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Unique Classes Mod (List of all the classes)

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG]' started by joshua12131415, Jul 24, 2016.

  1. joshua12131415

    joshua12131415 Bison Rider Tester

    I needed to make a sprite for one of the classes but it was really annoying checking all 12+ pages so to prevent that from happening again,I have dug through all of off the comments at (https://forum.thd.vg/threads/unique-class-mod.25678/) and put all the classes into a long, easier to read list in order of who posted first. I'll try to keep this updated, i have only posted the original class requests and edits, none of the comments are here.
    my class is

    name: ninja

    icon: black ninja robe or a small dagger

    exact in-game name: kiaran

    Description: has a a dagger to melee and range (ranged isnt very far) (space bar to switch between melee and ranged) melee: half a heart. ranged: 1 heart. (attacks from behind with melee do 1 heart of damage) teleport with rightclick. (can only be used every 5-10 seconds,i dunno) hp: 2. looks like a person in a ninja robe. (tinted the color of the team the person is on) maybe double jump. (you know, because its a ninja)

    gender: male

    Exact in-game name of others who can use the class: oddjoeguy, deathdrobot

    (please dont bring the rros server argument into this)

    Seems like a cool idea that takes way too much work, but if you wanna go for it, who am I to stop you? Nobody sensible will flame you for not making the mod if you decide against it.

    I'll even throw in a class. The Twister
    • Class name: Twister
    • Class icon description: A little cyclone, or two curved swords, whichever is easier
    • Your Exact In-game Name: Potatobird
    • Description: See below
    • Exact in-game name of others who can use the class: I dunno, can we change this later?
    • Clan tag that can use the class: " "
    Two scimitars, windy powers. Can double (or triple?) jump. Left click is an instant slash that adds some momentum (like knight slash, but with a little more kick) and has a much smaller "hitbox" than knight slash, does 1 damage I guess. Right click and hold to do a spinny attack (the twister) and damage enemies nearby while reducing own fall speed, 2 to 3 heart damage per second, tons'o'damage. This class should probably only do half or no stomp damage. Falls lightly, takes no fall stun or damage. Space bar can just do nothing, or maybe activate bombs (not kegs).
    • Class name: Swapper
    • Class icon description: Two arrows facing away from each other.
    • Your Exact In-game Name: eragon200012
    • Description: Has the ability to attack (sword etc), but can also swap places with any character in view once every 30 seconds. If said character is killed, the swapping is instantly recharged.
    • Class name: Great shield knight
    • Class icon description: A Giant sheild
    • Your Exact In-game Name: Vamoooooooooooooooost
    • Description: Has a large shield, Used to protect allies, can move at normal speed, Can not be stunned by slashes, Can use shield to block keg attacks - Has no sword or any other weapons.
    (This has been the class i've always wanted :^)
    Space Builder
    Only i can use this. I'll make a list of stuff this class can do.
    1. It's a builder class that can place blocks in mid air. Anything i build is not effected by gravity ( it won't fall when it loses support, and i can continue building without it being connected to the ground).
    2. I am lighter then an average play and fall / move slowly ( kind of the same effect as holding floating gold).
    3. I can make wards.
    4. No cool down for placing blocks. ( Or maybe a shorter cool down, if lag happens i might place 2 of the same block in the same space).
    5. An option to disable space building and turn me into a normal builder ( that can still make wards of course :P)
    If you think its too strong then you can add any of these:
    • Less health (You decide)
    • More resources in inventory = slower speed.
    • Everything i build is more expensive.
    • Everything i build (including stone blocks) are flammable.
    • Something else...
    Good idea Rob!
    Now I can finally play as true shadow blade!
    Here is my class:
    Class name: Shadow Blade
    Class icon: black sword with brown handle.
    Looks like normal knight, except all that is team coloured is black and also has black cloak. Wields a longsword out of dark obsidian which has floating black particles around it and shield out of black metal with obsidian spikes on both sides.

    The shadow blade has five hearths. He has dark energy meter that can hold 100 dark energy used for his abilities, each kill adds 10 dark energy to his meter.
    His primary ability is dark vortex, which draws enemies closer to him,
    ( like soul blade). It's activated by spacebar and need 40 dark energy per use. It need 3 sec channel time with animation of the black particles merging together. It lasts 4 secs and every kill earned while it's active will add 2 secs to the duration
    or 10 secs and no extra time for kills.

    Can I have some self support secondary ability which activates with v or standing still and uses dark energy or is it too much?
    Was thinking of shade cloak armour, which activates with v and takes 3 sec to become active. It uses 30 dark energy and negates 25% of incoming damage for 8 secs. When beginning the ability (first 3 secs), black particles from his sword go inside his chestplate.

