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Other Blowjob 3.33

Easy to update and configure, unique player head mod

  1. Sasquash

    Sasquash Zicronium Merchant Donator

    @Vamist rabbit.png You can save it properly and have this in the next blowjob update ^^
    @Skinney next update just remove mine Ty, (Since I have your BF bunny face now :P)
  2. LegendBeta

    LegendBeta Shopkeep Stealer

    Thank you 25252525

    EDIT: I probably just came across a little harsh because it was the second time I had actually attempted to get my head in the next update and somehow got missed again.

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  3. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    Thank you Sasquash :heart: for the bunny, so i edited the colour :heart:

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  4. Lost_Soul_

    Lost_Soul_ Catapult Fodder

    oh, you forget my head too ...

    Thank you, to add it :)

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  5. crashboom10

    crashboom10 Catapult Fodder

    Damnit! my head ended up looking crap... so here is my new one.

    can someone make it 64x16 please so its right, i'm dyslexic and its so hard for me to count pixels, i will forget mid count... THANKS!

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  6. Skinney

    Skinney THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator Tester

    LegendBeta likes this.
  7. Jean-Bhono

    Jean-Bhono Catapult Fodder

    Hey ! I love your mod ! Can you had my head please ? :3

    there it is !

    thaaanks :D

    Edit : Oh, and how can i set my head in game ? I can't have it ^^

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  8. Blizzarz

    Blizzarz Shark Slayer

    Your head will be in the blowjob mainfile. So, you have to connect on a server with blowjob mod. For example, Beo's servers don't have blowjob mod and then you will not see your head in game ;) !...
    By the way, it's changing your head automatically. You can't use any heads but yours in a server using Blowjob mod
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2015
    Snake19 likes this.
  9. Kisawi

    Kisawi Catapult Fodder

    Hello !

    Can you add my friend's head please ?

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  10. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    Could you add my old one back in <3

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  11. Jean-Bhono

    Jean-Bhono Catapult Fodder

    Thanks !!!
    Blizzarz likes this.
  12. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    I've gotten two people that have told me that some dingdong is using my head. This is not ok. I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION TO ANYONE TO USE MY HEAD WITHOUT ASKING.
  13. lmckean20

    lmckean20 Bison Rider

    sorry but what do I use to make the head what system
  14. ScriptKiddy

    ScriptKiddy Shipwright

    Pls up

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  15. Skinney

    Skinney THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator Tester

    There is nobody in the official list with the username dingdong, I think one of us is getting trolled.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 15, 2015, Original Post Date: Apr 15, 2015 ---
    You can use whatever software you want, requirements are:
    • dimensions: 64x16 (width, height)
    • type: png
    • background: 0 alpha (fully transparent)
    blackjoker77777 and Chukka like this.
  16. Mfw lumeos stole my old head (now zhuum's), changed a few pixels and calls it his... Without permission. Some people ;-;
  17. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Haha skinney I was calling that person a dingdong because I didn't want to call them a fuckhead
  18. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    You can look through the head files yourself if you think someone stole your head. The only other person I found with a pig head is Trojan, and it's pretty clear that it's not a copy of yours, they're different heads (besides the fact that they're both pigs.)
  19. TheAverageMan

    TheAverageMan Shark Slayer
    1. DUCKS - We Love DUCKS

    Saw it on someone called SirLoading on the Necromancer vs All server. Their profile seems private though -their avatar is also a pig so maybe they just really like pigs, who knows.

    I can't find anyone called SirLoading posting on this thread, but if you go on The Soprano's Necromancer Server and download the mod, then go into your mods folder > Soprano Server > Entities > Characters > Sprites you can find a set of three heads, the pig one is there and that's the one he's using http://i.imgur.com/RbvHbqu.png So I guess those heads are separate from the blowjob mod :/ fyi sirloading owns that server.

    Someone is using swine's head, I guess it's just being used in another mod instead of blowjob (which is not allowed I'm guessing?)
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2015
    TheDirtySwine likes this.
  20. Highlander_

    Highlander_ Horde Gibber

    would it be possible for you to implement this head?

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