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Discussion in 'Other games' started by FuzzyBlueBaron, Mar 25, 2015.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Currently up for vote on Greenlight!

    A screenshot from Exanima (nicked this from Greenlight page): steamworkshop_webupload_previewfile_412380198_preview.jpg
    These are some outdoors shots from SG (Exanima is a prelude to SG), which uses the same engine as Exanima (nicked these from the SG Greenlight page):
    steamworkshop_webupload_previewfile_106079894_preview (1).jpg

    Description of Exanima stolen from their Steam Greenlight page:
    These guys have seemed like really friendly/chill dudes over the two years I've been following their development of SG and now E. Worth the risk (seeing as game isn't out yet, obviously) imho. :3

    @norill is stinky
    Last edited: May 16, 2015
    Psiklaw likes this.
  2. exanima*
  3. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Shush you. :rektlord:
    AmestriStephen likes this.
  4. LegendBeta

    LegendBeta Shopkeep Stealer

    This seems like really good looking game(s) just from these few screenshots, I don't mind a good dungeon crawler/roguelike game.

    I would be interested in supporting the development due to how much they have already worked on the game(s) it's not likely to not be finished.

    The combat is what I would be interested on viewing though, seems to be sounding kind of new or somewhat interesting.
  5. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]


    Exanima is now on early access via Steam. It looks like it'll have some wonderful depth to the combat (considering you're not only factoring in footwork and timing but also speed, angle, and strength of each blow you make against the enemy); however, there's a great fucking brick wall of a learning curve to master said combat. I've spent (too much) time reading through their Steam and forum discussions to:

    a) try and see if I could improve my game; and,
    b) see how the devs & that community have responded to the (fairly frequent, it would seem) complaint by newer players that "it's pretty much fucking impossible to not get rekt by even the lowest of mooks unless you invest hours and hours into practice".​

    re: a)--
    Yes, there are some good videos and guides out there; and with their help I was able to understand why I was getting destroyed so hard; however, even with these and a solid 3 hours under my belt literally the best I can do against the "novice" AI is hide behind a shield trying for lucky strikes--and then getting utterly mashed as soon as I encounter someone with a warhammer.

    re: b)--
    I'm sorry to say that the devs seem to be pretty resistant to calls for alternate control schemes, alternate camera options, etc. (their catch-cry being "current system, 'best' system", and that anyone complaining either:

    i) doesn't actually understand why the system is why it is; or,
    ii) just hasn't ploughed enough hours into practising).​

    The community seems to be divided into:
    • Unhelpful-pricks --- "LOOOOL, you're all whiney nubs who just need to toughed up and go grind another 10 hours in Arena mode"; and,
    • Well-intentioned-if-moderately-condescending --- "the controls are actually really wonderful and you just need to go practice another 10 hours in Arena mode"
  6. LegendBeta

    LegendBeta Shopkeep Stealer

    I love how it's "Examina" in the thread then it's Exanima in the title.
    I did not even notice.

    EDIT: Getting this game btw will explain my experiences further down the track.
    Also are you using a controller @FuzzyBlueBaron ?
    Last edited: May 16, 2015
    blackjoker77777 likes this.
  7. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Damnit. I thought I fixed them all. :rektlord:

    I'm writing up another post trying to nail down the what/why of the problems it's causing me, so will be interesting to hear your insights to the game as well.

    No, not using a controller; as far as I know Exanima only supports keyboard and mouse.
  8. LegendBeta

    LegendBeta Shopkeep Stealer

    Really, disappointing actually...
    I love using my controller for these sorts of game (or any games in-fact) it is more natural for me.

    EDIT: At the start of the game it even tells you "it's not easy" :eek: I'm a little intimidated...
  9. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    As I think I said: there are a number of good videos that'll give you a heads-up for some the key ingredients in not-being-terrible. The really hard thing I've found is (as I'm writing in my other post) the lack of orientating affordances--i.e. things that, easily & intuitively, allow the player to (in effect) know which way is "up".
  10. LegendBeta

    LegendBeta Shopkeep Stealer

    Fuzzy please... I can't pick up this torch or even open the "door"?

    I mean I have had a drink tonight but this is just hilarious!?