    Kills made with vortex active won't add dark energy.
    I would like if I cannot be stunned by those near me it's active, since drawing vamist near me is gonna be problem...
    Won't be able to use any bombs or kegs if you want.
    I kinda want him to only use the plaque doctor head if that is possible, because shadow blades are supposed to be anonymous, in case I allow others to it too.

    When he dies he will turn into black ghost (like in RoS) and respawn after 30-40 secs because he is bit stronger than others.

    My in-game name: Shadow Blade Kasper
    It would be awesome if you could make this!
    Please don't place any team coloured on him, it makes allies and enemies wonder if he is enemy or ally.
    Rob, can i keep the invisibility and kill fueled health regen if i got those downsides:
    -40 sec respawn time
    -4 hearths
    -not being able to slash while invisible
    -Cannot use bombs or kegs.

    It would be nice to keep the 20% speed boost, i personaly dont think its too op.

    Anyways, can you at least tell me what you plan to do before you actualy make this class.
    Dont wanna be annyoing, just dont want class i dont like.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
    Magmus and Pirate-Rob like this.
  2. joshua12131415

    joshua12131415 Bison Rider Tester

    I reached the character limit
    Cool idea Rob!
      • Class name: Grabber

      • Class icon description: A hook and chains behind/around/however you want to do it

      • Your Exact In-game Name: jimmyzoudcba

      • Description: Right click shoots out a high (moderate, so to be dodgable) speed long (1.8 size of grapple hook?) grapple that pulls (I'm thinging any movable object, e.g. allies, enemies, kegs, bombs, etc.) towards you quickly. (optional) During the grapple they can't use anything/can only use LMB. Left click should be a immediate smash with the counterweight dealing 1/1.5 heart damage, and left hold should slowly (2.5 sec?) charge up a 2.5 heart attack that knocks back a tiny bit and stuns for 0.5 sec. Perferably you can charge your left hold while throwing out the grapple?

      • Clan: GLINT

      • Others that can use it: My clan members, (kenlin33, MegaLOLdon)

      • BTW can I get them here to make their own classes?
    Class Name:Legionnaire
    Class Icon: a polearm or spear
    Description:Left click slowly charges up a long range moderate damage projectile weapon(Javelin) right click is a shield space is for bombs v to "rally" nearby allies that lets other teammates to regenerate hp over time that has a cooldown of 20 seconds is it possible to allow meele in the inventory like ferdos ranger? if you cant thats ok
    In-Game Name Failedwhistle5
    Others that can use this: ryderfive FunATuns Olimarrex Osmal carlospaul

    Good luck on this whole project!!!25252525:dance:
    You are making some Dreams true *_*
    Class name: Ranger
      • Class icon description: a bow with dagger(s)/Sword and grapple
      • Gender: Male
      • Your Exact In-game Name: ferdo
      • Description: 3HP, right clic do the normal grapple of the archer class, in inventory as to select the type of arrow, select the weapon ( if you can do the swap weapon fast like the swaping type of arrows, just press the inventory button ( it's "F" for me if it's usefull )) :
    - a Bow as the Archer class, but the max load do not shoot 3 arrows, he's only draws 1 arrow with a shoot more powerful, with more dmg : 2 or 2.5 heart.

    - a Sword or 2 Dagger or only 1 Dagger, do what the is easier to do, just different stats:

    - Sword : the ranger is weakier than a knight so he's making less dmg jab make 0.5 heart, and slash 1.5 heart but the load is a bit
    faster (idk if it's too op just do the normal load time)
    - 1 Dagger : jab 0.25 heart, Slash 1 or 1.5 heart and stunning ( the dagger is not for fight it's help to run away if a berserk is on you)

    - 2 Daggers ; jab 0.5 heart, Slash 3 heart but need more time to load (it's looking more like an Assassin with that)
    i dont know if you can do that : the first loaded slash do 1.5 heart (normal load like the knight), and the second do one slash 4 heart (with a big load) jab 0.5
    if you dont care what is the easier for you or because you can make all Dreams real make the last one :D with any weapon (Sword or Dagger(s), i dont care because it's AWESOME

    The Ranger is looking like an archer ( color Brown / green ; leather effect ) but we can see his other weapon Bow and the sword in the back, daggers on reeds, each have their turn, if it's the dagger ignore it.( again, only if it's easy for you to make it, i dont know how difficult it is to make mod like that :/ if you can't, just use the Archer's animation

    Tell me if you see problems, dont understand, or if something are too much op/weak

    Sorry for My English :/
    You made a grapple knight for Gold Floats that I absolutely loved playing as but I had a few (personal) problems with it that i'd like to change and perhaps have it be my little unique class :D (If this doesn't fit the uniqueness requirement I have another idea if I was allowed another go.)

