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TDM changes

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Mariox222, Aug 20, 2015.


What do you think

  1. all changes should be added

    3 vote(s)
  2. only some of the changes should be added

    8 vote(s)
  3. none should be added

    2 vote(s)
Mods: Rainbows
  1. Mariox222

    Mariox222 Arsonist
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    Hi guys. Today I'm here to talk about the new maps in TDM that include mechanics. They can be really fun because they will give you random items, instead of desired items that you would buy at the map with shops. But there are few things that are sometimes unfair and ruin the fun.
    First, let's start with water bombs. I'm sure that many of you have felt that dispensers and chests drop too much water bombs that has no other use than ruining the fun. It seems that when compared to bombs, water bombs have same chance to be droped, maybe even higher. For those who are thinking that that seems OK, I'm reminding you that water bombs cost is 2 times higher than bombs cost. Finnaly, reducing a water bombs chance to drop will fix this problem. (in this paragraph i wasn't refering to water arrows too, only water bombs)
    Second thing I want to talk about is money (coins) being droped upon opening chests. I don't see the purpose of this. First, you get items that help you get kills and money, second you allready have 50 coins by default when you spawn and third you get extra coins from chests themselves. After a couple of matches with chests in a row, I ussualy end up with 200 coins just by opening chests and killing 3-4 people.
    And finnal topic is again water bombs, but this time i want to talk about it in maps with shops. Currently they cost 40 coins and can be bought with starting 50 coins. That can lead to insanely annoying abuse of it. My suggestion is raising the price to 60 coins. That way people can't buy them every round.

    In a nutshell:
    -reduce water bomb chance to drop
    -remove money being dropped from chests
    -raise the price of water bombs from 40 to 60
    Right now water arrows are just fine in my opinion because knights can buy 2 bombs and leave archers almost helpless.
    Thank you for reading, this is my first thread and sorry for my bad english.
    J-man2003 and PUNK123 like this.
  2. ShamWow-SuperRag

    ShamWow-SuperRag zamn Donator Tester

    I like the changes to water, but not removing money from chests. Usually people that go for chests battle each other for it, and the one that wins earns it (usually).
    J-man2003 likes this.
  3. swagbot

    swagbot Shopkeep Stealer

    I agree the coin drop from chests is incentive to bottleneck the chests, but if the amount of coins dropped is reduced that fact won't change. A lot of people don't even realize you can get a fuckload of coins from the chests anyway or even care.

    I'd like to see some chests have a small chance of blowing up upon opening. Dummy chests pls Geti kthnx.
  4. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Personally, I'd like to see an overhaul to the way you get coins in TDM. Right now, you always have 50 coins at the start of the round unless you have more. I think it shouldn't be "if the player has less than 50 coins, set the coins to 50", but "if the player won, add 20 coins" or "if the player lost, add 10 coins" as well as increasing the amount of coins you get for certain tasks, e.g. dealing damage, killing players, reduce the cost of dying, etc.


    Because right now, at the start of every round, people always buy the same thing. I personally grab 2 water arrows 90% of the time (@daskew87) simply because I cannot afford anything cooler, nor am I forced to buy something cheaper like fire arrows. With the new system, you will have a different number of coins at the start of every round and you'll see a lot more different items and strategies.

    As well as this, you'll be able to raise the price of certain items (e.g. water bomb, bomb arrow, mine) without making it so seeing them is a 1 in 10 rounds type of deal like it is with the keg or the mounted bow.

    I'd also like to see the pricing redone. Right now, burgers, bomb arrows, water bombs and mines are all cheap while being extremely ... well, cheap. Every time I'm killed by a mine in a bush, or a knight throwing a water bomb, or a bomb arrow with the hitbox the size of the Sun, I just want to leave. I am not saying there isn't counters to any of these items, but all counters involve playing like a boring campy archer and not doing what TDM is made for. I'd also like some items' prices reduced, for example, the boulder, fire arrows, and kegs.

