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Classes/Items Unique Class Mod

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG]' started by Pirate-Rob, Jul 16, 2016.

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  1. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Cool class idea, but I think the downside isn't quite good enough. I'll play around with values, but I think what you are describing is a little strong.

    This idea sounds awesome. Yeah, you can get other clan members to come make classes, clans that have multiple classes may be lower on the todo list though, so as many people can get classes as soon as possible.

    I'll be updating the todo list after this post.

    EDIT: Please specify the gender of your class. I didn't think about this before, but I'm not making 2 sprites for every class as sprite work can take a while. If you don't specify a gender, I'm going with male.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2016
  2. Kasper123

    Kasper123 Base Burner

    Rob, if its too strong you can remove the speed buff.
    Also, he cannot use space for anything else than invisible, so no kegs or bombs.
    Personally I think it's enough downside.
  3. kiaran

    kiaran Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    the teleport would go in the of the cursor. but if its out of range it will prevent you from teleporting (like builder range).
    maybe just color the robe a complete color when its on a different team
  4. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Vamist's class is almost complete. The player specific class system works as well. (If you don't have access to a class it goes grey.)
    Magmus, jimmyzoudcba and Frikman like this.
  5. Failedwhistle5

    Failedwhistle5 Shipwright

    Class Name:Legionnaire
    Class Icon: a polearm or spear
    Description:Left click slowly charges up a long range moderate damage projectile weapon(Javelin) right click is a shield space is for bombs v to "rally" nearby allies that lets other teammates to regenerate hp over time that has a cooldown of 20 seconds is it possible to allow meele in the inventory like ferdos ranger? if you cant thats ok
    In-Game Name Failedwhistle5
    Others that can use this: ryderfive FunATuns Olimarrex Osmal carlospaul

    Good luck on this whole project!!!25252525:dance:
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
    ryderfive and Osmal like this.
  6. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Also, a note to everyone, you don't have to put in your clan, it's only if you want them to have access to your class.
  7. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Is that the delta rune? nice touch :)

    I didn't think you would be "almost done" with any class for a while, pretty damn impressive. But will the tent menu have every single player's class, most of which are unavailable? I'd think it should only show the classes you can use, if possible.
    Vamist likes this.
  8. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    I asked Vamist what symbol he wanted, so blame him x)

    Ye, I was originally gonna make it work like that, but I didn't feel like rewriting the entire menu system. I'll get to it once the menu gets too big to manage. I think it's kinda cool to see all the classes that exist.

    I've almost completed eragon's Swapper. The only thing missing ironically is the actual swap ability.
    Magmus and EhRa like this.
  9. Failedwhistle5

    Failedwhistle5 Shipwright

    i just noticed that the emblem on the great knight class icon is the logo of the ruins from undertale
    mustachio12 and Vamist like this.
  10. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    That would be the Delta Rune :P

    Dang, that looks really cool.
    Vamist and Failedwhistle5 like this.
  11. ferdo

    ferdo Horde Gibber

    You are making some Dreams true *_*

    Class name: Ranger
    • Class icon description: a bow with dagger(s)/Sword and grapple
    • Gender: Male
    • Your Exact In-game Name: ferdo
    • Description: 3HP, right clic do the normal grapple of the archer class, in inventory as to select the type of arrow, select the weapon ( if you can do the swap weapon fast like the swaping type of arrows, just press the inventory button ( it's "F" for me if it's usefull )) :
    - a Bow as the Archer class, but the max load do not shoot 3 arrows, he's only draws 1 arrow with a shoot more powerful, with more dmg : 2 or 2.5 heart.

    - a Sword or 2 Dagger or only 1 Dagger, do what the is easier to do, just different stats:

    - Sword : the ranger is weakier than a knight so he's making less dmg jab make 0.5 heart, and slash 1.5 heart but the load is a bit
    faster (idk if it's too op just do the normal load time)
    Ranger 2.png
    - 1 Dagger : jab 0.25 heart, Slash 1 or 1.5 heart and stunning ( the dagger is not for fight it's help to run away if a berserk is on you)

    - 2 Daggers ; jab 0.5 heart, Slash 3 heart but need more time to load (it's looking more like an Assassin with that)
    i dont know if you can do that : the first loaded slash do 1.5 heart (normal load like the knight), and the second do one slash 4 heart (with a big load) jab 0.5
    Ranger 1.png
    if you dont care what is the easier for you or because you can make all Dreams real make the last one :D with any weapon (Sword or Dagger(s), i dont care because it's AWESOME

    The Ranger is looking like an archer ( color Brown / green ; leather effect ) but we can see his other weapon Bow and the sword in the back, daggers on reeds, each have their turn, if it's the dagger ignore it.( again, only if it's easy for you to make it, i dont know how difficult it is to make mod like that :/ if you can't, just use the Archer's animation