      • Class name: Grapple Knight
      • Class icon description: (I liked the gold floats one fine, so you could reuse that if you wanted to :D)
      • Gender: Male
      • Your Exact In-game Name: an_obamanation
      • Description: 2-3 HP, grapple length is the same as an archers, can grapple while charging up a slash, cannot carry heavy objects (Things like kegs, boats, vehicle crates), runs at archer speed, grapples aren't cancelled out by jabs (This one isn't a big deal to me but it would help negate problems with jabspam.)
      • Exact in-game name of others who can use the class: Paralogia, neil58, toothgrinderx, and Anks
    Super ambitious thing you're doing and super great, gonna make a looooot of people happy including myself. Good luck with everything! :r_flex:::)::thumbs_up:
    Rob, here is my sisters class( rosanna2000).
    She doesn't speak or write English so I'm helping her.

    Class name: The Shadow
    Class icon: Black crystal knife with spiky handle
    Description: Looks like archer without quiver, clothes and skin are pitch black. Has no eyes or mouth and always uses the plaque head. His weapon is like his logo, black crystal knife.

    He is stealthy class, and slowly goes invisible after 4 secs while standing still. Any movement or damage let's him be visible again. He is very weak, only having half hearth, but he can one shot any enemy if he strikes them in the back, if he doesn't, it deals half hearth damage. He also has umbra in four block radius around him, which breaks or turns off lanterns if they get in it.

    If possible, don't let him take any fall damage to avoid annoyance from dying from low fall because of little health.
    Her in-game name:
    The Shadow
    Please note we want to be able to use both classes, Shadow Blade and this one.

    I think it's not op because of the low health, but don't let it be able to deal infinite damage to other things than enemy players.
      • Class name: Water God
      • Class icon description: Water arrow
      • Gender: Female :33333333333333333333333
      • Your Exact In-game Name: Blue_Tiger
      • Description: 3HP, cannot be stunned by water, an archer that shoots water arrows by default, and can use water bombs with spacebar. Right click makes a jetpack of water instead of a grapple (if you can be arsed, anyone immediately below gets stunned by the water).
      • Exact in-game name of others who can use the class: The-Cub
    Rob the saviour of the modded ctf scene. Here's my idea for my modded class:

      • Class name: Bunny the Bastard
      • Class icon description: Easter egg
      • Gender: suprise me::P:
      • Your Exact In-game Name: PUNK123
      • Description: 3hp, has eggs as a droppable projectile. Drop with lmb, set off with rmb. Eggs do about 2 hearts dmg and you get 10-15 at tent.
    Also this isnt a theft of the engineer from trenchrun but more of an inspiration from a class in gang garrison.
      • Class name: Hitler
      • Class icon description: A swastika
      • Gender: Male
      • Your Exact In-game Name: Bunnie
      • Description: The class looks like Hitler (You can only have Hitler head while you play it). You can shoot Swastikas like arrows. On left click you can shoot Gas Swastikas every 7 seconds (u get 20 at tent). When you shoot it, a 4x4 field of gas appears there where the swastika landed for 5 seconds. It damages 0,25 heart every seconds while you're inside and slows you by 25% for 10 seconds when you get inside. On right click you can shoot Anti-Jew Swastikas (can shoot every 8 seconds, you get 15 at tent). One hit of the Swastika takes randomly 15-30 coins and gives you 50% of what you stole from the target. When you hit someone with Anti-Jew Swastika, it shows a cloud of text above you (like a bot's "heeeelp!") but it doesn't say it in chat. Text is: "Your shekels are mine, pathetic jew!". On spacebar you can change into a bush (Not the Bush that did 9/11) that takes 10 coins away every 5 seconds when you get in the bush, and gives you 50% of that. It takes 5 seconds to change into bush, but you can re-change into Hitler instantly. You also change back if someone attacks you. When someone gets into the bush, after 5 seconds it says "Bush did 9/11" in a cloud of text so they can run away. Poor jews. On V button it shouts one of 5 random taunts, including: "Sieg heil!" "Heil Hitler!" "Run while you can, jews!" "Go back to Israel!" "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles". Cooldown is 10 seconds. You have 50% to instakill any Water Gods near you (6x6 field) when you use a taunt. Give me any health u want, but pls not less than 2.
      • Other people that can use the class: chickenleg2, WalkingTooth, Greyveyard/GreyHCK, Colargolator, Psiklaw, Koi_
      • Class name: The Fist
      • Class icon description: A fist
      • Gender: Male
      • Your Exact In-game Name: Colargolator
      • Description: The class can only fight with his fist, that is like sword jabs but cannot be shielded. The fist jabs can break any stone, wood or dirt just like a builder pickaxe. He has 6 hearts to compensate the lack of other skills.
      • Other people that can use the class: Psiklaw, other with clan tag FIST!
    plz dont
      • Class name: Engi (Engineer, this explosive TR guy, barsuk, barsuk's main char, doom of team, C4 masta, noammo 'cuz live sucks)
      • Class icon description: c4

