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Classes/Items Unique Class Mod

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG]' started by Pirate-Rob, Jul 16, 2016.

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  1. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    Bint and ferdo like this.
  2. cesar0

    cesar0 Emperor Donator

    Players controlling chickens is buggy as all heck, I'd have to create an entire new chicken class most likely to get it working, which I'm not keen on doing.
    Maybe he has changed his mind
  3. Kasper123

    Kasper123 Base Burner

    Was thinking about replacing the invisibility with power to draw enemies closer, like the soul sword. Is that possibility if it has cooldown and is activated with spacebar?
  4. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    I'd prefer if you didn't quote me out of context cesar, I already explained to you my reasons, I don't wanna create a whole new class in RoS just so players can control a chicken, which isn't even possesable as it's not mindless. I'm never keen on making new class for RoS, especially when it comes to things that aren't even players. For example, what if someone tries to cage the player chicken, I have to make exceptions for everything related to chickens so that player chickens work. Duck class is different as it won't be interacting with anything other than fighting other players.

    @Kasper123 I'm sure it's possible to code in, ye.

    PUNK123 and an_obamanation like this.
  5. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    does this means chicken will throw the armorpiercing shells like artilerry at everyone?
    or mbh HE shells, or shrapnel? (mbh canister shot, depends on range/powur)
    mbh also HEAT or chemical or smoke or AP (especially AT) shells?
  6. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Grabber! Came out really nice I think, a bit darker than I planned though.
    jimmyzoudcba, Magmus, EhRa and 4 others like this.
  7. Olimarrex

    Olimarrex Ballista Bolt Thrower Official Server Admin

    I can confirm that rosanna2000 is a real person, I have seen her several times and Kasper has previously told me that she was his sister.
    EDIT: welp sht, haven't had one of them derp badges for some time now C:, thought I was looking at the last page when I was looking at the 2nd page, *::P:*
    Sorry bout tht
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2016
    rosanna2000 and Pirate-Rob like this.
  8. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    As per Joshua's suggestion, I've split the class lists.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 20, 2016, Original Post Date: Jul 20, 2016 ---
    I know the feeling man x)
  9. Olimarrex

    Olimarrex Ballista Bolt Thrower Official Server Admin

    Was going to do a gladiator class but that seems to be more or less already taken :C. (May I suggest that the legionnaire class's javelin throw sticks into opponents, slowing them down ;)
    • Class name: Arms Master
    • Class icon description: A Chakram next to a Blunderbuss pistol (or hand mortar)
    • Gender: Male
    • Your Exact In-game Name: ollimarrex
    • Description: 5HP, moves slowly. The Arms Master wears a blunderbuss pistol about him, and holds one chakram in each hand. When he left-clicks he throws the 2 chakrams in quick succession, dealing 1.5 hearts per chakram, and interrupting the opponent. Upon dealing damage, the chakrams will then return to the arms master, if the attack is blocked or the chakram hits an object it will not return*. In which case the Arms Master must resort to his trusty blunderbuss, activated using a left-click. Somewhere around 7 blocks. This weapon takes a long time to charge up, but deals heavy damage, and will not be blocked by an average knight's shield. The blast of the blunderbuss will shoot the arms master a decent amount in the opposite direction to the way he was shooting. The blast has little stun time, but a high knock back toward the enemy as well. The cannon will also break most man-made blocks in a couple of hits, and the charge will not stun the arms master when held for too long. If the Arms Master has both his chakrams on him, he can eat dead bodies for an extra heart.
    • Exact in-game name of others who can use the class: Failedwhistle5, Zfruit, mustachio12
    • Clan tag that can use the class: Can I send this to you in sekrit?
    I also compiled a list of ways I thought you could strengthen or nerf the class, ofc u can completely ignore this if you want C:.
    Possible buffs:
    • Chakrams do not have to be thrown in concession
    • Does not need 2 chakrams on him to eat bodies
    • Chakrams automatically return after a long period of time
    • Moves at normal knight speed when set on fire
    • Can pre-load blunderbuss in order to half the charge time. Pre-loading take 2x as much time as loading & shooting.
    • Blunderbuss is switched to a hand mortar, which acts more like a lower range bomb arrow with a bigger blast radius (and only does the equivalent of 2 builder smacks to blocks)
    Possible Nerfs:
    • Does not have any inventory space
    • Cannon backfires when held for too long, dealing damage to self (around 5-10 seconds after being fully charged)
    • Chakrams do not stun at all
    • Brief period of time before chakrams get thrown
    • Only has 1 Chakram
    • Cannon will only damage doors
    • Cannot move whilst charging cannon shot / is slowed down even more when charging cannon shot
    • Drops chakrams when set on fire
    • Requires ammo to shoot blunderbuss
    * if the chakram hits nothing it will still return.

