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Build 228 released!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MM, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. worst build ever... to this date.
    Rambo likes this.
  2. GhostyS

    GhostyS Shopkeep Stealer

    i cant even play it STUPID WINE
  3. DUZ

    DUZ Horde Gibber Tester

    Nice build, BUT...

    Doesn't matter if you hide the FPS count, we keep seeing the movement frame by frame.
    Worst thing since the build before 200.
  4. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    We have to stand still to build, which is a BS move.
    We can get killed much faster now, if we have to STANRD in one place trying to place a freaking stone wall.

    I suggest, and it's just ADVICE from a player's perspective, as it's players, obviously, who plays this the most. That you should let us move, run, jump and build at the same time. But, you should add a block. A block, forcefield sort of function, that STOPS us from building past certain parts, for certain objects. Such as walls, shops, doors, but allow us to still place bridges, so we can get over objects if needed (also probably team blocks, that last for a few minutes each time, that stops people from building bridgres, but allow you to still place them (teams) such as invisible blocks, that only team members can use for, say, 5 minutes, again, that allows the team to build on, and no one else). Speed is what makes this game, fun. If you slow us down, and make us prone to death much easier, then it will only run off players.
  5. cencoeur

    cencoeur Shipwright

    We want zombie :D
    Stevedog likes this.
  6. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    your probably one of the few that want zombies while the font/resolution acts like sh*t.
    Neat, DUZ and Noburu like this.
  7. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Posting at night on the weekend, however:

    The fonts are still WIP. I'm going to be tossing around different widths, heights etc soon, but there's a giant number of gliphs to update. Ah the joy of a pixel font supporting a good chunk of localised characters.

    The builder thing is something we decided didn't work but I think MM missed disabling it. I'd fix it now myself but I still don't have access to patching things. I've had no troubles building on the front line just now though, so it could be skill related :/

    You can change back to older fonts by replacing the fonts in base/sprites/gui with the old ones in their respective files.

    Breaking a bridge giving back less than building it is intentional, no idea why it takes stone though..

    I'll address the other stuff as it comes. You can change the resolution and fullscreen options in the quick-config on the loader window.
    illu likes this.
  8. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Linux kag = Completely broken. Server and client.

    Sad Shad is sad :(

    EDIT: Just read through thread and see the client problem has been reported.
    As for server, I am working on it - trelawney had similar issues but managed to resolve them by reinstalling and suchlike. Seems it may not have been a very clean update process?
    I'll see if I can get it working too.
    Rambo likes this.
  9. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Linux server is broken? I'll email MM about it, I'm catching a flight tomorrow and can't do much at this point. That's fairly terrible though.
  10. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Why on earth the server requires libgl I don't know, but installing libgl1-mesa-glx sorted the server problem.
    EDIT: Has further issues but resolved them. The server didn't update correctly - required getting a new, vanilla install.

    I cannot play kag under linux or WINE... I was able to play the test build a while ago under WINE (I checked out the new menus, browser etc. after they were first added but didn't play the test again so I imagine several changes were made after that).
  11. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Fonts - Whooo \o/

    Building - I can still jump while building just fine, tried it in building phase.

    Taking stone - This was something that usually hapened when it was on a background tile of castle wall,those people should check that out.
  12. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Anyone have the old files on hand? I would love to swap back. Now if I could just get the glitchy tiles to go away.

    EDIT: Geti did you mean base/gui/fonts? I dont have a gui folder in the sprites directory.
    If so I redid all of those and it changed everything BUT the font in the chat box itself.
  13. Sarwen

    Sarwen Shipwright

    Sad Linux kag does't work anymore :( I was about to show how fun kag is to some people ...
  14. Chiguireitor

    Chiguireitor Shopkeep Stealer

    Some toughts on kag not working on linux:
    • I've found that usually, when the console prints an error of a file not found, the file is there on the subdirectory, but with the case misspelled, i just change the case of the letters and problem solved.
    • Linux client is complaining about "libJuxta.so" when there's only a "Juxta.so" in the base dir. Renaming it didn't have the desired effect though.
    • There are lots of random access violations that bring the game down. I'll make sure to post them on the bug reporting system now that we have it (nice). I guess this is because the memory manager in linux is unforgiving (not like windows' one).
    Well, luck i have my Wintendo on dual boot with an old XP license i have lying around. Sucks rebooting my linux box to play kag, but a junkie needs his fix, ain't it?
  15. FarmerJohn

    FarmerJohn Bison Rider

    It starts under Linux but after clicking "Play" the window disappear but process is still running. In my console I see
    Game version 228
    [0] Precaching files...
    Precaching files.
    [0]  ...Precaching files.
    [0] Loading config defines Scripts/defines.cfg
    [0] Creating world from file ''
    [0] *Match Ended*
    [0] Autostart: doing nothing
    [0] Config loaded from autostart.gm
    No entity file ../Cache/entity.dat.[93]
    [93] *** RCON password is not set, you won't be able to remotely administrate the server
    [93]        ********* WARNING *********
    [93] sv_allow_globals_mods is set to 1. This means GLOBAL GUARDS AND ADMINS can administer your server and kick players to help prevent griefing. If you do not accept this, please turn this variable to 0.
    [93] Server variables can be changed in Base/Scripts/dedicated_autoconfig.gm (by default) 
    I have tarball from site, not updated version. I try to run it on fully updated fedora 16. If any technical info needed - just ask.
    allknowingfrog likes this.
  16. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    Sorry to spam my message 2 times but we still not have the feature ''Generate'' a new map in the build 228 !
  17. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I like the fact that we can still move and build.
    Ej likes this.
  18. I think this isn't a priority when versions on Mac, Linux and Windows XP don't work.

    But that's just my opinion.
  19. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    Yep I know don't worry I already know it. They will fix it soon, they work on it.
  20. Dragox

    Dragox Shipwright

    You can enter the map editor even as a non-premium user. I don't think this was intentional, so reported it as a bug.