    Tell me if you see problems, dont understand, or if something are too much op/weak

    Sorry for My English :/

    EDIT :

    I have an idea for the Ranger is always the way I wanted, but it is not still so OP :

    - 3 HP (I really need these 3HP, for not being oneshoot by slash of Knights) ( upgrad )

    - Bow fix :
    - can only use the basic archer shoots, without the special. (bye supersonic arrows) ( downgrad )
    - Daggers fix :
    - add an aim angle with a slash (or a jab if you dont know how add a slash) not high dmg. ( the slash can make just one heart )
    I did not wanted a sniper when I had the idea of this class, I wanted more as a quick warrior with a bow, as a more powerful archer with daggers.

    can you use this skin pls ?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 26, 2016
  12. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Ok, Swapper is complete, barring a potential bug. If Eragon reports the bug, I'll patch it up slightly more robustly that I already have.

    I'll try get working on Twister tomorrow. If Twister get's done, I feel Ranger will probably done quickly after that.
    No promises I'll actually get anything done tomorrow.
  13. Kasper123

    Kasper123 Base Burner

    If you really don't think long respawn time and lack of bombs and kegs, I found other downside:
    The health regeneration isn't passive, the sword needs to be recharged with kills to heal you.
  14. kiaran

    kiaran Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    cant wait for this to be a server

    (its gonna be epic)
  15. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    You made a grapple knight for Gold Floats that I absolutely loved playing as but I had a few (personal) problems with it that i'd like to change and perhaps have it be my little unique class :D (If this doesn't fit the uniqueness requirement I have another idea if I was allowed another go.)

    • Class name: Grapple Knight
    • Class icon description: (I liked the gold floats one fine, so you could reuse that if you wanted to :D)
    • Gender: Male
    • Your Exact In-game Name: an_obamanation
    • Description: 2-3 HP, grapple length is the same as an archers, can grapple while charging up a slash, cannot carry heavy objects (Things like kegs, boats, vehicle crates), runs at archer speed, grapples aren't cancelled out by jabs (This one isn't a big deal to me but it would help negate problems with jabspam.)
    • Exact in-game name of others who can use the class: Paralogia, neil58, toothgrinderx, and Anks
    Super ambitious thing you're doing and super great, gonna make a looooot of people happy including myself. Good luck with everything! :r_flex:::)::thumbs_up:
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2016
  16. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Ye, I was never even planning to include the health regen to begin with. The game already drops 1 heart per kill.

    I don't mind adding grapple knight in, although, if anyone else wants grapple knight as their class, I won't refuse em either.
    A few other things: I believe archers and knights run at the exact same speed, I've never checked, but I'm fairly certain. I'm not sure how to stop grapple being cancelled by jabs, as the stun is what's causing it, so either I'd have to give grapple hook stun immunity, or somehow check if you've been jabbed then cancel the stun? I'll probably go with 4HP if you don't mind, as I see grapple knight as weaker than normal knight.

    Cool class :thumbs_up:
    I'll probably land up doing the double daggers, as I got a pretty cool idea for them.
  17. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    You are actually fricking amazing, it looks awesome. Can't wait to play it!!!
  18. Kasper123

    Kasper123 Base Burner

    Rob, here is my sisters class( rosanna2000).
    She doesn't speak or write English so I'm helping her.

    Class name: The Shadow
    Class icon: Black crystal knife with spiky handle
    Description: Looks like archer without quiver, clothes and skin are pitch black. Has no eyes or mouth and always uses the plaque head. His weapon is like his logo, black crystal knife.

    He is stealthy class, and slowly goes invisible after 4 secs while standing still. Any movement or damage let's him be visible again. He is very weak, only having half hearth, but he can one shot any enemy if he strikes them in the back, if he doesn't, it deals half hearth damage. He also has umbra in four block radius around him, which breaks or turns off lanterns if they get in it.

    If possible, don't let him take any fall damage to avoid annoyance from dying from low fall because of little health.

    Her in-game name:
    The Shadow
    Please note we want to be able to use both classes, Shadow Blade and this one.

    I think it's not op because of the low health, but don't let it be able to deal infinite damage to other things than enemy players.
  19. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    I think the one shot any enemy is to op, say it does 4 hearts, kills any knights / archers / builders, since tanks should not be killed in 1hit >.<
    ferdo likes this.
  20. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    I will not be making this class. The class is quite similar in theme/design to yours, and I do not recall seeing rosanna actually in game. You're, of course, free to swap your design if you want. I don't want to sound rude, but it feels like you're just trying to score a second class. If I manage to actually get to the end of the list, I'll consider making it.
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