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[203] Lack of skilled archers

Discussion in 'Archer' started by Wyeth, Nov 24, 2011.

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  1. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    We need an Alternative Sword fight practice - Goddamn Shooting range practice!
  2. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    We can make that ourselves too you know that right? :)
    Maybe bring it up in the modding section somewhere ... possibly under gamemodes?
  3. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    You see,Im not the best archer out there,but after 1 week of hunting players I got used to arrow physics , so personally I dont need this kind of mod anymore(but I'd love to see it anyway).

    However,newcomers need it,as archer looks underpowered for them,while he is actually deadly and balanced.
    *Newcomers won't install mods - majority of them won't.
    Wyeth likes this.
  4. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    In that case, use the search and the "don't suggest these again"-thread in Suggestions & Ideas and post it as a suggestion... adding a good target practice tutorial to the games default "challenges". Maybe with henries running back and forth as moving targets and you trying to shoot them from a distance?
    Anyways post that in the Suggestion forum if that has not been suggested allready, keep in mind to detail your idea and not just post one sentence like "needz archer tutrial!!!111" ;)
  5. Labla

    Labla Shopkeep Stealer

    There are few problems with archers, some of them are chicken/eggs problems:
    • To get fun out of playing archer, you must be good. Otherwise you will spend most of the time collecting arrows from trees after dying.
    • It is hard to get practice when playing against good enemy archer (he will snipe you over and over again). To get better you need practice and loop closes. I've seen that myself - after shooting down enemy archer three times in a row, you will see him switching to another class.
    • Starting as archer isn't easy. You will be viewed as parasite by some members of your own team - your aim isn't good, so you're wasting resources (cutting down trees for arrows) and so on.
    • You will be lonely most of the times. This is quite different to knight, where you can rush alongside larger mob. Your K/D ratio as Knight probably won't be good, but you will get at least some frags from time to time by killing weakened enemies.
    • Frequently you will be preferred target for enemy archers, enemy knights when they can get close enough and even for offensive enemy builders.
    And you're surprised that archers aren't popular? In this case quantity also affects quality, because less people will train as archers.
    cykalu likes this.
  6. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

    Ohh Salted, wasn't aware you are here on forum, good place to find you considering that your archer is good enough to make me remember you (and be on my hit list when in enemy team) :)

    But yeah, there are like no good archers compared how many bad ones I see. Just yesterday I was builder reinforcing base, doing normal stuff and I was like "why are we losing so hard" then I change to archer and I was literary "oh thats why"...

    Don't know if it's lack of good archers (in enemy team) or just my play style but I don't even see need for prefect super duper hiding place for archers... like when they need +4 shoots to get my position what's the point when they never get the chance... Guess I should skip this and get to the point...


    #1 problem, that makes most archers bad is no archer tutorial map, I literal had to make my own modification to sandbox to get archer in it and the hang of arrows, after that I have quite good guess what I was doing and just become better with time.

    Like the only thing I would like to have is an extra bridge on ledge of buildings and walls - so much pain to just shoot down when enemy knights are hitting our walls.

    The 10 second shield knights are also making me rage, especially when the 10s pass and I don't notice it... Only once I saw knight that used -> and <- emoticons to signal his movements while shielding.

    Guess the slow learning process is also why archers are considered not a fun class, when you can shoot through 1 tile holes of those scared arches, in first try getting enemy face in places half screen higher or lower then last place you shoot... Interrupting knights bomb trowing is also fun but hard to time up as full charge takes forever... Suppressing fire in general direction of current knight fight isn't that fun but it goes with the job I guess...

    Ether way if you prefer games with limited lives, then archers is without a doubt the best class to pick. When playing unlimited lives, knights and builders are more useful as archer can never by himself push for flag.

    BTW what the purpose of this thread? Do "Yeah archers now sucks" response is good? Cause it doesn't feel right.
    Wyeth likes this.
  7. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    That said. I'd like to dedicate this post to every archer who has helped me get the kill or saved my bacon as a knight.