      • Gender: male (muhy muh approves)

      • Your Exact In-game Name: BarsukEughen555

      • Description: he's TR copyleftclick = start loading rocket, when its loaded you can fire and allahuakbar stuff; rightclick = plant C4, rightclick once more = rip ppl around C4;veri strict limitations: 2 ammo/rocket and 2 C4's only for live, no ressuplies, muh
      • Moar ppl ab - using this: cesar0
    Class name: Duck
    Class icon description: Duck
    Gender: Duck
    Your Exact In-game Name: Bwnt
    Description: Duck...essentially a chicken but with the power of flight. 2 hp. Can hold breath for longer, light enough to float on water. Left click is an offensive wing-slap for 1/2 a heart, right click is a quack for morale purposes ofc. Could spacebar be an aerial shit that stuns enemies and would only be usable every 20 seconds or so? Maybe it could only work from a decent height.
    Exact in-game name of others who can use the class: Bint (me again :rekt:)
    Was going to do a gladiator class but that seems to be more or less already taken :C. (May I suggest that the legionnaire class's javelin throw sticks into opponents, slowing them down ;)
      • Class name: Arms Master
      • Class icon description: A Chakram with a hand-cannon in the background
      • Gender: Male
      • Your Exact In-game Name: ollimarrex
      • Description: 4HP, moves slowly. The Arms Master has a mysterious hand-cannon like weapon on his back, and one chakram in each hand. When he left-clicks he throws the 2 chakrams in quick succession, dealing 1.5 hearts per chakram, upon dealing damage, the chakrams will then return to the arms master, if the attack is blocked or the chakram hits an object it will not return*. In which case the Arms Master must resort to his trusty cannon, activated using a left-click. Imagine a pop gun, only much bigger and made of metal. This weapon takes a long time to charge up, but deals heavy damage, and will not be blocked by an average knight shield, it has little stun time, but a high knock back. The cannon will also break most manmade blocks in a couple of hits, and the charge will not stun the arms master when held for too long. If the Arms Master has both his chakrams on him, he can eat dead bodies for an extra heart, the arms master does not have any inventory space, due to his cannon.
      • Exact in-game name of others who can use the class: Failedwhistle5, Zfruit
      • Clan tag that can use the class: Can I send this to you in sekrit?
    * if the chakram hits nothing it will still return.

    Also, can I add more people on to the list of exact in-game names of others even after the class is made?
      • Class name: Fisherman :noburu::noburu:
      • Class icon description: A trident
      • Gender: Male/Female
      • Your Exact In-game Name: TheFlare
      • Description: 4HP, Rmb is a trident that acts like a knights sword (does same damage or less) then Lmb is a net that is thrown which traps an enemy and traps them in a spot for awhile (3 seconds?) with a cooldown of 3 seconds. Also when f is clicked there is an option like with archer to switch to a thrown trident (15? on spawn) which on no charge is a jab and full charge (3 shot for archers) is thrown at enemy for 2 hearts + stun.
      • Exact in-game name of others who can use the class: SuperSoldier98
    something small for me
    Class name: wanderer
    Class icon description: axe head on three javelins
    Gender: male
    Your Exact In-game Name: Ferrezinhre
    Description: 2 hp, Lmb is small axe with long shaft and Rmb for simple wooden javelin (3 on spawn), and last special thing for this (optional) can make one javelin from one log. Class look in game, let's say white tunic with team colored cloak if its not too much
    Class name: pool boi
    Class Icon: water bomb shaded in (I don't care just a water bomb)
    Gender: Male
    Your Exact in-game name: asger75
    Description: when space pressed with water bombs selected I receive free water bombs into my hand which I can then throw this has a 2 sec cool down and when bomb selected I recieve bombs into my hand 3 sec cool down, rmb is grapple, lmb is just normal jab. 1.5x regular knight speed. Health = 5 hearts
    I decided to make a new class, cause my last one was 2 op,
    Class Name: stompy the squirrel
    Class icon: grapple and sheild
    Gender: male
    Your Exact In-game Name: asger75
    Description: 4 hp, lmb = shield, rmb = grapple
    Others who can use my class: No-one, unless someone asks me then maybe, And class can climb trees archer style
      • Class name: Karibou

      • Class icon description: a head of Karibou

      • Gender: Male

      • Your Exact In-game Name: ArkoCheros

      • class : Knight

      • Description: A Heart 9 ,it can not regenerate with the hearts of others and must go to the market . the person who kills 50 % have double the money or 50% fall ill (as the rune in your mod more class ). his sword lost for a normal shot 1 hearts, and an attack charge 2 Hearts + 50% fire has enemi . his shield send arrows (like the trampoline). if you can put on a shield shaped crest Karibou I love you =) . every 20 to kill the possibility of an explosion around him (like a keg) by pressing shift (a bit like the juggernaut) not force this one but I like it. not to be too cheater spawn takes 15 seconds

