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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. Saibot

    Saibot Shopkeep Stealer

    1.- Jallve
    2 .- SpeedHack
    3.- FR Serveur des Elites
    4.- Now
    5.- Yes. Video :

    Baron_Norab likes this.
  2. LLC

    LLC Shipwright

    Speed Hacker:

    1. Drago MR_S_32

    2. Speed Hacker
    4. 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM, Dec 5
    [95520] Unnamed player is now known as Drago MR_S_32
    [96687] Drago MR_S_32 joined blue team
    [111052] <Dr.Abenthy> is Drago speedhacking oO? watch him
    [111568] <Dr.Abenthy> jup, hes is. Mark Drago for speedhacking
    [112150] <Dr.Abenthy> (Drago MR_S_32)
    [112973] <LLC> let's kick the speed hacker!
    [113792] <Zodia FlameHaze3> vote it then
    [115171] <Dr.Abenthy> strange, dont know why the speedhacker (Drago MR_S_32) has a 1:10 k/d ratio ...
    [115393] <Golopapas> YEAH
    [115921] <LLC> he really is a speed hacker!
    [115971] <Dr.Abenthy> come one guys, now there are two reasons to kick him
    [116510] <Zodia FlameHaze3> worth it
    [116572] <Zodia FlameHaze3> lol
    [116866] <Zodia FlameHaze3>  a pit to hell...nice xD


    1. SS4
    2. Griefing
    4. 9:03 AM, Dec 5
    [16614] Unnamed player is now known as SS4
    [24184] SS4 left the game
    [24262] Unnamed player is now known as SS4
    [24438] SS4 left the game
    [24497] Unnamed player is now known as SS4
    [24700] SS4 left the game
    [24846] <LLC> griefer?
    [92421] <Zodia FlameHaze3> did you steal their catapult?xD
    [92435] <docMGTM> SS4 PLEASE NO GRIEF
    [92883] <Zodia FlameHaze3> did you?
    [93366] <SS4> yes i did
    [93629] <SS4> and you ppl call me griefers
    [95290] <LLC> ss4 is a griefer
    [95433] <Zodia FlameHaze3> take it down boys!
    [95595] <LLC> kick him!
    [95705] SS4 joined red team
    [95766] <docMGTM> BAN SS4
    [95893] <docMGTM> KICK SS4
    [96020] <LLC> SS$ is a griefer reds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [98817] <SS4> reds do you see my griefing?
    [99382] <docMGTM> YES SS4 GO GRIFE IN RED
    [99687] <docMGTM> GRIEF SS4!!
    [99724] <docMGTM> :D
    [99794] <docMGTM> GOGOGOG
    [99807] <SS4> hm.. no I am not going to grief here
    [100219] <docMGTM> You can grief in red team :3
    [100565] <SS4> blue is the team of the folhardy  thats why I grief there :)
    1. wellw

    2. Griefing
    4. 7:25 pM - 7:35 pM, Dec 4
    [915] Unnamed player is now known as wellw
    [2897] <LLC> wellw
    [3038] <LLC> are u griefeing?
    [3462] <Muffin_Raider> omg
    [3479] <Stephmo> no
    [3544] <Stephmo> stop
    [3865] <LLC> yes
    [3984] <Muffin_Raider> wellw is greifing
    [4203] <LLC> wellw is griefing
    [4433] <APPLEStoTHEpear> told u guys
    [4458] <APPLEStoTHEpear> :P
    [4592] <LLC> kick him guys
    [5463] <Snickering-Gentlemen>  kick wellw he is greifing
    [5764]  * wellw marked by 4 players to leave the game
    1. Toucanleap

    2. Griefing
    4. 6:08 PM , Dec 5
    [268176] Unnamed player is now known as Toucanleap
    [269804] <Toucanleap> these need replacing
    [270546] <4k/surfiN> OH MAY GOD
    [270616] <4k/surfiN> OOOOOOOOOOOO
    [270651] <4k/surfiN> MG
    [270663] <Matty_> This place realy went to shit. Haha
    [271003] <LLC> griefer?
    [271299] <Rocinante> WAT
    [271380] <amuffinattack> GRIFER
    [271394] <LLC> yes
    [271453] <amuffinattack> DAMN IT
    [271565] <LLC> he is a griefer
    [271608] <amuffinattack> Man wtf is with that shit
    [271652] <LLC> toucan
    [271673] <WOLF maverick> O.o
    [271736] <WOLF maverick> :P
    [271754] <divemaster127> who did it
    [271871] Toucanleap left the game
    [272282] <LLC> toucanleap is the griefer
    [272492] <Rocinante> he's gone
    [272508] <Baron_Norab> already kicked him
    [272536] <Marijuana> no i did it
    [272787] <Baron_Norab> no you didn't kill our tower
    [272863] <LLC> u didn't
    Baron_Norab likes this.
  3. Baron_Norab

    Baron_Norab KAG Guard Tester

    Pretty sure I've kicked SS4 from Action CTF before and I know I got Toucan.

    I'll add another as well.

