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Classes/Items Unique Class Mod

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG]' started by Pirate-Rob, Jul 16, 2016.

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  1. maxsc

    maxsc Horde Gibber

    • Class name: Assassin
    • Class icon description: a knife
    • Gender: Male
    • Your Exact In-game Name: maxsc
    • Description: 2HP, can be invisible by right click, can jab for 1 HP by left click, can cimb trees.
    • Exact in-game name of others who can use the class:
    • Clan tag that can use the class: ABG|
  2. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

  3. maxsc

    maxsc Horde Gibber

    I am not sure its right name, but i dont want think about class name some hours.
  4. Smiley83461

    Smiley83461 Haxor

    Hello rob
    my class

      • Class name: jedi

      • Class icon description: a lightsaber

      • Gender: Male

      • Your Exact In-game Name: Smiley83461

      • Description: 3HP,when i left click it's jab when i press left click it's slash(as knight),i can throw my lightsaber with right click cooldown: 5seconds space for use the power of jedi cooldown 10 seconds and i can't have any bomb and keg

      • Exact in-game name of others who can use the class:

      • Clan tag that can use the class: ABG| and !SNAC because i am in two clans
    Thanks bye ! :heart:
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2016
  5. Lindorie

    Lindorie Haxor

    Class name: Gladiator
    Class icon description: Sword (with blood) and round shield.
    Gender: Male
    Your Exact In-game Name: Happy_Sheep
    Description: 3HP. Left click = Hit with sword -> 1 hp and 2 ticks of 1/2 hp each (bleeding efect). Right click -> Hit with shield (stun).
    Obviously there's no utility with the shield besides stuning. It doesnt work for protecting (like knight).

    Exact in-game name of others who can use the class: Noone. I am a lone wolf.

  6. asger75

    asger75 Haxor

    I decided to make a new class, cause my last one was 2 op,
    Class Name: stompy the squirrel
    Class icon: grapple and sheild
    Gender: male
    Your Exact In-game Name: asger75
    Description: 4 hp, lmb = shield, rmb = grapple
    Others who can use my class: No-one, unless someone asks me then maybe, And class can climb trees archer style
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2016
  7. Olimarrex

    Olimarrex Ballista Bolt Thrower Official Server Admin

    A more powerful jabspammer with an occasional stun effect? Nooooo pleeeeeeez :eek:
    ferdo likes this.
  8. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester



    an_obamanation and asger75 like this.
  9. Lindorie

    Lindorie Haxor

    Weak to ranged characters, and good knights (who take distances). Strong in short distances (doing tons of damages with the bleeding effect, even after i die).

    I thought it could be fun to play a class like this. Another idea would have been the spear/net gladiator (with same effects), but i rather the sword/shield one ::P:

    e/ It's sacrificing the power of slashing (2hp for 1 + 1 bleeding) and protection for a stun. Not that op tbh
  10. asger75

    asger75 Haxor

    Rob just a question: If I find the class has a flaw can I edit it? and if I do edit it, will you change it?
    PUNK123 likes this.
  11. Kasper123

    Kasper123 Base Burner

    This class exist shifteh, Kiaran made it...
  12. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    It would be better if he could only teleport into place's of his sight of vision Meaning you can't just teleport out of a mine, or you can't teleport behind walls, you need to be able to see past it. (like wizard wars teleport)
  13. asger75

    asger75 Haxor

    Also just saying the grabber class is extremely op, and I mean overpowered as in killing 5 knights in a row, losing no damage op, also grabbing through doors!
    PUNK123 and Kasper123 like this.
  14. cesar0

    cesar0 Emperor Donator

    "Space for use power of jedi"
    I guess i'm the only one who doesn't know what the "powet of jedi" is?
    Force push? Double jump? Force pull? Force choking? Unlimited powaaaa?
  15. Kasper123

    Kasper123 Base Burner

    Also, Rob, the glint grabbler is too op.
    He can use the counterweight ball to jabbspamm everyone to death because of the stun, even my shadow blade, which dies when I spawn because of this class. Can you reduce the stun time so the grabbler won't be able to lock you in place, unable to move?
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 23, 2016, Original Post Date: Jul 23, 2016 ---
    Why does he have so much health also?
    About five hearths isn't it?
  16. cesar0

    cesar0 Emperor Donator

    Yea,he was good even without the hook, can only imagine what a beast he is now
    ferdo likes this.
  17. Smiley83461

    Smiley83461 Haxor

    just for my class the power of jedi it's force chocking - 2 or -3 hp on the enemy , when i use it the enemy can't walk he is stun and the distance is 8 or 10 blocks

    the throwing jabber distance 8 or 10 blocks
    ollimarrex and BarsukEughen555 can use my class
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2016
  18. Lindorie

    Lindorie Haxor

    There's a problem with the grabbler:
    • Does 1,5 HP without charging or anything (heavier hits than knight).
    • Stuns when hit, and people cannot do anythig about it (Like an assassin class)
    • Has 5 HP, which is more than 2 slashes from classic knight (like a tank).
    • Can break doors (like a knight or builder).
    • Can grab stuff and people (even through doors and backwalls) (like an assassin again).

    Something needs to be nerfed there. It's kit is just way so powerful compared to the rest of classes. It's just common sense...
    Magmus and ferdo like this.
  19. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    Couple things. the class isnt suppose to be for everyone some people just abuse the clantag(sorry rob im guilty of it aswell). And i was originally gonna tell you to "git gud" but then my train of thought led me to a ctf game completely composed of grabbers and it makes me dream of a perfect game.
  20. cesar0

    cesar0 Emperor Donator

    Guys i am pretty sure rob has realised and is working on it, it's called test server for a reason.
    Also, you haven't seen the bugged swapper, now that's op.
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