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Devlog [KAG] Build 1591 - Maps and Bombs!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Geti, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Hey Everyone!

    (Weekly log covering TR progress likely coming on Monday when we can fully asses the situation, today was all about KAG)

    Finally getting out this “mostly small fixes with some bigger stuff” build after testing has come back ok! Sorry for the delays!

    Spamming bombs with abandon is less likely to bring you success this build.
    Sorry Henry!

    This build’s headline changes are:
    • Big CTF Map Changes!
      CTF maps have long been a cause of stalemates and frustration - even in capable hands sometimes flags are too well protected or frustrating to capture, or are woefully under-defended, and often it’s easier to get to the enemy tent before capping the flag. All in all it can be a war of attrition; this build’s map changes aim to fix that as much as possible. Flags are less scattered, fewer, and further from the tent. Base areas are prepared to actually have a base dropped down into them. Rush distances are often shorter. A few especially annoying areas have been reworked. We look forward to your feedback on the map changes and revisiting many maps from other modes.
    • News is back!
      The in-launcher news feed is back and will be brought up to date as soon as possible, so you can check for update info on the go!
    • Reverted Trap Blocks
      As frustrating as it is for us to revert changes, we’re happy to do it in this case until a “real” solution is agreed on forum-side. Get your thinking caps on and help us figure out how this should be approached - we’re well aware some of you will be happy to go back to sharking out of pits, but the rest of us would prefer the builder have a well rounded, mostly-idiot-proof set of tools at their disposal.
    • Bomb Explosion Radius Decreased
      We were surprised (and pleased!) at the support for this on the forums. We expected most knight-main players to be angrily oposed to the thought of reduced bomb spam, but the opposite proved to be true. Archers should have an easier time avoiding bomb explosions and the new explosion radius should reward aiming your bombs all the more. Cost and damage have not been touched. Keep in mind that this is an experimental change, but we’re happy to be able to move forward with it.
    • Engine Update
      There’s been quite a big engine update behind all of this that exposes a few more things to scripting and fixes a few more edge case bugs and crashes. Modders will be pleased to know you can now properly remove polygonal bodies from blobs (allowing dynamically reshaped polygon objects, if your heart desires).
    • General bug fixes
      “Weird” corpse collisions, missing match timers, drilling people through closed doors, water decaying blocks in hand, a few vote issues, and a few engine-side bugs have been fixed! Thanks to the community members involved in some of these fixes, and see the full changelog for details.
    Changes for hosts Generally changes that wont affect most of you, but important for community server hosts to be aware of:
    • TCP RCON on Windows
      TCP RCON now works for windows dedicated servers (although they remain unsupported, this is very useful for locally testing some mods). The linux implementation has also been reworked completely.
    • “Safer” API Client
      The API Client code used for registering the server is now a little “safer” about how it works and should crash less often (fingers crossed). Hosts: let us know if you see improvements, regressions, or no change with regard to API-related crashes and server registration.
    That’s it! Let us know what you think on facebook, twitter, and in-game!

    Have Fun!


    Full Changelog:

    [modified] LOTS of map changes - flags generally more exposed and further from tent to prevent stalemates and "base-raping"
    [modified] arrow always hits burgers and fishies (and anything tagged food) - not hearts this time though (couldn't make it work cheaply)
    [fixed] drill hitting through doors
    [fixed] dead players taking gold with them to the afterlife (everyone drops everything on death)
    [modified] water does not decay doors held in the hand (thanks Obione5256__)
    [modified] corpse collisions - should be less snagging!
    [added] synced-based rendering of time to end of match
    [fixed] tiny chat font (still some tiny fonts to fix still!)
    [modified] boulders take 50% damage from swords and arrows
    [modified] reverted trap blocks changes - will need more real discussion about a solution or alternative block, hit the forums folks
    [modified][experimental] reduced bomb radius by two tiles to reduce bomb spam and reward aiming with them
    [updated] engine, polygonal bodies removeshape fix, tcpr re-implementation, API "maybe fix" from MM
    [fixed] voting for surrender as spectator
    [fixed] news not being read properly

    Original: http://www.thd.vg/post/127775907705/kag-build-1591-maps-and-bombs
  2. xTheSwiftOnex

    xTheSwiftOnex Bison Rider

    B... B... But.... I actually liked the previous trap blocks.
    PanduhsFTW likes this.
  3. GreyHCK

    GreyHCK Shark Slayer

    the ex-new trap blocks were cool, mainly cause the other team could not exploit traps to hide in there anymore. But on the other side, those trapblocks became a pain in the ass whenever you used them to build stairs for your team on walls or even in mid air by placing single trap blocks on backwalls.
    Taking the case of the single (or even multiple) trap blocks in mid air, the problem there was that, basically, instead of colliding with the trap block, a player would just pass through it making him unable to reach higher places.
    For trap blocks on walls, the problem was that, whenever multiple players attempted to climb a wall using trap blocks, the different timing in those actions just resulted in a total waste of time cause nobody could actually climb the wall, forcing players to take turns to jump over the trap blocks.
    Also trapblocks used to cover traps became in some occasions dangerous for the whole team too: i recall whitnessing players that just kept falling into saw traps placed under the team's tunnel cause, while pressing s to open doors placed on top of said tunnel or descend ladders to reach it, they couldn't release the button in time (especially when on ladders), making those players pass through trap blocks and meet a friendly saw that was there ready to hug those lucky boys.

    i think there should be a more complex control mechanism behind trap blocks if we want to keep the ex-new trapblocks' main behavior.
    NinjaCell, Biurza and heX_ like this.
  4. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Someone tab in game.

