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Classes/Items Unique Class Mod

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG]' started by Pirate-Rob, Jul 16, 2016.

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  1. Zfruit

    Zfruit Shipwright

    Me to please I can't wait
    dodo1knight likes this.
  2. cesar0

    cesar0 Emperor Donator

    took me a while but here it is:
    • Class name: Gargoyle
    • Class icon description: a greg
    • Gender: Male
    • Your Exact In-game Name: Cesar0
    • Description: 3HP,low mobility while walking,can't use items(like bombs, kegs, water bombs ecc.), can fly with spacebar(if possible the same way angels fly in aphe's roleplay).Knight's shield and a spear that can poke from a longer range than a sword slash but deals only 1 damage and gets stunned from parries (like jabs would).Charging attacks also dash forward for greater mobility.Instead of taking fall damage the character has a weakened greg stomp (doesn't one shot and only damages stone blocks instead of destroying them) that recharges every 15 seconds, if the ability isn't charged the character will stomp as usual.Kills with this character generate one charge. holding shift will use 3 charges and transform the player into a greg:right click grabs players (both allies and enemies) like a greg would. allies can drop whenever they want by simply pressing one of the movement keys (a,s,d,w), enemies on the other hand have to wait 4 seconds before they can try to get free by pressing spacebar fast enough (or any other mini-game you could think of), Realising right click will also reales the enemy. I already made a sprite for the design [​IMG]
    • Exact in-game name of others who can use the class: BarsukEughen555 , olimarrex

    I mean i wouldn't mind some memes
    BarsukEughen555, Magmus and PUNK123 like this.
  3. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester



    Nope, you have requested a class.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 22, 2016, Original Post Date: Jul 22, 2016 ---
    mustachio12 and PUNK123 like this.
  4. Koi_

    Koi_ Bison Rider

    Not really sure how balanced this'll be buuut...
    • Class name: Gorilla
    • Class icon description: A banana*
    • Gender: Male
    • Your Exact In-game Name: Koi_
    • Description: 6HP. Walks on 4 legs (like this). No melee attacks (for balance). Can throw heavy objects (boulders, logs, etc.) at a reasonably high velocity that do damage on impact. Thrown objects should damage buildings and blobs (2HP?), and stun players when hit (unless a knight blocks it with their shield then a longer stun but no damage). Can also throw other players (including teammates? And maybe with a cooldown for balance) that take damage and stun on impact. Also, just because I wanna add bananas in here somewhere, maybe press space to eat a banana that heals 1HP with a cooldown of 30 secs or something (but you don't have to do this part if you don't want to ::D:).
    So yeah... that's my idea.
    If you decide to actually make this, feel free to change the values (HP, damage, cooldown times, etc.) to balance it better.
    Just gonna say that Pirate Rob, you're awesome for making this mod.
    Keep up the good work. :thumbs_up:
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
  5. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Thanks man. Also, your class might take a while to make, due to me being terrible at spriting.
    Koi_ and PUNK123 like this.
  6. mustachio12

    mustachio12 Arsonist
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

  7. cesar0

    cesar0 Emperor Donator

    so you admit it?

    jk love you rob::P:
    Pirate-Rob likes this.
  8. Olimarrex

    Olimarrex Ballista Bolt Thrower Official Server Admin

    If the mobile boulder is going to be put in as a class, I imagine the boulder icon for the gorilla would be confusing.
    joshua12131415 likes this.
  9. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    It might be cliche, but maybe a banana would work well for the gorilla's icon?
    Koi_ and PUNK123 like this.
  10. Koi_

    Koi_ Bison Rider

    Yeah a banana icon sounds awesome! I only said boulder because I couldn't think of anything else ::D:.
    I have a banana sprite, that merser433 made for me, which you could use if he doesn't mind.

    EDIT: He said it's fine. Is there some way I can PM it to you?
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
    Pirate-Rob likes this.
  11. mustachio12

    mustachio12 Arsonist
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    we could do a animal tag team duo XD
  12. WuppieF

    WuppieF Shipwright

    • Class name: Magical Miner
    • Class icon description:maby the black mage from Final Fantasy
    • Gender: Male
    • Your Exact In-game Name: WuppieF
    • Description: can mine with right klick like builder and shoot arrows [or if posible the orbs from necro] with left klick, 4HP [maby need arrows as ammo to balance]
    • EDIT: maby it woulc be cool if he could push awway anemy placers in a close range to him with space with like idk 15/20 sec cooldown?
    • I already have a sprite if its good enough:
    • : BuilderMale.png
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
    mustachio12 likes this.
  13. mustachio12

    mustachio12 Arsonist
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    umm i have a feeling the suoershield is op becuase nothing can penetrate it :\ i playied and vamist always slided over everyoe and got the flag XD
  14. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    I dunno how the sprite looks in game, but It doesn't look so great to me, If it doesn't look nice when I make the class I'll throw together a new one.

    You should probably keep your flag room closed then?
  15. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    -has no weapons

    -has no self heal ability

    -only defense is a sheild

    -can only heal allies

    -its only op becuase its 4v4 and everybody is talking and nobody has built defnse.
  16. WuppieF

    WuppieF Shipwright

    yea i suck at spriting XD
    Pirate-Rob likes this.
  17. Olimarrex

    Olimarrex Ballista Bolt Thrower Official Server Admin

    Also, I suppose because the new classes are... new... players don't know how to counter (and also use) them.
    I quite like the 4th map now
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
  18. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    who's been taking mine badger ideas?
    huh? X:
  19. mustachio12

    mustachio12 Arsonist
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    you got me there XD
  20. ferdo

    ferdo Horde Gibber

    I will try to learn how make class for help to make my ranger rob !

    i will be back....
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