    EDIT: I figured out you can drag the plank of wood/torch into inventory!
  11. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Read the "Quick Guide" you'll find at the bottom of the controls tab in game settings. And then watch a few videos if necessary. It's really not a "pick up and go" kind of game; and without an in-game tutorial (apparently in the works), and with some of the unintuitive elements to the game, it's a bit tricky to work out solely by trial and error.
  12. LegendBeta

    LegendBeta Shopkeep Stealer

    You should of seen my face when I rotated the camera and dragged open the handle of the door.
    No videos at all, already getting this game like a pro.

    Okay let's go plank of wood, to rule the world!
    --- Double Post Merged, May 16, 2015, Original Post Date: May 16, 2015 ---
    That truly was something else, I love this game already.
    Except that it's a little scary sometimes!

    I opened the door to find this crazy deranged looking guy holding an axe.
    It scared the hell out of me for sure, then I held my plank of wood tightly and began swinging at this guy like crazy!
    I actually killed him somehow?

    Then some other guy down the road killed me with a sword, 11/10 would play again.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  13. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Thinking about it further, if this were any other game (e.g. some kind of pure-combat, A++ skill-ceiling, hack&slash game) then, honestly, I'd just leave it and walk away. There are other, deeply strategic, systems that--personally speaking--make better intuitive sense and hence I'd enjoy more.

    But the game's not just about combat
    ! It's about exploration; and complex interactions that lead to gratuitous displays of the law of unintended consequences; and a world where I'm not some sort of super hero--where I'm, as Wil Wheaton put it, "just some guy, y'know?". It's an RPG that (if the devs have their way) will allow for the kind of roleplaying experiences I've only been able to get--up to now--via D&D and Pathfinder.

    I want to play this game so very, very, VERY, much! But with combat being difficult to learn (w/o endless hours of practice, ofc), and a high price for failing to acquire these skills of basic combat (read: regularly dying and needing to start over from the last check point [whenever that was lol] or, failing that, starting again from scratch), I find myself having to ask some hard questions of the game and its designers:

    Should the inaccessibility of a single element within a game--an element that, while important, is in no way the game's sole focus--be the determining factor in whether people can play+enjoy said game?

    More to the point:

    Am I, the player, too stupid/lazy/wimpy/uncommitted/unsuited for this game? Does the "harden up, cupcake; shape up or ship out" rule apply here?

    Or is it simply that the game fails to provide affordances that--were they present--would allow me to quickly begin engaging with content in a meaningful (if imperfect) fashion? Does some gap or oversight in the underlying design create a barrier for entry that is, quite simply, unreasonably high?

    These things really need to be answered (and by that I mean probed, pondered, and actually expounded in full--not just bushed off with some pat answer). "We've worked hard and this is the best way we've come up with; just practice more, you'll be fine" is not, in all honestly, good enough.

    It's not good enough because it's clear (judging by the endemic reaction of many, many new players; myself included) that the "best way" is causing a lot of people--too many people, I'd humbly suggest--a butt-ton of frustration. In pretty much all fields you'll have people screaming this, that, or the other; but when you come across a strong polarising effect like this then it's time to stop with generalisations and platitudes ("Oh, it's just because you've been conditioned that way by other games. You'll soon adapt"), knuckle down to examining the conflicting data, compensate (along multiple lines) for bias, and ask yourself that most terrifying of questions: "What if we got it (some of it, all of it, a tiny-but-vital bit of it) wrong?"

    It's not good enough because, whether you mean to or not, it tends to enshrine the status quo with a certain gravitas and inertia that is not only hard to shake from a design perspective, but actually has the effect of censoring voices of question and dissent; those rank-and-file players who happen to like the current state of affairs will take the line "We've worked hard and this is the best way we've come up with; just practice more, you'll be fine", treat it like the words of God, and use it to beat others around the head until the dissenters stfu and/or gtfo--trust me, I've seen this all to frequently as a forum administrator.

    Now, ofc, it's all together possible that I'm asking all these questions, and saying all these things, as a way of hiding from the sad, sad truth: that I am too stupid/lazy/wimpy/uncommitted/unsuited for Exanima & SG. That, really, I should just shut up and go eat a few spoonfuls of concrete.

    But I don't think so. My spidey sense is tingling, and it's tingling to the tune of there being some fundamental assumption that's been made or over-looked--and that from that presupposition, rightly or wrongly, there flows a whole bunch of confusion and mind-bending frustration. The status is not, as Dr. Horrible reminds us, quo; and hence it behoves us, imho, to investigate and, where possible, to fix.
  14. LegendBeta

    LegendBeta Shopkeep Stealer

    Well actually, for a guy that has played Examina for only somewhat 30 minutes and died many times.
    I find that the combat is somewhat difficult, more "exhilarating" maybe because I find the risk of all my progress is in-fact present.

