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MLK s3 Discussion

Discussion in 'Competitive KAG Archive' started by mcrifel, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. I wish i could like this, this gave me a good laugh.
  2. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    I'm not sure why Competitve KAG has likes disabled tbh... @Galen
  3. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    To avoid like-farming. It inherits this setting from the Clans forum which has likes disabled for the reason I just mentioned.
  4. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    Oh my boi you are a genius <3 XD
  5. Psiklaw

    Psiklaw Bison Rider

    I wish i could like this, this gave me a good laugh.
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 9, 2016, Original Post Date: Nov 9, 2016 ---
    thnx :heart:
  6. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Midway for EU vs US is Aus. US vs Aus is EU. EU vs Aus is US. Or just create a midway server (somewhere in Asia etc
  7. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    I get 400 ping to AUS servers and most US players get about 200. And even if we both got ~300 to a server, I'd much rather play 133 vs 33 than 300 vs 300.
  8. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    seems like Bo3 and 120 second build time are staying. I feel like we are almost ready to start the tournament.

    We still need servers in Australia, North America and Possibly US west coast. If anybody wants to offer there server for this then tell me.

    As for prizes I was talking with @Snake19 a while back about possible prizes for MLK s3 and he told me the title of being the winner could be good enough for a clan as its very hard to reward an entire clan and to have it all be fair.

    Also we would like to have commentators again and live stream the clan wars. If anybody feels the can help in this department you can also tell me.
  9. toothgrinderx

    toothgrinderx Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin

    We need a list of teams participating.
    Maybe @makmoud98 can host the server for USA again?
    Bo3 is totally fine, not that the ticks or any part of last years rules were confusing, but for the sake of keeping it simple 3 matches should work. I like what @Stevedog had to say, instead of the faster match determining the winner, it determines which team has a slight advantage is all.
    120 seconds is fine.
    We need a list of teams participating.

    I want to suggest that all challenges between clans during the freeplay period as well as all organization of each clan war be discussed in one public thread. The point of this would be to eliminate drama and all the he said she said bullshit. It would also do wonders in keeping who is active/inactive, and who will not accept challenges very transparent. I do understand that this could be one pretty messy thread though, without proper moderation and absolutely no shit posting allowed. Just an idea. Perhaps not even for challenging eachother, but after 2 clans discuss a time for a CW they be required to post about it before the actual match occurs, so EVERYONE knows they were supposed to have a match.

    I also automatically agree with anything and everything @Psiklaw says.
  10. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    jusr to point out, time when flag got capped depends on the map, so as long as both match1 and match2 are not played on same map one of teams is in worse situation
  11. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    yea i can host the us server once we have all the rules and maps sorted out
  12. A_Jax

    A_Jax Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni

    Can you make a point on what has change in the rules until now?
  13. Fuzzle

    Fuzzle Grand Grumbler

    That's clever. Like-farming is such a big issue.
  14. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    Game rules
    - Build time is changed to 120 seconds
    - Best Out of 3 matches
    - 40 minute timer
    - no ticks past mid

    thats basically all that has changed considering game rules since last MLK.
  15. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    I still don't know where the 3rd match of an EU vs US clan wars will be played ... and what about US vs AUS ? :/

    Excepting if the match challenge the worst team of kag against the best, i NEVER saw a team with 133-200 ping won against a team with 33, it's totally unplayable and perfectly unfair x) and which team will play on the server of their continent ? the team who won ? the first match ? and if a team won one match and the other team win the 2nd ? who will play on the server of their continent ?
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2016
  16. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

  17. A_Jax

    A_Jax Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni

    [AG#] - SURGE = 2-0 [AG#] LOSE (MLK 2) ( took this on the old AG page ) so it was one on the us serv and one on the eu one right?
    --> 133-200 has already won against a team with 33 without being the worse against the best ;)
  18. Fuzzle

    Fuzzle Grand Grumbler

    Oi, SURGE had both EU and US members.
    After that match Snake tried to recruit for an US team.
    Nice try.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2016
  19. A_Jax

    A_Jax Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni

    i don't remember that match very well so had to try ;)
  20. Fuzzle

    Fuzzle Grand Grumbler

    I don't think AG# has lost fair and square once, but let it be.