      • If you managed to make me a pretty faithful to that the class, I offer 10 Chicken, a keg and a place of Lord Commander In Ark

      • Thank
      • Has 9 hearts, the only way to get more health is at the market and in a bed .
      • When you kill someone you have a 50% chance to get double the coins, and a 50% chance to fall ill (like the rune in the more classes mod).
      • Jabs do 1 heart
      • Slashes to 2 hearts and light the enemy on fire
      • Arrows bounce off his shield as if it were a trampoline
      • He wants the shape of his shield to be a crest.
      • Every 20 kills he gets to make a free keg explosion by pressing Shift
    I need me a dank class heres my idea
    Grand Samurai
    5 hearts and has NO SHIELD
    Slash does 3 hearts
    very small dash while performing the single slash not double slash maybe the small dash could be its right click? even though that contradicts the double slash statement.
    maybe 1 or 2 block dash? wears very heavy armor to get 5 hearts so maybe its a little slower than the average knight?
    Wields a Long katana meant for slashing not jabbing! so maybe jabs do half a heart instead of one full heart?
    maybe a barely greater slash distance since he wields a long katana.

    weaknesses: bombs,waterbombs,archers,jabs,single slashes,and cant dodge well since hes slow and bulky with the armor,and has no shield.

    i think this is at least somewhat balanced.
    how the character looks he has a large blade sash to his right side other than that just a knight with plate like shoulderpads. i guess ill just change my head to a samurai.

    icon: is a Long katana
    my username is: ryderfive
    people that can use are: Funatuns failedwhistle5 minifireball102 chrispin
    gender is male

    quick note: i cant decide wether jabs should do 1 heart of half
    rip me bottom of the list :'c
    nfo I need for class:
    Hi, wanted to post my class not sure if it's to close to Failed whistles :)
      • Class name:Pikeman
      • Class icon description:A knight with a pike(or pitchfork) and no shield icon.
      • Gender:Male
      • Your Exact In-game Name:Epicman635
      • Description:No shield, 3/2 hearts, Left click: moves/pushes pike forward greater range than knight but slower cooldown (1/1.5/2 damage) Right click: punches quicker than jab but deals 0.5 hearts
    hi! i have an idea for a class that id like :D

    class name: badger

    class icon description: its just a badger you can choose the position what suits you best :D

    exact name: mustachio12

    gender: male (does it really matter in this case?)

    description: the badger class is a little bit faster than the archer he can jump a little higher than archer and left f´mouse is a bite attack that makes you cling on to the enemy for a short while it would kinda have the fire effect that reverses your movements aftr that youre stunned and knocked back from the enemy for a short while right click will allow you to dash on your belly (you can do it in the air too) to escape from enemies or places where your trapped but theres one block in the bottom you could slide trough the health of badger is 3 hearts the bite attack does 2 hearts of damage also its a european badger :D
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2016
    Magmus and Pirate-Rob like this.
  3. joshua12131415

    joshua12131415 Bison Rider Tester

    took me a while but here it is:
      • Class name: Gargoyle
      • Class icon description: a greg
      • Gender: Male
      • Your Exact In-game Name: Cesar0
      • Description: 3HP,low mobility while walking,can't use items(like bombs, kegs, water bombs ecc.), can fly with spacebar(if possible the same way angels fly in aphe's roleplay).Knight's shield and a spear that can poke from a longer range than a sword slash but deals only 1 damage and gets stunned from parries (like jabs would).Charging attacks also dash forward for greater mobility.Instead of taking fall damage the character has a weakened greg stomp (doesn't one shot and only damages stone blocks instead of destroying them) that recharges every 15 seconds, if the ability isn't charged the character will stomp as usual.Kills with this character generate one charge. holding shift will use 3 charges and transform the player into a greg:right click grabs players (both allies and enemies) like a greg would. allies can drop whenever they want by simply pressing one of the movement keys (a,s,d,w), enemies on the other hand have to wait 4 seconds before they can try to get free by pressing spacebar fast enough (or any other mini-game you could think of), Realising right click will also reales the enemy. I already made a sprite for the design [​IMG]
      • Exact in-game name of others who can use the class: BarsukEughen555 , olimarrex
    Not really sure how balanced this'll be buuut...
      • Class name: Gorilla
      • Class icon description: A banana*
      • Gender: Male
      • Your Exact In-game Name: Koi_
      • Description: 6HP. Walks on 4 legs (like this). No melee attacks (for balance). Can throw heavy objects (boulders, logs, etc.) at a reasonably high velocity that do damage on impact. Thrown objects should damage buildings and blobs (2HP?), and stun players when hit (unless a knight blocks it with their shield then a longer stun but no damage). Can also throw other players (including teammates? And maybe with a cooldown for balance) that take damage and stun on impact. Also, just because I wanna add bananas in here somewhere, maybe press space to eat a banana that heals 1HP with a cooldown of 30 secs or something (but you don't have to do this part if you don't want to ::D:).
    So yeah... that's my idea.
    If you decide to actually make this, feel free to change the values (HP, damage, cooldown times, etc.) to balance it better.
    Just gonna say that Pirate Rob, you're awesome for making this mod.
    Keep up the good work. :thumbs_up:
      • Class name: Magical Miner
      • Class icon description:maby the black mage from Final Fantasy
      • Gender: Male
      • Your Exact In-game Name: WuppieF
      • Description: can mine with right klick like builder and shoot arrows [or if posible the orbs from necro] with left klick, 4HP [maby need arrows as ammo to balance]