    Maybe it's the type of gamer I am, I don't love perma-death or anything or love difficult games, its just that each experience is different each time and I landed a rather satisfying hit in a 2v1 once and I thought it was awesome.
    I might elaborate on this note, "I walked in a room and came across this grumpy looking fellow with a sword eyeballing me down from the other side, I gently walked forwards (In fighting mode...) and he followed suit.
    Then, as he stepped forward I stepped backwards then as he stepped backwards I stepped forwards; we did this a couple of times.
    I started to realize that not only, he was as scared of me as I was of him, that we both shared some mutual Respect almost?

    Anyway then his buddy walked in on the little tango we had going and I fled into a dead-end kind of room where I found a sledge hammer.
    I bide my time sneaking around again until I found the other guys buddy and struck him on the back, he quickly turned around and we traded blows for a bit.
    My friend (I think) actually came over after a bit, and could not decide who to kill? (I don't know if this is the case orrr I was just tripping balls?) any way eventually he stuck his dagger in my back and I fell to the ground.

    This whole experience was rather unique to me, at what point do you have relations with dungeon mobs and become somewhat attached to them, you do know half the time they won't attack you @FuzzyBlueBaron right?
  15. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    This is the only reason I've seen as much of the levels as I have--bc w/o sneaking about I just get killed over and over and over... :V
  16. dnmr

    dnmr Ministry of ban Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    backed sui generis on shitstarter back when, trying exanima now... Didn't expect the combat to be THIS wonky. It's definitely a unique experience, but it feels so unrewarding it makes me want to cry and not launch the game ever again after Alt+F4'ing :(
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  17. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    And that's the crux of it, I fear. That but. ::(:
  18. LegendBeta

    LegendBeta Shopkeep Stealer

    Unfortunately this is also what lead me away.

    At the end of the day though the fully physics based combat is what killed the cat and made it curious am I right?
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  19. Moppy

    Moppy Shark Slayer

    I'm so glad I came across this thread.. can't stop playing this game. If you guys felt like posting video of yourselves playing maybe I could give some pointers.

    90% of the time I've been playing the arena, just beat expert mode. It was a lot different than novice for me, since everyone starts wearing plate armor. It's all about getting in hard swings with heavy weapons since you can't cut them with a blade (I've read of people completing it with swords tho). Knocking over a heavily armored dude and slamming my hammer down right on his metal head is pretty satisfying.

    I love all the layers of armor and clothing you can put on your character. I had a gambeson, chainmail shirt, leather tunic, breastplate and belt for torso, pauldron thingies, bracers and gloves for arms, leather pants, chainmail leggings, greaves and shoes for legs, and a coif and helmet for head. I love knights, armor etc so I was excited to finally don my plate gear. Only thing missing is capes.

    I'm also a fan of character creators. Even though this one doesn't have face customization (yet?), the weight/muscle/height customization is really cool and affects combat. The hair physics is also pretty great. Now it just needs boob sliders and physics ::):

    Random tips:
    - read the combat section in the manual if you haven't
    - you can crouch under a lot of swings
    - use faints to bait your opponent to open himself
    - if you're being overwhelmed or chased into a corner, you can push yourself into the enemy to back him off. you can't really damage eachother while you're hugging.
    - in case your opponent has a shield or is lacking leg armor, you can crouch at the end of a swing for a low blow (or fail and trip over). you can also use crouch to augment your overhead strike. If you miss, your character usually goes stumbling forward out of reach of your opponent. You can one hit KO opponents with no head armor if you do it right.
    - play lots of arena..
    dnmr likes this.
  20. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]


    They've just had a massive update which piques mine interest:

    Exanima 0.6 Released
    Posted by Bare Mettle Entertainment
    Beneath the surface of our apparently fairly typical medieval setting there is something else. Now we begin to unveil it. It has always been our goal to create a special brand of fantasy, one that is familiar yet different, where the wondrous and fantastical hold up to pragmatic scrutiny. Function rules over form, plot and player convenience never get in the way of believable fiction.

    We tell the story through many things and encourage the player to investigate. Every detail, no matter how apparently small or insignificant, must make sense and support it. This creating something fantastical, original and realistic at once has proven quite challenging, it took a lot iterating and rejecting to be able to create this unique setting and make every small part of it fit.