    Its funny.

    The names keep randomly swapping, probably someting to do with custom names
  5. Loominati

    Loominati Shipwright

    I liked both trap blocks, perhaps make the other ones (the buggy saw trap blocks) a different block altogether.
  6. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Issues we are aware about:
    • Flickering names - not something we tested for, awkward but should be straightforward fix
    • GFX issues - more complicated, basically some engine stuff changed with this and we've got to figure out exactly what is being done wrong.
    • Crashes - Again, definitely something we're acutely aware of, seems to happen more in release than test/debug builds unfortunately, probably due to more players in-game at any one time.
    Noburu likes this.
  7. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Hotfix inbound for the name flickering and potentially (one of?) the crashes. Can't do anything about the GFX issues I'm afraid, that'll have to wait.

    Assuming there's no further apocalypse stuff I'll be leaving it til Monday after this is all out.
    Noburu likes this.
  8. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester


    also i do prefer the trapblocks now, but the ones that were just reverted arent completely terrible(they worked well for preventing flooding)
    tru0067 likes this.
  9. tru0067

    tru0067 Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester

    Glad to see the trap block revert, they definitely had a lot of issues even if it fixed some of the other problems with them (sharking (although I never saw this as a problem...)). The map changes are very welcome and having seen a few of them they're looking really nice and very well thought out. Nice to see the news fix (thought it was just me lol!). The bomb changes make a WORLD of difference. It's super amazing great.

    https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/petition-to-revert-back-to-old-trap-block-mechanics.23952/ -> seems to be the place for trap block discussion...
  10. GreyHCK

    GreyHCK Shark Slayer

    i'm surprised the bomb nerf isn't so bad, i almost can't tell the difference. The new bombs feel safer

    edit: nvm, it's harder to bombjump in midair
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2015
    Biurza likes this.
  11. Withror

    Withror Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Thanks Geti!
  12. heX_

    heX_ Bison Rider


    Map changes sound great too, down with 3flag maps! Gonna go check it all out right away
    tru0067, PUNK123 and norill like this.
  13. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    YES YES YES - nothing more to say! :dance:
  14. AJFaas

    AJFaas Base Burner
    1. supr sekrit cln [skrt]

    The griefers thank you geti, gj. just get rid of the damn trapblocks for now if you dont know how to implement it right. because unbreakable and unpassable blocks are frustrated as hell. On a sidenote i think this is the update that pushes me over the fence like other updates did others before me. Im fed up with this back and forth updating. I know it must be hard for you to still work on this game and get mostly stank in return. But youre basically pissing everyone off with your balancing back and forth bs. gl in the future and may you obtain common sense one day.
    Fuzzle likes this.
  15. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    And yet you felt the need to add to it? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm all for voicing genuine frustration and all that. But since when did this:
    count as constructive? :huh?: Come on dude, you can do better than that.
  16. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    So far i have not seen anything wrong with the update other than the trap block issue, that's out of getis hands though so its not fair to blame him. Overall a very nice update indeed, bombs actually make sense now, making it easier to block as a knight and easier for archers and builders to survive on the battlefield.
  17. please never stop posting
    Noburu likes this.
  18. Mariox222

    Mariox222 Arsonist
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    I dont like current trap blocks.
    Really nice job with the maps!
  19. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    heh, "current"
    I love how some people on the servers say "THEY FUCKED UP TRAPBLOCKS AGAIN!" or "THESE NEW TRAPBLOCKS ARE EVEN WORSE!".
    Somehow before the first change - build 1537 everything was fine. People did not say a word about them. And now?! All this mess because of adding something not discussed / finished and bugged.
    Geti please, next time test properly trapblocks before you add them to the game.

    For many people trapblocks are bad only because there are tons of noobs who don't know how to use them. They build shitty and huge pits that are used against them later on. It's just exactly the same as with jab-spamming knights - they jabs because they lack the skill. Probably that's why trapblocks will be hated forever.
    In my opinion trapblocks should stay as they are now. People are bad, not the trapblocks.
    MadRaccoon likes this.
  20. heX_

    heX_ Bison Rider

    Maybe an ingame tip would help - something like "Trap blocks can be used to the enemy's advantage if placed incorrectly - think before you build!" Not sure if many people read these, but probably some of the newer players do , and they are the ones causing most of the issues people have with trapblocks. Tips need to stay up longer too, btw, they dissapear fast.