      • I already have a sprite if its good enough:
      • : [​IMG]
      • Class name: Drangonslayer
      • Class icon description: ability to breve fire and have a sword.
      • Gender: male
      • Your Exact In-game Name: spiller0809
      • Description:A man that has been raised by dragons an he breves fire and has a sword. left click is to use sword and right click is to breve fire from the mouth. the fire works as normal fire arrows (damage wise) but it lasts longer then normal fire and He has 6HP.
      • Class name: Beserker
      • Class icon description: Greatsword icon
      • Gender: Male (if anyone has seen the anime Berserk I would like him to look like Guts :3)
      • Your Exact In-game Name: SirDangalang
      • Clan tag that can use this class: NI
      • Description: A knight based character that is focused on charged combo attacks using a greatsword that has significantly more range than a standard knight. Should be enough to easily hit multiple enemy knights.
    1st charge and release: single overhead slash downwards.

    2nd charge and release: Overhead slash downwards then upwards slash with the second strike attack range ending behind the player in a half moon motion

    3rd charge and release: Player thrusts the greatsword like a lance propelling themselves forward and hits three times.

    The RMB shield is replaced with a telegraphed pommel bash that pulls the arm back then thrusts the hilt into the opponent which stuns and knocks back enemies significantly but deals no damage.

    All hits inflicted by the berserker does 3hp and have shield break capabilities after enemy blocks first strike.

    Attacks can also deflect bombs and arrows but kegs and bomb arrows will explode on hit instead. To balance this the charge time for attacks has to be longer than a standard knight and the pommel bash has to not be spammable to allow tactical deflection.

    To counter having no shield the berserker cannot be stunned or knocked back even by water. The flip side is that he also cannot use water but all other items can be used as normal. He also should have 6hp allowing him to tank a double slash from a standard knight.

    Maybe a bit too blue sky thinking haha ::P:

    I think it's amazing rob how much effort you are putting into this mod :B)::heart:
      • Class name: Wind Night
      • Class icon description: A storm
      • Gender: male
      • Your Exact in-game name: Zfruit
      • Description: his health is 5 He has two swords (always does 1 damage) when he charged to max it swings 4 times (4 swings = 4 damage) his load speed is very fast his left click makes a air cutter attack. Space bar makes a ring around him to protect him from arrows or booms (but he need's to stay still). He can't use booms or any other items. he has no sheld fell free to change it as you must to balance it out ::):
      • Class name: Assassin

      • Class icon description: a knife

      • Gender: Male

      • Your Exact In-game Name: maxsc

      • Description: 2HP, can be invisible by right click, can jab for 1 HP by left click, can cimb trees.

      • Exact in-game name of others who can use the class:

      • Clan tag that can use the class: ABG|
    ello rob
    my class

        • Class name: jedi

        • Class icon description: a lightsaber

        • Gender: Male

        • Your Exact In-game Name: Smiley83461

        • Description: 3HP,when i left click it's jab when i press left click it's slash(as knight),i can throw my lightsaber with right click cooldown: 5seconds space for use the power of jedi cooldown 10 seconds and i can't have any bomb and keg

        • Exact in-game name of others who can use the class:

        • Clan tag that can use the class: ABG| and !SNAC because i am in two clans
    Thanks bye ! :heart:
    Class name: Gladiator
    Class icon description: Sword (with blood) and round shield.
    Gender: Male
    Your Exact In-game Name: Happy_Sheep
    Description: 3HP. Left click = Hit with sword -> 1 hp and 2 ticks of 1/2 hp each (bleeding efect). Right click -> Hit with shield (stun).
    Obviously there's no utility with the shield besides stuning. It doesnt work for protecting (like knight).

