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Windows KAG Ping getting so high (problem)

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by platy1knight, Oct 22, 2016.

  1. platy1knight

    platy1knight Haxor Tester

    I can't play any server no matter what ping it has , here is what happens :
    I open multiplayer , severs shown , I join a server (ping is good) , when i'm in the server the ping automatically starts rising to 4k , then i get kicked (not banned)
    Additional Info :
    -my brother is not having this issue
    -will put a video when it is uploaded
    -the internet is fine , just kag is not working properly
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
  2. asger75

    asger75 Haxor

    your playing in 4k, you can fix this issue by hitting your monitor with a hammer,
    I hope this helps
    makmoud98 likes this.
  3. platy1knight

    platy1knight Haxor Tester

    i cant even play , video will describe more , also tried hitting it with a hammer , didn't work
  4. asger75

    asger75 Haxor

    ok seriously now, this happens to me too, it probably means that other people in your house are using up your bandwidth (using netflix, microwaves, etc.)
  5. platy1knight

    platy1knight Haxor Tester

    changed the router's password ,still didn't work
  6. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    Reasons why you will have high ping;
    It will depend on how far away you are from your router. Move closer if you're using wireless. If that still does not work, Plug in an ethernet cable.
    Check your computer to make sure it's not downloading/sending data.
    Make sure your connecting to a server in your region to get the lowest ping (e.g. EU, AU, US)

    That's all i can really say..
  7. TheBloodOfNight

    TheBloodOfNight Base Burner

    go check your connection speed
  8. platy1knight

    platy1knight Haxor Tester

    for now it started working , idk how , connection speed is good
  9. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Wifi? If so then read about binding MAC address of your router to SSID. That will stop your connection from lagging every 2 or so minutes because your wifi card is searching for a stronger source.
    Use LAN cable if possible.
  10. platy1knight

    platy1knight Haxor Tester

    Can you give me a link for Mac binding , i can't find one.
    Also i tried using a LAN cable and still didn't work .
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2016
  11. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    So if LAN cable didn't work and on one on the same network isn't downloading (watching youtube videos/streams and such) or uploading (sending data to some servers on the net/using torrents and such) then you should contact your ISP about problems with your Internet connection. It might be faulty router or just literally anything.
  12. platy1knight

    platy1knight Haxor Tester

    But everything that requires internet is working ,
    is just kag that im having problems with .
  13. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Define "everything".
  14. platy1knight

    platy1knight Haxor Tester

    Youtube , social media , etc .
    -Also my brother's laptop is not having this problem (he also plays kag)
    -The Game was working i don't know what happened to it now ( sometimes it works )
    -Also i tried force update but still i'm having the issue ;(
  15. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    This won't get affected as much by high ping problems. Just make sure that no one is downloading/uploading anything on your home network and then try to play the game. I doubt it's something specific to the game itself. If anything it's rather about your machine. Could be some programme running in background choking your CPU/connection. If you really want to we could try using TeamViewer to troubleshoot your issue while I can directly watch.