    We know some of you have been waiting for something more wondrous and visually impressive, crossing the portal in Exanima should satisfy that desire. Be warned, you'll meet some nasty things down there and surviving will be harder than ever. This is a mostly temporary situation though, is a nice (and spectacular) challenge for now, but its role will change significantly as some new mechanics and many new maps are added.

    Mixing physics with even simple animations is a difficult problem, nevermind those of a functional lifelike human. Throw in a player who demands precise and responsive control and you're really asking for a lot. This problem has been eating up most of our development time since we started experimenting with it almost 4 years ago. It has been a huge and often fruitless struggle. We've learned a lot though and our animation system has really evolved, now when we try to improve things our success rate is pretty good.

    Every once in a while we take our patchwork of improvements and things we've learned and rebuild them into something better. With this update we've really turned things around.

    It would be easier to make a list of what we haven't improved, and that would be a short list. We've rebuilt our IK system, improved footwork, added dynamic stance adjustments, rebuilt virtually all our "animations", made turning twice as fast, all movement snappier and more decisive, walking and running are much more reponsive, we introduced more fine grained control over upper body movement, improved articulation physics, fixed many combat mechanic and input bugs and made all sorts of other improvements and tweaks.

    Not to blow our own trumpet, but the results are great. We think we've finally developed this into something not just fun and somewhat quirky, but just exceptionally good. Sure, there are still things to add and there is always room for improvement, but this is the core of it. We have actually gone out of our way to keep the fundamental gameplay essentially unchanged, so don't expect it to be completely different. All movement is still all about momentum and not just simple inputs, actually more so than before. This is central to the gameplay and will always require a lot of finesse (and practice) with the controls.

    One of the things we've been focusing on recently is getting our A.I. system to a more complete state. When we talk about A.I. we mean it in the literal sense, Artificial Intelligence, not scripted behaviours with complete lack of circumstantial awareness. Our goals for A.I. are very broad in scope but at the core of all of it there's a sort of artificial brain that behaves in quite an organic way. Getting very dynamic and yet and natural behaviours is quite tricky and we try get these things right in the foundations.

    A.I. characters establish individual and group relationships, they have moods, emotions and react to a great many things happening around them. They remember events, characters and features of the environments that they discover. Players and other NPCs are indistinguishable and treated in the same exact way. You will notice much more detailed and realistic behaviour in general.

    We've also started adding much more detailed low level behaviour. You will see NPCs flee from combat, set up ambushes, wait for opportunities, fight eachother and more. These are not prescripted behaviours with simple triggers, but things naturally arising from circumstance and a very detailed simulation.

    This is a complex system with many moving parts that we still plan to expand on greatly. It will no doubt take some time to tweak the countless fluctuating parameters to a point where they're behaving as well as they should. While this is part of a much broader system that we're working on, already in this form it creates some very dynamic and amusing situations.

    Note that your actions are now more important in determining the outcome of an encounter. As an example if you run straight towards someone they may feel threatened and respond, if you stop and fight you will confirm their suspicions, but if you just run past they're unlikely to give chase, and next time you meet they may not consider you a threat. There's no fixed rule though, some may see you running as a weakness and an opportunity. Making enemies can be very dangerous, whereas friendly NPCs may even help you in a fight.

    Our standards of quality have been consistently improving throughout development, which inevitably leads to a certain disparity between things developed later and ealier. Recently we've been revising many of our older assets, bringing them to up to par with the rest. We're also introducing circumstantially increased zoom levels and in game zoom has been increased for higher aspect ratio displays. Many core assets have been greatly improved and we've hugely increased the zoom in characters views. These improvements don't only concern graphics, we've also revamped many sound effects and how they interact with physics.

    With the new permanent save point for the portal added and some build diversity becoming possible, it was important to allow you to create multiple characters at once. You can now start many new games and go back to any one of them when you like.

    The Continue option now brings you a new screen where you can review all your characters and choose which one to play. You can view each character, look through their inventory, their skills and read their personal journal.

    This is also where you can manage new global experience earned since you last played the character. Newly available global experience will be displayed and automatically invested in any skill techniques you were training, any remaining experience can be invested in new techniques of your choosing.

    We've done everything we can to allow you to keep your current save games, but there have been extensive changes to content and formats so there will be some issues.

