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Important Ban Appeals

Discussion in 'Groups' started by Aphelion, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Durveniir

    Durveniir Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Hello, @PinXviiN ,
    I am happy you contributed to my ban appeal, really happy you care about it. I understand that you guys care that your server, I respect that, and I really wish to express my opinion on the matter.
    1. I really acted badly, I rarely helped people, and argued with you and zhuum.
    2. I wanted that armour, badly, and I was clouded by it.
    3. My character is changed. I do not crave as much gold as I usually do.
    4. I wont hesitate to follow roleplay, report bad people ( such as myself before), and be happy to help all.
    5. I wont bother to ask for help, but I wont command anyone by saying: Got Gold?
    6. I want to show you that I changed, you will be the ones judging my behavior from now on.

    These are my points on my own behalf. I want to apologize again for my rational behavior, and I want to let these actions in the past. I really wish you will understand me, as an admin and as a player of this server.

    Snow ::):
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2015
  2. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Well seems Durve you really want to be nicer and play once more on the server. I really do hope that I see a better you when you play for times to come. I will unban you for now and I really hope you'll not break trust I put in you. I hope you spend your time well in server - with fun and roleplay.


    Few sidenotes. I am not a native english speaker but I believe you wanted to say apologies for your irrational behaviour
    And sentence like this:
    That sentence implies you are admin. Are you really?

    Just Half-assed grammar nazi and Lord of Typos here :P
  3. Durveniir

    Durveniir Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    @zhuum Hahahh, I know, really should put effort in my English. Thanks, again.:flex:::D:
  4. Mokosh

    Mokosh Horde Gibber

    Not sure why I got banned.

    One second I was trying to push an elf away from a dwarven ballista that they were capturing -on top of the dwarf castle- the next thing I know I'm banned.
  5. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Server crahsed, not a ban :D
  6. Mokosh

    Mokosh Horde Gibber

    It says I'm banned from the server when I try to connect.

    EDIT: Nevermind, it's letting me on now. Strange crash.
  7. SlashyX99

    SlashyX99 Catapult Fodder

    I always play Elves, but today I saw that some people are playing orcs so I became an orc too. I mined a bit, then went to the Elvish land. I mined A tree from a Tree house and an elv come to me and asked me why did I mine it, and I said I want wood, then I said in clues: "( orcs are not smart )", I was just roleplaying. Then, I tried to mine that small treehouse, but I didn't want to grief, only was a joke, and I thought that I will die, but I didn't... I only wanted to make a joke because orcs are "silly".... Then, someone said I am griefieng and I will be perma banned. I telled him: "Man, let me build it back, I didn't want to grief".... but he banned me ( after frozing me ).... I was just roleplaying, but I promisse that I won't do jokes that involve griefing anymore... please, unban me, I am not a bad player, I always roleplay, and this was just a bad joke... I feel so guilty, but I am really, really sorry! Give me another chanche, I was roleplaying a stupid orc, not a griefer, I am not bad, I was just making a really stupid joke.
  8. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Alright you have been unbanned. And as we spoke earlier, being silly and stupid orc is fine, but griefing whole big house down before some more explanations or so is indeed bad joke. I was about to roleplay more with you with words but before I could finish typing my sentence and also explaining you should not grief much more, you turned around and did what you did. No hard feelings though these things happen.
  9. KingChaos

    KingChaos Catapult Fodder
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Hello, My ingame name is Paladin, (clantag is usually "King Paladadin")
    and I was PERMANETLY banned for three things, which I EASILY explained, I was told it would be a permanent ban, and then I was told it would be a ten minute ban, but 20 minutes later, I still cant get on,
    the humans (I was on humans) were warring with orcs, and I had some Dragon Knight armour I had gotten from a floating island, an admin who called himself something along the lines of "the watcher" or "the wanderer" stopped me mid-battle because he said noom had not been defeated yet, I was not aware of this, so he told me to give him the armour, and the sword, and we would be cool,
    so, I did.
    later, when I was just kind of wandering around, I got into the orcs base, and was sneaking around, (just generally spying xD) and I came out, and started a vote war, since I knew their weak points, and we had lost previously said war, and losing resources, so I started a vote war, and it was declined by the only other person on our team, so I team chatted him, pretty much saying I knew where to go, twice, and he didnt reply, so I started another vote like, 3-5 minutes later, and it was declined, so I came out of their base, and I went back to my base (I was an archer), so I was on top of our little barrier, and watcher came and mentioned something about 'you warred them twice', and exactly what I said was, "and? is it against a rule or something?", Maybe it sounded aggressive, and thats why what happened later, happened, but I was then frozen, and told that it WAS against a rule, which, I wasnt aware of,
    watcher then went on to tell me that I had broken 3 rules, that I
    1. had the dragon armour,
    2. had random warred them
    3. was attacking the Orcs in neutral,
    which, I was able to explain,
    1. I didnt even KNOW the armour was glitched,
    2. I apologized, because although I had reasons, I wasnt aware you could start a vote to war someone twice in a row, and after the second time I had already stopped, so its not like I was spamming it
    3. I was attacking the orcs, but that was when they came to our base, and when THEY kept on shooting me with arrows, I fell into the water multiple times, and while I know "two wrongs dont make a right", I would hit them until they went in their base, and that was only 2 times after they had shot me,
    even though I explained this all, (much shorter though,) I was still told that I would be permanent banned, and then I was told I would be 10 minute banned, I assumed it would be fine if it was a ten minute ban, it kind of pissed me off that I explained it but I STILL got banned, but before he said something about a Perma-ban, and 27 minutes later (as of right now while I am typing), I am still getting messages saying that I am banned,
    Even if it is a Perma-ban and you dont accept it, cant I atleast get a second chance since I was a donator? I wont attack anyone in neutral, and I NOW know, not to vote war someone twice in a row,
    Thank you
  10. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    I banned you only for 10 minutes, I told you that too...
    Plus, the server was bugged, nobody was able to join. That is fixed now.
  11. KingChaos

