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Team Balance Fix

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by IguanaMan, Sep 26, 2015.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. IguanaMan

    IguanaMan Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Currently it sucks, here's an easy way to fix it;
    • Clear both teams
    • Sort all players by score
    • Loop through list -> Add player to team with lowest total score
    • At the end if teams are unbalanced (re number of players) -> Loop, swapping lowest score player from big team to small team until balanced
    Some will say score isn't a good indicator; It's the best we have and better than the current system.
    Pls Geti :QQ:
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2015
    Sytoplasma, RampageX and J-man2003 like this.
  2. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    Major problem with team balance: Score and Coins are broken. They are not effective stat trackers and will not work to make proper team balance.

    The only way to balance teams is by numbers, or a weighted API system if you want to be complex.

    What KAG really needs is a ladder to rank skilled players, give them a power level, and weigh them against new people. A team balance system could work given these metrics.

    Players do not play ladder have a rank of 0. They get balanced as they would right now. Players who master the ladder would have a rank of up to 1000 or 100. This allows the AI to weigh teams and balance them accordingly, like a simple scale.
    Psiklaw, Sytoplasma and IguanaMan like this.
  3. IguanaMan

    IguanaMan Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Agree, and I hope something like your suggestion gets implemented. But I'm not sure how much time the devs are pumping into the game still. If time is limited I would like to see my version in as an improvement over the current system at least.

    Currently the best indicator we have is score, it is not ideal but it is better than complete randomness. Why is it not being used?

    We get very unbalanced matches at the moment and it saps my will to play. Like 3 matches in a row my team has me and another on top with about ~150 score each and then other team have two ~250 players, something is very wrong there even for the current simple system we have.
  4. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    This system has potential to take off in modding with little issue. I could almost do this myself.

    With my critical analysis, Geti could make a KAG 2 in like.. a fortnite lol
    IguanaMan likes this.
  5. Obione5256

    Obione5256 Bison Rider

    Looking quickly at the auto balance script, there seems to already be code to balance based on score, but the balance is set to scramble.
    J-man2003 likes this.
  6. J-man2003

    J-man2003 Haxor

    I hate to do this, but

    @Geti @Geti @Geti

    In all seriousness this needs to be a thing, but maybe instead of lowest score medium score? I mean the lowest score might be a new-new player and I don't think we want a new-new player going through the hectic happenings of autobalancing.
  7. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    @J-man2003 as stated above a "score based" balance is already part of the script. Feel free to run servers with it turned on or bug norill or skinney or verra to add cfg options for it next build if you're still all scared of running modded servers. I'm working on TR, not KAG at the moment.

    This is not "mid game" balancing btw so trying to take medium point players doesn't make sense in terms of balancing the scores of each team at the end.

    Mid game balancing is already only applied to those below medium score.

    While it's obvious that the score is problematic as it's just KDR, I haven't seen any mods making it better, the script that currently does the score calculation is and has been available for ages.
    Verrazano and J-man2003 like this.
  8. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Moved to the suggestions & ideas section.
  9. Leo

    Leo Haxor

    Where is this script ?
  10. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

  11. Obione5256

    Obione5256 Bison Rider

    Just change that "int type = SCRAMBLE;" on line 364 to "int type = SCORE_SORT;" if you want to change it.
  12. Leo

    Leo Haxor

    Hmmm... thanks to you both. It's an interesting idea.
    Geti likes this.
  13. IguanaMan

    IguanaMan Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I really like that the script is available to sort but score but it doesn't help with the official servers. I get good ping on about 3 serers being in japan, two being official one modded. This is the kind of stuff we end up with scramble;
    One person left (maybe even two) but they were definitely lower score than me (I was the highest scorer when i first checked and they left before I could do the screenshot). so doesn't make that much difference. That's insane... Wold love it if score based could be the official default but I understand focus is being moved away from KAG.

    Spoiler: We lost, BG WP // R.I.P. Blue :QQ:
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2015
  14. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    It probably could be if people would prefer that kind of sort, iirc we tried it and people complained about their inability to stack teams but that shouldn't be encouraged anyway. @Verrazano @Skinney something to think about
  15. Chrispin

    Chrispin KAG Guard Tester

    I could try this down the line for KAG reborn by tracking overall wins and losses. I would have to discard data from very small matches and only use it after like 10 games, but if you have tons of data, it should actually be a good metric (theoretically lol).

    IguanaMan's algorithm might just work if you substitute the score with win:loss ratio of players over many games. There would just need to be a script that records all participants in a match and their time spent in each team so that people can't abuse the system.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2015
    Biurza and Blue_Tiger like this.
  16. So it's sort of like a PER, or a player efficiency rating from sports then, right?
  17. kittycity

    kittycity Haxor

    I dont think scoring by kdr would be a good thing because youd get this builder who was born and raised blue who spent the whole game repairing his base, making mid bases, doing builder stuff and really clutching the team to be swapped to red just because he didnt get any kills as builder.

    I think we shouldnt look at balancing teams based on how good one team is but instead balance the number of people on the teams. So I think it should be if the other team needs a player the system / kag server stuff looks for whoever was on the team the least time and swap them
    icemusher and FoxyLady like this.
  18. IguanaMan

    IguanaMan Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Good builders not being reflected in KDR is not a reason to not balance by KDR. Balancing just by number on the team (which my suggestion does anyway) doesn't solve the problem with builders either. When you balance by KDR you at least get archer/knights balanced. There is no way to quantify a good builder afaik, so its kindof a moot point - doesn't mean we shouldn't try and balance the other elements we can quantify.
    icemusher likes this.
  19. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    For CTF why not add up amounts of dosh made overall? Just keep on adding up coins. Coins are usually a good indicator of someone who has accomplished many things. So the top scoring dood would have made the most amount of coins. Either from killing people or building like mad. And you can have another indicator stating how much dosh he has spent. Also this would be a good plug in for calling the game King Arthurs Gold... Unless you guys like having a scoreboard centered on kills for a CTF game.
  20. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Re: coins - this is actually how score worked in classic. Would be reasonably straightforward to do, not as simple as it "should" be (there's no hook for gaining coins that I'm aware of so you'd have to detect changes manually) but not that tricky.
    IguanaMan and tru0067 like this.
Mods: Rainbows