    Keep doing what you're doing. You are an inspiration to us all. Knight and archer synergy is awesome.
  8. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

    About the synergy... I hate when single knight can protect like 10 or more archers on sky bridge because he is so far away that charged arrows don't brake shield... If something is uncounterable it makes me rage...
    Valkyrie likes this.
  9. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    The point of this thread is to determine why there are so many bad archers around as opposed to bad knights. Its a simple thread to discuss this and maybe find some statisfying answers to the question. Another thing that it produces is interesting insight on the archer perspective on things. As a knight I described my feelings about archers in the OP, but for example the things you and labla said I were not aware of, or at least not completely.
    Last but not least: its a shoutout to all the good archers to say something about what makes them good archers in a way. So it also generates some interesting infos on playing archers I guess, but only on a sidenote (just comes with it).
  10. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    There are plenty of bad knights. The only reason we don't talk about them is because a bad archer stands out because there are less archers than knights. I'm usually put on a team full of shit knights that are like "deerrp what is this bomb lookin fing lol" and carry on their merry way despite the fact the bomb is counting down to their death.

    Then I'M the one left against 5 knights just cause I shielded it.
    Valkyrie, sj67, Noc and 2 others like this.
  11. Oleker

    Oleker Shipwright

    The lack of good archers is because many do not have good sense of play.
    Many do not bother to get hited by an arrow, or think they were hit by luck and get stuck in the same place, becoming an easy target for arrows outrad angle already set.
    Many also do not know how to hit a catapult or outpost yields a 15 gold per shot, and start begging for arrows.
    In my opinion, an archer near an enemy knight is a dead archer. Trying to run away and shoot at the same time is almost a suicide. Running without shooting is better in many cases. Climb a tree while running is also a mistake. Knights can down you in one attack.

    Always use the maximum force, limited to horizontal shots, always seek the highest place without worrying about protection, are common mistakes that bring the lack of good archers.

    sry for my bad google-translated english,
  12. NigerV2

    NigerV2 Shopkeep Stealer

    Mb buff archer then?
  13. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    In future, archers will be getting buffs to not help out on 'lack of skills', but more on the more professional archers. As in fire arrows, and crawling. (Not yet confirmed on crawling.)

    And my opinion on the lack of skilled archers. Is, um.......

    I'm not an archer, I'm a knight. And I'm not a very good knight. Sometimes I go archer for these reasons;
    * There are high, accessible places to hide and snipe.
    * There are archers trying to snipe us.
    * And lastly, the other team is rushing.

    Other then that, those are some of the good reasons why you should be archer, at least I think so.
  14. luckyfrost

    luckyfrost Shopkeep Stealer

    Archers have other uses too, like to get the flag. you can just land on trees, get the flag and run!
    I got to the top of trees to get faster than my friends to the flag, and then they distract my enemies and i win!
    I'm the "suicidal archer" type.
  15. Yeah! The best tactic on servers with small amount of people.
  16. Oleker

    Oleker Shipwright

    The flag base is always protected with walls and some traps. If is not, the team are REALY noob. Btw, i prefer to play in full servers about 15+ on each side. More people, more fun =D
  17. unwoundpath

    unwoundpath Arsonist

    Sometimes more people = less fun for me, such as when there is so many you can't tell what the heck is going on. "EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE WHAT is going ON"
  18. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    IMO, it is often a good idea to sit at the top of a gently sloping hill, as long as there is sufficient backup from the knights. Sitting there, you can slug full-power arrows that they have no chance of dodging, and you'll probably even catch tehm with their shields down, since they have to just to climb the slope.
  19. Auri

    Auri Tunnel Addict Donator Tester

    I want to see the minimum draw time reduced, and movement delay only applied after a second of charging.

    Also, there will be more archers when they get something as fun and awesome as bomb-jumping.
    Climbing arrows is more controlled but no longer top-dog.
    Contrary likes this.
  20. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    I don't
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