    Exact in-game name of others who can use the class: Noone. I am a lone wolf.
      • Class name: Ninja
      • Class icon description: A Cloak
      • Gender: Gentleman (Male)
      • our Exact In-game Name: Shifteh_Clickeh
      • HEALTH: He has 3 hearts of health
      • Description: ABILITY 1: Can teleport (OR it can go invisible and run faster then normal there) the length of 3 building shops, uses a dagger that does 1 heart of damage, can be charged up similar to the knight but only after teleport and the charge up gleam is green o: ABILITY 2: Can throw a sword / dagger at a nearby enemy, does 1.5 hearts of damage and is similar to the archers bow arrow.
    EXTRA: Could his sprite look like a Ninja :D
    this was one of my class ideas, if anyone wants to take it, feel free to change anything that you like, you don't have to add me to the class or anything (also i'm sure you'll do Rob a great favor because my class ideas are so simple:wink:)
      • Class name: Undead
      • Class icon description: a zombie hand
      • Gender: Male
      • Your Exact In-game Name:
      • Description: 4HP, in his initial form he works like the cannibal zombie from RoS, same attack and no shield.Interacting with a corpse (if it's possible in this mod) regenerates 1HP or, if health is full, adds 1 HP to maxHP. On death the character is replaced by a zombie hand.The hand has 1HP and a slow crawling movement but can make quick jumps every 3 seconds to move around more easly.If the hand manages to get close to a corpse and itercats with it, you go back to your initial form, but with half HP.can't drop lower than 1HP on resurrection. sprites:the cannibal zombie with spear from RoS for the initial stage and the zombie hand from the original game's files
      • Exact in-game name of others who can use the class:
      • Clan tag that can use the class:
    Dibs on the darkknight from dark souls >:)!!!!!!!!!!!!
    -His icon could be a humanity
    -he could be beefy but decent speed
    -he has no shield and a big sword that could basically do everything the nights sword does just with a longer reach
    -and also it would be cool if he could role
    if you need help with the sprites i can help :D
    Ps: let zFruit use my class, oh and thanks oli :P
    --- Double Post Merged, 14 minutes ago, Original Post Date: 20 minutes ago ---
    -Darknight (class name)
    Oh sorry (Zfruit)
    --- Double Post Merged, 15 minutes ago, Original Post Date: 15 minutes ago ---
    well fine but give him 5 hp then please :(
    --- Double Post Merged, 13 minutes ago ---
    this class was suggested by attilio
    -KAG name is Jaytratto
    --- Double Post Merged, 12 minutes ago ---
    vamy can i have 5 hp then? XD
    --- Double Post Merged, 11 minutes ago ---
    Vamist said:
    Since you'r playing darksouls on kag

    no bombs

    no way to be healed by allys

    can only be healed 1 hp each enemy you kill.
    vamy i approve XD
    --- Double Post Merged, 11 minutes ago ---
    attilio said:
    Oh sorry (Zfruit)
    --- Double Post Merged, 15 minutes ago, Original Post Date: 15 minutes ago ---
    well fine but give him 5 hp then please :(
    --- Double Post Merged, 13 minutes ago ---
    this class was suggested by attilio
    -KAG name is Jaytratto
    --- Double Post Merged, 12 minutes ago ---
    vamy can i have 5 hp then? XD
    --- Double Post Merged, 11 minutes ago ---

    vamy i approve XD
    i forgot to add my KAG name its Jaytratto
    • Class name: Black Swordsman
    • Class icon description: Ultra Greatsword
    • Gender: Male
    • Your Exact In-game Name: JackMcDaniels
    • Description: 5hp, two-hands the sword, can only use charged attacks (no light or jab attacks,) deals half-damage to shielding knights and has more knockback, does more damage and more attack range than normal knight, can break stone blocks. Slower than knight and no shield, can't jump on arrow ladders.

      Sprite description (optional for you): Black hair, wears a cape.