    KingChaos Catapult Fodder
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    ok, thank you,
    I thought it was permanent because, in the comment before, you had said it was permanent, then 10 mins, and when I couldnt access it 20-30 minutes later, I thought it was a perma-ban
  12. MlgPeppaPig

    MlgPeppaPig Catapult Fodder

    Hello, I was playing on the server and was banned for admin disrespect. I have been playing kag recently but its not the same. I have been banned for about 4 days and have regretted it all.
    Username: Mlg Peppa Pig or ChewyChewyBootyBooty (Don't Remeber which one i was banned on) The admin who banned was thinking about lifting25252525
  13. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    I've been banned for over ten minutes, and I haven't done anything that would get me votekicked.
    No griefing, no swearing, no OOC without // and no bad RP.
    Could I get unbanned?
    If not, I'd at least like to know why I've been banned.
  14. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    Does it still show that "you are banned" message box or you just keep disconnecting when trying to join? If the second way, then the server is bugged, just wait people to next map.
    Also if you haven't been frozen or warned by an admin you shouldn't be banned for long.
  15. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    After a while I actually can rejoin, but then I get kicked again. After that it's the regular "you've been banned on this server" messagebox, for a while.
    Guess the server must be bugged then, thanks a lot!
  16. Sasquash

    Sasquash Zicronium Merchant Donator

    So because of a misunderstanding with the forums about alts, they merged my accounts posts to this one which makes clear that zappnflip is my alt in game. I will preface this appeal with an apology for dodging a ban. Given the odd circumstance that enables this post, I will take this opportunity to explain things a bit more thoroughly than before: My initial issues that were resolved previously are unfortunate. This latest (and now several month old issue) was an out of game conversation that I was having privately with a friend. I would have taken that conversation to a mod developer myself to make sure that Aphelion RP had permissions to continue using it: Said conversation was misconstrued as a malicious attempt to disable the server which is rather silly since I actually enjoy the server most of the time, and have strived to improve the quality of rp throughout both accounts activity on there. zappnflip's grace period hadn't been activated and I would like to do so for Sasquash instead. ((Yes those are both the official KAG usernames). I am sincerely sorry that the instance got mistook for something foul. As we all know, said mod developer both listed their content as public but prior to that said that they didn't mind. If I had been the one to have that conversation that would have concluded there and nothing further would have been heard out of me.

    Addressing my rants: I appologize for a recent rather frustrated statement, I was having issues with individuals within several different clans in sandbox servers and elsewhere playing cancerously. It was pointed out to me that the clans as a whole strive toward bettering gameplay and that troublesome individuals should 'sour' the opinions on the whole clan. I have repeatedly tried to contact and reach out to correct the above issue. I suspect that both accounts will suffer from this but one can only try and hope for the best. Again to be clear; I would like to use zappnflip's immunity (my alt) to clear Sasquash of the current ban. I swear to keep my nose out of things in that regard and respecting that. I enjoy the content and the way things are headed. I would greatly appreciate a chance to return on my normal account.
  17. Aphelion

    Aphelion Wunderkind Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I've removed the ban from your main account and swapped the sponsor status.
  18. Sasquash

    Sasquash Zicronium Merchant Donator

    the server is currently empty so it'd be an ideal point to update the seclevs
  19. reddigex

    reddigex Builder Stabber

    I have been banned for destroying an elf team's doors i am permanently banned without questioning. So an undead knight is rising out of a tunnel chasing me i ask the elf to let me through and he disagrees i try to vote for peace and he immediately declines and i am left with no way to get through so i break down the doors and run like mad hell because the undead knight was tearing his sh*t up bad. He later claims to have reported me and i apologized but he said its too late idiot never once did i curse at him. I an very displeased with this and i wish that i got a chance to tell my side of the story. Please inform me of the results soon! :( I apologize for any conveniences I may have caused. My ingame name is The Soviet and user is reddigex
  20. Winterbird

    Winterbird Shark Slayer

    (Note that this is not an unban appeal, but rather a message to @zhuum)

    So i want you to rethink permanent bans before you make them.
    The fact that it is bannable to question a ban is bannable, is in my opinion abit weird.

    So let's first look at the first ban you made which will be the core of this message, so first thing i did wrong was to go out of RP to report a "Rulebreaker" in my opinion, as he stole my crate/destroyed it then i went to you (thus leaving rp and making you leave rp) right, this was my first mistake, but then you proceed to tell me that you would ban me for 10 minuttes when in fact the ban was much longer. Aphelion said that this was infact an unfair ban, he said : ("You can appeal on the forums, remember to say that you were unfairly banned")

    Then because i questioned this ban and asked if we could forget any problems from the past, but then you chose the ban me permanently.

    I am not asking for an unban, i am rather asking you to rethink your bans in the future.