    Woot! I'm going to put every single class Idea that has come to me since now... The top one is still my favorite class, but I still want to add these for anyone who... for the lols.
    A guy with a long spear that can only deal damage by moving very quickly towards his enemies, he can point it in any direction, much like the archer's bow. And will deal damage when the player is moving in the same direction that it is pointing, and deals more damage when moving quickly. It can block jabs, but not slashes. He also has a grapple (but moves like the zf+ assassin, when he is grappling his jump is decreased to a 1 block height, and he moves slightly slower), which he can use to spear people with greater ease. I also believe it would be cool to be able to pogo-bounce on the ground using the lance.
    Also, gib the boulder player a grapple! that'd be fun :D.
    Bloody barbarian!
    Originally the blood magician, this character combines simple blood magic with his raw might. He can channel his own life essence by right clicking to add extra power to the already devastating (normal knight) slashes and jabs with his cleaver. He can consume corpses to gain health, and can
    Helsing gunner!
    Has a crossbow that fires as fast at a high rate, this deals 1 quarter of a heart of damage, uses half an arrow (shoots in bursts of 2), shoots at a very low velocity, and propels the player backwards a little. Enough in fact that the user can fly with it, however once over-used the bow-gatling will stop working. He can also roll roughly 5 blocks left or right depending on which way he is facing (not which way the cursor is facing)
    - I have pretty much made this class now!
    Travelling trader!
    A jack-of-all trades. This trader has learnt his skills on the street, through observing the bouts of others. By pressing V, he can switch between shovel, hand-axe, and short-bow (or maybe crossbow... considering reality, crossbow would make more sense.) Each of which he can use minor effect. But combining them to make him every bit as powerful as those he learned from.
    And the beauty ~
    I'm not sure, but I think I like where this character could go
    Beast Architect
    No, nothing to do with "Beast". But everything to do with "beasts", though he cannot control them, he can summon them, doing things such as dropping piranha mines, which flop around for a bit, and that will gnaw at enemy flesh when it touches it, but can be slashed at to be destroyed. In terms of face-to-face combat, the Beast Architect will throw spider eggs, which can poison players but deals no damage, and can be blocks, shot by arrows, or blown up. He can also charge like a bull, dealing 1 heart of damage and throwing up any players. This cannot be blocked when in action, but if he is charging up the charge then he can be still stunned and he will have to charge his charge all over again.
    Abomination 1
    The , this little guy is very small, looks cute as hell, but be careful. The Abomination can turn his elastic self into a ball, then - through some strange wizardry - propel himself towards the cursor, harming all enemies in his way. In this form, the Abomination is unable to control his movement, but his ball shape makes him extremely bouncy and hard to hit. He is also able to morph his body into a wall of spikes, slowly expanding in size to the point where he pops, creating a deafening explosion that will stun and harm those around him (it harms & stuns enemies, whilst only stunning allies)
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2017
  10. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Yes, you can add people to the class after the class is made.
  11. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

  12. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    I regret everything while at the same time having no regrets, send halp.
  13. cesar0

    cesar0 Emperor Donator

    those are some sexy legs rob, what image were you look at when making them?:kappa:
  14. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    I would post it here, but I'd get banned.
    Lol, nah, jokes aside, I just kept redrawing it till it looked right. Took quite a few attempts.
    Vamist likes this.
  15. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    Server is up, Its named "Testing server"

    Max players are 8,

    Like so, its up for a while, test your class, and find bugs

    Also sv_test 1 is up
  16. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Please note, Grabber is bugged.
  17. Kasper123

    Kasper123 Base Burner

    Rob, because shadow blade is next, did you see my post about ability change?
  18. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Can't remember, just edit your original suggestion post, as that's what I'll be using.
  19. joshua12131415

    joshua12131415 Bison Rider Tester

    I have an easy way of making a chicken person, i do it all the time on ros. The player can be invisible the whole time, but is holding a chicken and can not let go of it. 25252525:chicken::migrant::teabag::dance:
    Bint likes this.
  20. cesar0

    cesar0 Emperor Donator

    you'd also have to be crouching all the time
    joshua12131415 likes this.
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