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Trampoliners: Should they/are they considered griefers?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by an_obamanation, Jun 2, 2016.


Is this griefing/should it be?

This poll will close on Jun 2, 2026 at 12:16 PM.
  1. Yes, these kinds of guys should get the same treatment as the rest of the griefing scum.

  2. Yes, but maybe a lighter punishment would be good

  3. It's considered griefing, make the reports.

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes, but it should be considered case by case

  5. No! It's just a prank bro!

  6. No way! It's totally fun to annoy your whole team!

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    These people are becoming more and more common for me, and it's really starting to ruin whole matches for me. These people are what I like to call "Trampoliners" or people who run around with a trampoline for literally the whole match, bouncing teammates around for absolutely no reason and not stopping when asked, however polite you may ask.

    That's a video showing trampoliners in action, and these guys aren't the only people who do this kinda thing. It's one thing to be joking around/experimenting with mechanics, but it's another to be fucking with your team, annoying them, and not stopping even when politely asked. Let me put it this way to show how this is different from joking around. I was once in a match with @ParaLogia where I started buying Dinghy's even though there was no water in the map, and just started chucking it at enemies. You may be asking "What's the difference between that and the trampoline guys!?" well i'll tell ya. When I did this I 1. Only did it to people on the enemy team in an attempt to harm them, and to also get a cheap laugh. 2. Was completely careful with it as to not harm my team with it in anyway. 3. I actually earned the wood and didn't just abuse a small saw farm that my team setup, I actually went around looking for spare bits of wood to get, or else waited for a resupply so I could earn my keep, and allow the tree to stay fully grown for attacking forces to use. 4. I was actively playing with the boat, and when the boat was destroyed I would play like normal until I died in which case i'd try to get a new one. 5. In the one instance that I slightly harmed my team, I apologized profusely to the team member I messed up. And 6. I didn't do the boat stuff for very long, only around 5 minutes AND if any teammate were to tell me to stop I would stop immediately. These guys did none of these things, only stating that I should "suck me penis" These guys not only did not apologize, they didn't play when their tramps were destroyed, they bounced teammates randomly for no reason other than to bounce them, and they gave the enemy a HUGE advantage at 4:29 allowing them to kill our flag carrier and allowing the enemy team to return their flag, because the guy carrying the tramp was bouncing an enemy knight, and not moving inside.

    You must keep in mind that these two were doing this for more than 30 minutes, I begged them to stop more than 30 times, they were using our one tree farm with only one tree JUST to get their tramps, they were hogging tons of wood in order to quickly replace their tramps, they were bouncing teammates randomly without warning and without request, they were bouncing ME even though I made it clear I don't want any part in it and after I asked them to stop multiple times, they bounced enemy knights giving them a huge advantage, they weren't playing at all other than to harm our team, and I had to waste time moving their bad tramps out of bad areas/ asking them to stop.

    As the rules for report section dictates
    well these acts harmed our team, and they clearly were intentional considering that I asked them to stop multiple times, and they responded with well, this.
    So what i'm wondering basically is, would in the instance of this video this kind of behavior be considered griefing? (If so I will file reports on the two right away.) Or should it be considered griefing to begin with?
  2. Hospitalizer

    Hospitalizer Shopkeep Stealer

    If only there was some way to turn them off 25252525
    Would go a long way in reducing this so called problem ::P:
    daskew87 and EhRa like this.
  3. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Hosp confirmed tramp abuser

    Anyway, I feel that it shouldn't be called grief. Sometimes the people don't understand English, or don't under stand what they are doing. But most of the time, it may have some kind of underlying good naturedness in it. They may want to help their team.

    In the terms of griefing, I don't find this anywhere near it. Yes, it can hurt, annoy and hinder the team, but most of the time it's possible to get around.

    In your case, it seems a bit like griefing, but overall I've never had any or minimal trouble with tramps.
  4. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    Yeah it depends on the person really, hospitalizer doesn't use tramps to fuck with his team he just messes around with spikes and boulders, in an attempt to HELP his team, not just be annoying. In my case it's totally griefing, the guys were fucking up our team multiple times on purpose, and the quote I got is a LITERAL quote. Even if they didn't understand english they should've understood the in game body language of me throwing their tramps out of bad positions. And the fact that they'd just say "Suck me penis" shows they had some understanding of what I was saying to know that they were annoying the team. IMO things like this should be considered on a case by case basis and if found griefing around a 1-3 day global ban. In the video above I think that'd be worth at least a day.
  5. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    detele tramps
    also the waterbombs, kegs, ballsita, revert the catapult to classic one, readd classic bugs and gravity, delete archer's grapples and special arrows, and we'r gud
    miniswrider, _Cuffs_ and toffie0 like this.