    Armor is finally no longer a matter of more is better, but presents a tradeoff and an investment as well as having a new layer of meaningful diversity. Heavier and more rigid armours are now more cumbersome which will affect your character's movement in many subtle but still important ways. Your character doesn't just move slower but differently, in ways that are realistic and convey added weight and stiffness. You can be effective even when heavily encumbered, but in some situations you will undoubtedly be at a disadvantage, with the correct training however this can be avoided.

    We've introduced the first armour skills, those that are most meaningful for the current state of the game. There are 3 ranks of Manoeuvering in Armour which allow you to overcome the encumbrance effects of increasingly heavy armours. Deflection allows you to take better advantage of your armour, it effectively increases how much of your body your armour is able to protect and reduces vulnerability in gaps and weaker areas of armour.

    Items now come in various qualities and conditions. We've introduced over 50 specific quality modifiers with various effects which improve gear diversity and randomisation. This gives many items that were previously just better or worse new roles, particularly with the introduction of the encumbrance system. The quality of items is not only reflected in their properties but also their appearance.

    Item quality does not currently apply to weapons, this will be part of a larger upgrade to weapons with a procedural system for much greater weapon variety and meaningful effects. With this we will also introduce many new weapons and types.

    Many completely new items have also been added throughout the game.

    You should of course be able to fight with no weapon equipped and we've now introduced basic unarmed fighting. You can punch with your left and right, do uppercuts and either straight punches or hooks depending on how you move the cursor. This turned into some very fun boxing combat, which does require a new level of finesse and precision with the controls. With the introduction of the new arena mode we will include unarmed fights which we're sure will make for hours of solid entertainment.

    A long overdue graphical overhaul of the user interface is finally here. We've added support for nicer, proportional fonts and upgraded all shading and textures. It's a fairly superficial change, but one that was quite labour intensive, we do think it adds a lot to the game's overall presentation and atmosphere.

    Each character now has a journal, currently accessed with 'J'. You can write notes on your progress, what you've pieced together of the story or anything you like. We're considering generating entries from your character's perspective as you discover various things, but some players have mixed feelings about this. Let us know what you think.

    There have been countless improvements and fixes to almost every part of the game since the last major release. Here's a list of some specific fixes for well known bugs or things that weren't broadly covered in the above wall of text:

    • Cursor locks to full screen windows
    • Added a checkpoint earlier in the game
    • Improved locational damage mechanics
    • Improved loot randomisation
    • Fixed characters being unable to step in certain places
    • Improved camera obstacle avoidance behaviour
    • Improved pathfinding
    • New shading and material effects
    • Fixed "exorcist" bug
    • Fixed strongbox bugs
    This update was supposed to be about getting some more content in, and it was supposed to happen a lot sooner. The level of care we're putting into every aspect of the game has grown a lot, at some point we thought that with how much everything has improved, the more fantasy aspects of the game also needed some more love. A decision was made to expand on our underworld assets and create something more unique, that differentiated itself better from the rest. This also made sense from a longer term productivity and workflow point of view at the time.

    Unfortunately we ran into some problems. One of our team members who was core to developing the new assets found themselves in a position of being unable to work much. We initially responded by working on bringing other aspects of the game forward, but the situation got worse and we just found ourselves with a lot more work on our plates.

    We got through this little crisis in the end, things are back to normal now, the update has shaped up very well and we've made great progress on many fronts. We've got a lot more content lined up for Exanima, but the assets for this were mostly completed before even its first public release. Delays like this one should not happen again.

    We will continue to complete and add features and content at an always faster pace, and at this point I think we can safely say that the days of improving things are almost entirely behind us. The list of features and things we need to do to support them is rapidly shrinking, from something rather daunting to something that looks much more manageable.

    The arena mode, which was born as just a combat test, has proved extremely popular amongst players and in the next update we will expand on its features. Fights will be randomised, you will bid into fights and earn money to invest in better gear or even mercenaries to fight by your side. There will be skill progression similar to the story mode and some other features besides. These are great additions and quite simple to make. The arena mode is also a great way to introduce and test multiplayer features which we hope to add soon.

    It has been a long and ardous journey so far, especially if you consider that we built everything from the ground up and taken on board every bit of advice and feedback. We don't know how much credit you take as backers and supporters of this project, but you should really take plenty. You made this happen and it's fantastic!


    Bare Mettle
Mods: BlueLuigi