able to spam bridges so it would be a really bad idea to do that.
    And 1 more thing. 1 game was like yours - but me and 2 other knigts killed those with flag and USED that tunnel to get their flag( of course we called for reinforcements). That was fun:D
  6. nuggitx

    nuggitx Shopkeep Stealer

    Pretty much that.
  7. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Easier to attack head on = New siege weapons :3
    Wonkyth and Noburu like this.
  8. bilbs

    bilbs KAG Guard Tester

    Agreed. Unless someone is making the effort to go waaay beneath, in which case they diserve to be able to do so.

    Also, if you're a builder and see someone tunneling in, start building counter-measures.
    Some common things I see:
    -start digging a well somewhere far enough infront of their tunnel. when their tunnel hits the well you will have the high ground and a massive advantage over the tunnelers.
    -start you own tunnel and reinforce it. make a 4 block drop somewhere and wall it with stone. if they start to tunnel around that, mission accomplished, they're wasting their time.

    Every enemy unit hanging out underground is another unit they don't have defending their base.
  9. Marijuana

    Marijuana Shipwright

    Best way is to get like five diggers for the beginning of the round to just hollow out the ground and place some trap bridges to maneuver your guys, they're cheap to replace and only you can walk on them (as long as you keep them repaired).
  10. FoxIP

    FoxIP Shipwright

    I don't think there's anything wrong with the digging personally.
    Acavado likes this.
  11. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    This is why foundation is important, fortify underground as well as above ground. For your main fortification you are given plenty of time to dig down and replace a little bit of dirt with stone, nowadays everyone thinks a giant tower as a prelude to a skybridge is the way to go.
  12. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    And of course, don't waste stone making a foundation when you can just lace the soil with stone or something.
    Mornaval, Eggnogg and Valkyrie like this.
  13. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    Yeah, castle brick every 2 blocks for infront and behind a fortification. Knights are the only ones that tunnel right under towers anyway.
  14. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    After playing recently i'm inclined to say tunneling is hard enough if you've got one builder on the enemy team. It's incredibly easy for them to slap down stone blocks. In old builds it was easy because knights could hit through them but they can't now, stopping them in their tracks.
  15. antimattergizmo

    antimattergizmo Shipwright

    You can't forget that a tunnel they dig (probably when they notice losing numbers and the teams overground advancement)
    will be hasty and not very trap laiden, meaning for the most part you can use their long labor for a quarter as much getting a straight way to the flag ;)