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Server Console Commands \ RCON

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Jezntof, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. Jezntof

    Jezntof Shipwright

    Hi, I have my own server now and I know how to use the Console and all that.
    I need some clarifications.

    Why when I do some commands like \players. That work.

    When I try \kickid id time or anyother, That doesnt work!

    I can't freeze someone with the console, But I can with F3 / F2.

    Please help me D:

    PS: Im on Windows 7.
  2. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Some commands (not all !) need to be prefixed with \rcon


    \rcon \kick Jezntof 100

    Try that. For a full list of commands check : http://kagwiki.com/wiki/Commands

    The devs are aware of the presently awkward nature of rcon and are working on fixing it in a later build.

    Rommi likes this.
  3. Jezntof

    Jezntof Shipwright

    Ok I'll try that. Thank you :D

    [edit by trelawney - 2nd post, merged : please edit instead of double-posting :eek: ]

    That work! Thank you man :)
  4. MinecraftExpert

    MinecraftExpert Shopkeep Stealer

    I run a minecraft server myself and i am familiar with commands but the problem is that I cannot type in the console?
  5. Static

    Static Shopkeep Stealer

    Press the home key