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Story War is hell.

Discussion in 'KAG Media' started by JaytleBee, Sep 2, 2016.

  1. JaytleBee

    JaytleBee Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. [Server] Sandbox Reborn

    [20:32:09] <[KtK] Razaniel> I just saw a man
    [20:32:14] <[KtK] Razaniel> then I saw an explosion
    [20:32:22] <[KtK] Razaniel> then just an empty landscape
    [20:32:24] <[KtK] Razaniel> war is hell

    [20:36:34] <[KtK] Razaniel> today I saw a man
    [20:36:37] <[KtK] Razaniel> who prayed at a tower
    [20:36:42] <[KtK] Razaniel> the only reply
    [20:36:51] <[KtK] Razaniel> was explosions from above
    [20:36:53] <[KtK] Razaniel> war is hell

    [20:39:39] <[KtK] Razaniel> yesterday I saw a man
    [20:39:43] <[KtK] Razaniel> who I set on fire
    [20:39:48] <[KtK] Razaniel> all I heard was his screams
    [20:40:03] <[KtK] Razaniel> as he jumped to his death
    [20:40:06] <[KtK] Razaniel> war is hell

    [20:54:13] <[KtK] Razaniel> this week I saw a man hiding for his life
    [20:54:22] <[KtK] Razaniel> trembling with fear I apologized
    [20:54:42] <[KtK] Razaniel> for sealing his fate with my gun
    [20:54:44] <[KtK] Razaniel> war is hell

    [21:00:09] <[KtK] Razaniel> tomorrow I'll be the man
    [21:00:15] <[KtK] Razaniel> hiding in my tiny space
    [21:00:25] <[KtK] Razaniel> hoping the enemy doesn't see me
    [21:00:29] <[KtK] Razaniel> so I may get them first
    [21:00:33] <[KtK] Razaniel> war is hell

    I was playing TDM and was kinda depressed and also feeling pretentious so yeah. Kinda like how the lines feel though.
    blackjoker77777 likes this.
  2. blackjoker77777

    blackjoker77777 Haxor Tester
    1. Zen Laboratories

    b-but there are no guns in TDM!
    1/10 for sharing lies and deceiving us ::(:
  3. JaytleBee

    JaytleBee Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. [Server] Sandbox Reborn

    War is hell. is hell.
  4. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    wat can be better then war?
    also hell is cool place
  5. JaytleBee

    JaytleBee Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. [Server] Sandbox Reborn

    @Osmal would disagree, btw.
    king-george, an_obamanation and Osmal like this.