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My take on KAGs lore.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Darksteel, May 16, 2015.

  1. Darksteel

    Darksteel The see me Boulderin', they hatin'. Donator
    1. Australians United Stand Strong - AUSS - (Invite Only)

    A long time ago, somewhere in a land of knights in shining armor and burning peasants...

    KAGs (unofficial) Lore!

    There once was a ruler named Arthur, his kingdom as wide as his chest, had he two knights to serve him:

    Geti and Henry. (The best!)

    All was fine and well, until on a fateful night, an assailant crept, to strike a blow,

    And hit he with all of his might, though not inept, and to alls woe,

    T'was not Arthur nor Geti nor even Sir Henry, but fair princess Shanon he slew,

    And Arthur weeped and weeped for the loss of his daughter was too great,

    But devising a plan, with sword in hand, Geti set out to change her fate.

    To the lair of Sedgewick he went, for legends are spent, of powers to revive the late,

    At the doors of his palace, stood the Magus of Malice and all things mortals dread,

    "I have the spell you wish, but you must know this, not life but only undead."

    "I must also be true, the cost of her is you, And this cause cannot be pled."

    ~part two~

    A heartbroken shell, Arthurs heart though did swell, at the news of a chance to undo,

    Sedgewicks scheme, to resurrect did seem, atleast slightly untrue.

    "Immense gold must be gathered," said he, for the one known as Geti to become She.

    The gold of the kingdom thus came to bear, in the arms of the Ranger: Lancer and Peon: Dare.

    Dare spoke first: "You would trust our gold to this madman?"

    the Ranger second: "Sire your madness has more than began!"

    Henry spoke next: "Shanon would not desire this, stop! I know you can!"

    And for a time, doubt stung the kings eyes.

    But Sedgewick acted first his eyes on the prize.

    ~Rhyming part over~ (You were sick of it anyway)

    And the world was shattered in two.

    The gold of the kingdom had been enchanted with a spell to defy death, but the magic was twisted.

    For Sedgewick had planned to betray the King from the start, and create an army of his elite knight.

    Henry was skewed a thousand fold, and 1000 of him rose, every drop of gold became a soul that couldn't die.

    Dare and the Lancer suffered the same fate, twisting and ripping and rising again.

    King Arthur and Sedgewick were not turned undying like those three, but were however made into a fixed point for the ripped souls.

    Meaning they are required to be alive for Dare, Lancer and Henry to respawn for their respective colour, (Blue for Arthur, Red for Sedgewick.)

    The princess was resurrected and taken by Sedgewick... in a new, twisted form. (Princess Geti)

    Thus began the days of "Gold Rush" in which both sides hunted only gold and mostly ignored each other.

    After large quantities of gold had been amassed, King Arthur sent his strongest Knight to reclaim Geti, and he did, though Sedgewick escaped without harm.

    It was then that Arthur aquired a strange technology, flags, formerly he had been required to be on a battlefield for his troops to respawn there, however, the flags allowed him to send souls out to battlefields many miles away.

    It is now that "tickets" start appearing, these are calculated by stockpiled gold in the main base, both Sedgewick and Arthur could send their units around the kingdom to fight each other.

    Thus began CTF, in which flags must be captured to prevent the enemy from respawning, Outposts were invented here, which explains why they needed gold to be made. (Every single thing you can respawn at in KAG requires gold to be made.)

    Later on, Arthur started sending men into Sedgewicks territory, Sedgewick, who held much less gold at the time, could not spare the men, and instead sent his Necromantic minions in stead of his knights. (Thus starting Zombie fortress.)

    ~Classic lore ends here~

    It has been many years since then, gold stockpiles are so high on either side, that "Tickets" no longer factor into fights.

    Halls have been established across the land as flags were easy to remove. A design flaw is that either side can claim a hall. (Thus begins TTH.)

    Somewhere along the way, differences in the souls of Dare, Lancer and Henry began to manifest in hair and headgear, though this requires a split soul to cough up some personal gold to happen.

    Animals have become highly aggresive due to the nature of the war.

    Zombies are no longer appearing due to lack of bodies with range of Sedgewicks magic (He is so petrified about losing the war that he won't leave his keep.)

    King Arthur never leaves his castle either, rather, spends his time with his daughter/First knight, Princess Geti, strategizing on how to win the war.

    The war still wages. It waits until one side is supremely victorious, by killing Sedgewick or Arthur the war will end... And both are growing close to dying of old age.

    Who knows when the war will end?

    Wow you read all that? well done, really.
  2. PeggleFrank

    PeggleFrank Base Burner


    I think I lost a good half of what you were saying after the rhyming part, but the part I did understand I liked.
    Darksteel likes this.
  3. Darksteel

    Darksteel The see me Boulderin', they hatin'. Donator
    1. Australians United Stand Strong - AUSS - (Invite Only)

    I'll write it down in understandable English.

    An assailant attacks King Arthur's Castle and kills princess Shanon. (That was the princess before it was replaced with the sprite of Geti.)

    Geti travels to Sedgewick castle to get the Necromancer to revive her, Sedgewick demands Geti's life and a butt load of gold in exchange.

    Sedgewick enchants the gold with a spell to make himself an undying army, and the three people closest to the gold when Sedgewick activates the spell are made into these undying soldiers. (Dare: Builder, Lancer: Archer, Henry: Knight.)

    Sedgewicks plan goes awry when King Arthur is able to claim half of the souls, making a blue army to combat Sedgewick's red.

    And Princess Shanon's soul is fused with Geti's to become "Princess Geti."


    I realized you said after the rhyming part just now, I uh, don't know how to make that clearer, sorry.
    Last edited: May 17, 2015
    PeggleFrank likes this.
  4. LegendBeta

    LegendBeta Shopkeep Stealer

    11/10 would read again!
    Darksteel likes this.
  5. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Pretty good story, love how you have an answer for the whole kag history... Really good
    Darksteel likes this.
  6. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Eragon likes this.

    Nice story
    blackjoker77777 and Darksteel like this.
  7. Lawrence_Shagsworth

    Lawrence_Shagsworth Joke Slayer Official Server Admin

    Can't help but commend the poetry. Well done
    Dargona1018 and Darksteel like this.
  8. Umel1_X

    Umel1_X Baka Police Donator

  9. Darksteel

    Darksteel The see me Boulderin', they hatin'. Donator
    1. Australians United Stand Strong - AUSS - (Invite Only)

    What's up?
  10. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I really enjoyed the Classic lore, even though I never really played it anything other than Sandbox back then.
    Geti's real name is Shanon confirmed.
    EhRa and Darksteel like this.