    Player Name: craken

    Time: Around 3:30 AM GMT -5

    Server: Action! CTF

    Offense: Griefing red skybridge

    Proof: Console log

    [55934] <RCON> COLLAPSE by craken (size 26 blocks)
    [55936] <RCON> COLLAPSE by CaramelSex (size 26 blocks)
    [55951] <RCON> [RCON FROM Baron_Norab]
    [55951] <RCON> \freezeid 21631
    [55951] <RCON>
    [56003] <RCON> COLLAPSE by CaramelSex (size 26 blocks)
    [56013] <RCON> COLLAPSE by VLAD lestat (size 26 blocks)
    [56018] <RCON> COLLAPSE by scorberry (size 26 blocks)
    [56020] <RCON> COLLAPSE by VIP VIPdeNTG (size 26 blocks)
    [56040] <RCON> COLLAPSE by CaramelSex (size 26 blocks)
    [56041] <RCON> Server: Full server connection 3926102392:57554.
    [56041] <RCON> Server: Disconnecting player 3926102392 reason: 11
    [56084] <RCON> COLLAPSE by VIP VIPdeNTG (size 26 blocks)
    [56095] <RCON> COLLAPSE by scorberry (size 26 blocks)
    [56129] <RCON> COLLAPSE by Pandemocity (size 26 blocks)
    [56135] <RCON> COLLAPSE by CaramelSex (size 26 blocks)
    [56135] <RCON> COLLAPSE by VLAD lestat (size 26 blocks)
    [56150] <RCON> COLLAPSE by Slather (size 26 blocks)
    [56170] <RCON> COLLAPSE by scorberry (size 26 blocks)
    [56196] <RCON> COLLAPSE by Chatof (size 26 blocks)
    [56215] <RCON> COLLAPSE by VIP VIPdeNTG (size 26 blocks)
    [56226] <RCON> COLLAPSE by scorberry (size 26 blocks)
    [56477] <RCON> [RCON FROM Baron_Norab]
    [56477] <RCON> \kickid 21631
    [56477] <RCON> Server: Disconnecting player 2964538429 reason: 7
    [56477] <RCON> Address: 2964538429; banned permanently : reason 7 - User was authed as craken
    [56477] <RCON> 
    LLC likes this.
  4. Grimwraith

    Grimwraith Shipwright


    1. What was the players name?
    2. What did the player do?
    Griefed a skybridge, this is the third time I have caught him griefing.
    3. In what server?
    Cloudcube AU Server
    4. In what time?
    10:35pm NZ Time
    5. Are you sure? (any screenshots/logs as proof)

    I am sure, but unfortunately have no proof as he logs off as soon as he does this.
  5. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    Nazi trolling incident. I think that responsible person was guy with nickname SSJ4. Evidence in post attachment.

    As you can see in screenshot, he told us that svastika symbol represents his religion. But why he placed a big caption 'NAZI' created from ladders, then?

    Server: OMGWTFBBQ - The tastiest KAG server (
    Time: about 11:30 GMT +1

    P.S. Screenshots made in KAG have strange colour, I guess it's another bug.

    Attached Files:

  6. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    His name was SS4 hard not SSJ4 :P
  7. SS4

    SS4 Shipwright

    idiot go search in google that swastika is also used as a symbol in hinduism and the Nazi thing made by ladders was a joke , anyway dont post bullshit on this thread , anyway you cant tag it as trolling as I didnt try to disturb you anyway.
  8. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    1. What was the players name? xXx GodlyDarkSoul
    2. What did the player do? Griefing, destroying towers, making us fall to our death, saying he's a spy.
    3. In what server? Action! CTF Unlim. Respawns
    4. In what time? around 6am PST
    5. Are you sure? (any screenshots/logs as proof)Yeah:[​IMG]
    he said more before that, but I couldn't remember the ingame ss button, so I just used printscreen.
  9. Grendell100

    Grendell100 Haxor

    1. Ragnar
    2. Look at screen and log.
    3. [EU]GamingCrew#3
    4. 5 minutes ago

    Screen: http://2i.cz/03541c36e5

    Log: [26877] <mmalewicz> MY TEAM IS SO STUPID!!!
    [27988] New player joined the game
    [28308] <mmalewicz> KICK REGNAR!
    [28429] <Grendell100> why?
    [28440] Unnamed player is now known as nico01
    [28573] <mmalewicz> HIS FASHist
    [29013] <Grendell100> kde ses kakabus
  10. przemekczech

    przemekczech Shopkeep Stealer

    This is no reason for ban, i also did that.
  11. >make religious symbols
    >be reported
  12. SS4

    SS4 Shipwright

    why , is that so? I can minecraft as I want without disturbing others , whats your problem anyway?
  13. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    When I saw people screaming IT'S A SWASTICA instantly I was like "You do realize that buddhists have an identical symbol for their religion... right?"
  14. Baron_Norab

    Baron_Norab KAG Guard Tester

    Hurr durr, bad troll is bad.

    C'mon man, if you are going to troll, at least put some effort into it.

    Also, herp derp off-topic.
    FuzzyBlueBaron, Beef and Rayne like this.
  15. My problem is Ragnar got reported for being nazi (according to log), but not for being useless Lego builder. That's kinda sad people think swastika is nazi symbol.

    E: Klokinator and Baron_Norab were faster.
  16. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    Incarnum ctf server
    I did not get any screenshots, but others will back me up in saying kantek griefed our castle by blocking doors and demolishing it. He left straight after being discovered
  17. Iscann4Griefers

    Iscann4Griefers Shipwright

    I have a professional griefer here:

    Nick: Kantek
    Server: Incarnum
    Time: five minutes ago
    what did he do?:

    He blocked all doors within the game with stone, making movement impossible and ran to the bridge and let it collapsed. When I asked people to votekick, he rapidly left. He was not a bored griefer, but a professional one, because he was quick. There is nothing more worse than this. Somebody coming in, blocking all your doors with stone, destroying the bridge and leaving.

    I unfortunatly have no evidence- I dont expect big measures. People playing at the time saw it as well. At least his name should be written here. The evidence I have is my credibility and sincere motivation to play this game fair.

  18. Iscann4Griefers

    Iscann4Griefers Shipwright

    Hey! I am not the only one :D and I said as well I have no evidence but now we are two!
  19. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    Watch out for your double post Iscann.
  20. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    Unite against the opressing griefers!
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