      Good luck with this Pirate Rob, you must be very dedicated!
    Class name: Bunny Man
    Class Icon: Bunny feet
    Gender: Other
    In game name: VaderCraftGamer
    Desc: Looks like a normal person but this class face is covered in a white bunny mask with blonde hair behind the mask and white thin archer-like costume, it has cool moves, left click hold it prepares in one second to do a charge attack and just left click is a small half heart punch and both attacks can only be blocked by shield, right click and the bunny 'man' shields using arm and it blocks like a normal knight shield it also has space bar which is a 4 block high jump. It's hp is 3 hearts
    Other people in game that can use this: muchachio12
    Please also keep the inventory key 'f' although this character doesn't need any things for inventory.
    I want a hammer time class.
    -He has 5hp but each time he breaks 1-2 stone blocks he runs slightly faster
    -Yes, he can break through concrete.
    -He has slightly increased damage and more knock back
    -No shield
    -When he falls the delay for him to get back up is a bit slower
    -His class icon is a hammer
    As usual, not asking for to much
    Class name:Woodsman
    Icon: An archer with both a bow, and an axe (for placing and removing blocks)
    My exact IGN: purpledragon1391
    Description: An archer that can climb trees,shoot a bow with left click, but can also build with space bar, and destroy/mine blocks with right click. he can only build wooden blocks(ladders, wood blocks, wood walls, platforms, wood doors, and workshops) and also has no grapple hook(for balance). He has 3 hearts.
    Others to use this: can't think of any right now
    clan?: nope
    • Class name: Clockwork Fortress
    • Class icon description: Cog
    • Gender: Female
    • Your Exact In-game Name: CodeRedAlert
    • Steam ID is: Negablazerino (Blaze-Kun) doubt if its any use though
    • Description: 8-10 hearts, can spew fire out of a vent-like-boiler (vent flames catching things on fire facing in front), slow movement (large class), slow swinging morning star capable of damaging blocks, rather large body (size of juggernaut mod), shield that still allows damage but just 1 heart segment per heart (That way the class has some type of defense against archers). Less stun time due to the class being larger than normal. Sinks in water.
    • Advantages/Disadvantages: The character I am requesting is more of a siege class, shes a powerhouse but can be killed by faster moving classes or knights. The fire venting is to allow better destruction of wooden defenses (Where the heavy mace allows breaking of harder blocks) and for some type of defense against melee fighters to allow not being easily swarmed.
    • Real Advantage = Tank Real Disadvantage = Ranged Classes
    • Exact in-game name of others who can use the class: N/A
    • Clan tag that can use the class: N/A
    • Posters Note's: I have listed a type of siege class, I don't know if this idea is or isn't unique currently, if it is awesome, Id love to be a walking tank. If this is too complex or if you somehow have a bad taste from this idea I can try something else if you so wish.
    Class name: crossbowman
    Class icon: crossbow? whatever
    gender: male
    ign: swiggityswooty
    Description: longer grapple, shorter range, increased fallspeed (shorter jump) and the charge up attack is the old legolas shot.
    if you think thats 2 good maybe take away special arrows, or increase charge time on legolas?
    advntages: more mobile and better cqc, good against retreating foes
    disadvntages: less vertical mobility, less sniping capability, once you've been hit easier to finish off due to fallspeed
    clan tag: SURGE
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2016
    Magmus and Pirate-Rob like this.
  4. cesar0

    cesar0 Emperor Donator

    Thanks this is really helpfull.
    Btw no, i didn't ask for a second class, i just posted the idea in case anyone who liked it (and didn't have a class) wanted to take it as theirs.
    PUNK123 and joshua12131415 like this.
  5. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

  6. joshua12131415

    joshua12131415 Bison Rider Tester

    I knew that would annoy you that's why i did it XD. If you looked closely its the only one that starts with a lowercase letter::D:
    I am not jewish but i am still curious, where does all your hate come from? Aren't jews just normal ordinary people? (i put jews in lowercase just to be fair)
    PS: Does anyone know a way to make a link to one specific comment in this forum? If i made links to the comments instead of copying and pasting, they would auto update....
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
  7. cesar0

    cesar0 Emperor Donator

    It's his joke :/
  8. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    Because you show no respect to Hitler. Someone who would not respect Hitler would be probably a jew. Simple. SO, CAPITAL LETTER U JEW, U RESPECTLESS JEW.
  9. joshua12131415

    joshua12131415 Bison Rider Tester

    Im not sure its a joke... lol
  10. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    @Pirate-Rob please tell Joshua to make the "H" in "Hitler" a capital letter
  11. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Bunnie just likes being an edgy nazi supporter, it's just his thing/the way he trolls people.

    Edit: You can get links to posts by clicking the post number.
  12. joshua12131415

    joshua12131415 Bison Rider Tester

    I F̶i̶x̶e̶d̶ changed it
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2019
  13. cesar0

    cesar0 Emperor Donator

    That was very polite for an "edgy nazi supporter"
  14. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Very polite indeed.
  15. cesar0

    cesar0 Emperor Donator

    Clearly he fears you rob, use it to your advantage: bring the nazi empire to an end.
    PUNK123 and Pirate-Rob like this.
  16. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    Someone who shows no respect to Adolf Hitler doesn't deserve my respect.

    And I don't fear you, because you're not a leftist or a jew. Noone can sadly ever win with the jews... They are too strong. Maybe once...
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 24, 2016, Original Post Date: Jul 24, 2016 ---
    Thank you. Hitler is of course better than ALL these pathetic other minor classes, so it deserved even bigger and more epic H. :thumbs_up::r_flex::flex:
  17. ZipsterXP

    ZipsterXP Builder Stabber

    Aw my class isn't here.