    Also, I want the gimmick maps removed.
    NinjaCell and daskew87 like this.
  5. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    I personally grab 2 water arrows 90% of the time (@daskew87)

  6. Mariox222

    Mariox222 Arsonist
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    Hahaha nice meme :D
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
    Blue_Tiger and blackjoker77777 like this.
  7. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    tdm just needs a shop on every map to stop the frequent archer camping
    Mariox222 likes this.
  8. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    TDM just needs builders and nothing more
    J-man2003, Darknighte9 and Obione5256 like this.
  9. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    to be honest, most of the maps are flawed, at least in my view. Maps that have areas that loop around are op for archers because all they need to do is run around them infinitely escaping their prey, maps that are floating islands are op for archers because all the shitter archers just grapple underneath and spam the 2 and 5 keys. i like the chests and how they give you coins, but i don't think any water items should spawn from them at all, i don't think anyone here will disagree with me that water is by far the greatest anti skill item in the game. If i had my way i would completely remove water from the knights arsenal and increase the cost of water arrows by 10 coins and add in a diminishing returns effect on overuse of water.
    Blue_Tiger and PUNK123 like this.
  10. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Tdm needs more maps... I remember in classic / alpha kag, in most tdm servers, they had a large variety, think some even have 100+

    Decreasing the rate water arrows are dropped will help. I've seen many archers spam water arrows on tdm, hit 3+ knights and have a single knight double slash them all.

    Water bombs aren't much a problem. Although that may because I love throwing and catching them at the end of the match...
  11. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Mmph, on my opinion, island maps should get deleted (coz camp is insane, ye) and the waterbombs Would get nerfed (actuall, a bad waterbomber will just stun his own body and a really good player can throw the waterbomb back - and yes, I performed this and not once)
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 27, 2015 ---
    Still the rate is big, this is right. They should get chance of 1/2 of chance a normal bomb should spawn
  12. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Water arrows require teamwork, water bombs require no skill.
    NinjaCell and EhRa like this.
  13. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    ? You gotta for one aim it, how far the mouse is across the screen and the height all depends on accuracy, than of someone rushes at you and is close by, you'll get stunned to, and players can catch.... Yeah.... After play msg since 2012 I still can't use bombs whatsoever xD
  14. watermelon200

    watermelon200 Catapult Fodder

    i agree with everything you said
  15. swagbot

    swagbot Shopkeep Stealer

    Plus the fact that they can have knockback if thrown hard enough/carelessly means they can only be used in particular situations or else you just stun/knockback a knight out of your bloodcircle. I can see how they would be cheap if you're not conscious of the fact that an enemy may have water and luring you into a trap where he can water/kill you, but if you're evasive and don't let yourself walk into an obvious trap, then they're not so cheap. Plus they're extremely helpful for catching kiting archers. If you don't wanna give me an opening in your kiting, then you're getting your ass watered. Water has it's place, people are just hating.
    toffie0 likes this.
  16. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Yes, but as an archer who loves to get into a knights face, water just spoils all the fun and forces me to play super safe like a noob.
  17. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    swag most people dont even care what your doing, you could be just trying to fight 3 people, without running, and then one guy whips out a water bomb like a douche and ruins the fun. Water is just an incredibly overpowered item, and im pretty sure most people would agree that water bombs deserve heavy nerfs at this point. My idea was to make it so water bombs dont explode on impact, making them require much more skill to use overall.
  18. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    May beh, Im not right, but waterbomb with bad usage deals damage to yourself - you can stun yourself instead of enemies, or just stun em out outofzone/on bomb /on smth else benefiting em.
    Also, archers never were closerange fighters, they kind of have bows . n .
    A fine bomb have almost numberless uses - explode wall, explode enemies, stun running archer, bombjump, explode and jump, ruin and jump, explode and kill - shitloads of uses. Fine waterbomb have maximally 2 usages - stun enemy and knockback him into void. (While knockback can be performed with bomb too and same with stunning, also adding some damage.)
    Waterbombs as for me should stay how they are, stop nerfing knight pls, he already got like 6 nerfs in a row.
    And pls, gib builders into TDM
  19. swagbot

    swagbot Shopkeep Stealer

    Sounds like a problem with the community, not the mechanics. Stop playing pubs with bads if you don't like it. It's like refusing to add customizable classic-styled taunts because spammers will abuse it, or like asking for feigns to be removed because it's too meta; removing water would punish the community that prefers to play fairly moreso than punish those who abuse it.

    It's not that overpowered, you just can't run at someone headlong that might water you. Cooking water bombs like bombs won't necessarily solve the "problem" and people will still whine about anyone that uses water. They're generally disliked because noone likes to get stunned, not because they're OP.

    If you're in their face, they'll only stun themself as well as you. That might let him get a jab in on you, but if anything that means you should get him to show his cards before you engage him so closely. Kite a little bit to see what he has in his inventory instead of blindly getting in a knight's face... :huh?:
Mods: Rainbows