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Simple Win stats of 50 CTF matches

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 8x, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    During a couple of weeks I wrote down the reasons or key actions that decided CTF matches. Mostly what opened the flag castles or what doomed the losing team. There are plenty of reasons behind the victory or loss of a team, I divided the most important I found in relation of the attacking (didn't count if winners had a treefarm, how many shops they got at base, if the losers were only camping etc...) in the following:

    - Ratting: one or more builders entomb themselves underground and play offensively from there.
    - Tunneling: a team as a whole participates in a similar tactic, but as something more natural (usually because of the map or castles layout)
    - Bomb Arrows: opening flag rooms mainly
    - Bomb Bolts: opening flag rooms mainly
    - Kegs: opening flag rooms mainly
    - Deserting: players of the losing team start to leave
    - Catapult: both opening flag castles or throwing knights with explosives to it
    - Unawareness: usually a player sneaks through the map and plays around in the enemy base without anybody noticing it
    - Teleporters: transport tunnels used near the enemy flags
    - Enemy traps: a team takes advantage of enemy traps
    - Glitch abuse: archers or builders passing through blocks
    - Team Rush: visible push of a whole team on ground
    - Not so balance teams: a notorius difference between both team skills
    - Griefing: self-explanatory

    The results, usually a mixup of the reasons above, of the 50 matches:

    Ratting - key in 21 matches
    Bomb Arrows - key in 12 matches
    Bomb Bolts - key in 10 matches
    Teleporters - key in 10 matches
    Unawareness - key in 8 matches
    Tunneling - key in 7 matches
    Keg - key in 5 matches
    Not so balanced teams - key in 4 matches
    Catapults - key in 3 matches
    Enemy traps - key in 3 matches
    Team Rush - key in 3 matches
    Deserting - key in 2 matches
    Glitch abuse - key in 1 match
    Griefing - key in 1 match

    The results lead us to think that usually Ratting, Bomb Arrows, Bomb Bolts and Teleporters decide the games, and the more agressively a team behaves using these four tactics the more chances of winning they'll have. This simple stats, however, could have been taken more strictly, could depend on specific maps, time of the day, things as pings, experienced players involved etc.
  2. TheRicecooker

    TheRicecooker Bison Rider Official Server Admin

    Wow, this is awesome 8x. The results are a bit surprising... : )
  3. AmestriStephen

    AmestriStephen Haxor Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    Surprising? Meh, that was predictable..
    EhRa likes this.
  4. TheRicecooker

    TheRicecooker Bison Rider Official Server Admin

    Based Ame.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 23, 2016, Original Post Date: Jan 23, 2016 ---
    Now something I would like to see is +/- stats for players. Like in hockey (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plus-minus).
    Or if you would prefer a "games won/games lost ratio". That could measure how useful a player is for their team thoughout their games. I mean k/d isnt everything. All classes can be very useful without having to kill.
    Then team scrambling could be more balanced, as instead of being random, the server could make the teams based on that +/- ratio.
    Team balancing during matches could also help the strength balancing.
    AmestriStephen likes this.
  5. toothgrinderx

    toothgrinderx Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin

    Not once did you see a match decided by 1 team having a knight the other team couldn't match? Or is that fall under unbalanced teams.
    TheRicecooker likes this.
  6. PeggleFrank

    PeggleFrank Base Burner

    Definitely falls under unbalanced teams. Having one extraordinarily good knight can completely decide the fate of a game. It's not that uncommon, really.
  7. we should disable knights and archer class at the beginning of the round so that players were forced to build rather than wandering purposeless around the map. The knight and archer class will be toggled on and will be able to choose after the last 10 - 8 seconds of countdown so that they can rush.
    PeggleFrank and L3fty like this.
  8. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    This is a really cool idea, 8x. Nice to see some stats, maybe I'll do some of this myself if I play some CTF games seriously.

    Maybe someone could do this for captains games, clan wars and scrims and see how they compare - I'm sure "ratting" would be a lot fewer in those games (that's one of the many reasons why I prefer them).
  9. L3fty

    L3fty Bison Rider Staff Alumni

    @TheRicecooker - the "games won/games lost ratio" player stats
    For organized matches yes but for pubs there is no point. The ratio will be random and close to 1:1
    It may give people incentive to consider match results, but at worst will make switching to winning team or quitting before losing even more frequent.
    TheRicecooker likes this.
  10. SirDangalang

    SirDangalang Lvl. 128 MissingNo. Donator

    I love how unawareness is so bloody high it cracks me up 25252525???:heart:
  11. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Yeah, after all the results are not so surprising. I started to make this match recordings to have some back arguments on a petition to make some changes to bomb bolts and bomb arrows, but I'm too lazy for that and I feel it will never really change. The info and the way I took it are not so serious after all, and I didn't count all the matches I played (unbalanced teams, ratting and griefing would have a highter value).

    Just pick a screenshot of the scores in every end of a match for a week or so, then filter the nicknames. Imo it wouldn't be so precise in terms of how valuable players are: the teams are random and even a team with 2 real good players and 6 newbies will fail against a team with average ones only. It would be pretty interesting to see however, and iirc KAG Gather had those stats recorded for the players :wink:.

    I can't answer about 1 single skilled knight being key in a match as they're not so bound to open flag castles only by themselves. However, those cases were surely taken into the unbalanced teams sack.
    TheRicecooker likes this.