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Keep getting banned because of high ping or game peformace!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Shadowblitz16, Mar 21, 2017.

  1. Shadowblitz16

    Shadowblitz16 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    hello I am currently visiting the south of the usa and I keep getting banned from high ping.
    there looks like there is no servers running that are close to me right now. and I would really like to play.
    the question I want to ask is why do servers ban people with high ping?
    its not like it effects the game play of others besides them trying to hit me right? but I also have a hard time hitting them as well so it seems fair.

    I have even been banned on "great" ping servers which doesn't make sense at all. and when I try to rejoin I can't find the server. which makes me feel like I'm crashing servers.
  2. FoxyLady

    FoxyLady Haxor Staff Alumni

    The official KAG servers are from the USA, Australia, and Europe. If you're too far from these servers you are just gonna lag badly and most likely get high ping kicked. The only way you would be able to have a playable server from wherever you're going is if you or someone else host a server from around the same area as you. People with really high ping in servers can lag up the server badly. When a person lags up the server you see their sprite teleporting all over the place and see all types of crazy stuff like laggy bombs, delayed arrow projectiles, and falling straight down to the very bottom of the terrain,etc.
  3. Shadowblitz16

    Shadowblitz16 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    but lag that doesn't make any sense shouldn't it only lag for that person? why does it make the whole server slow down?
    that sounds like a problem in the kag source code.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 7, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 22, 2017 ---
    Ok this has just happened to me again.
    I got ping banned form a CTF server when I was helping my team keep the other team's flag safe until we got are flag back
    however I went back and saw that my ping was "great".
    This obviously mean that I am not getting banned because of my connection to the server but because KAG has severe optimization issues.

    Please can the devs look into optimizing the hell out of the game? my pc is very powerful I paid around $1200 for it so keg should be working.
    it seems that the game has a hard time keeping up with the server when there are lots of entities and particles on screen. besides this its just random.
  4. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    KAG is never going to get the hell optimised out of it - the entire architecture is a pretty huge pesimisation and undoing it would involve rewriting a huge amount of stuff. "My computer should be able to run KAG it's real powerful" often doesn't apply either, because a lot of that cost will have been the graphics card, and rendering KAG takes very little effort - it's processing all the scripts, physics, networking and animation that slows KAG down, and all of that is done on the CPU.

    That said - you can look into your "great connection" by turning on the network graph with /n_graph 1 in the console. If there's visible "holes" in the graph, you have a patchy connection. This can cause "ping spikes" which will lead to you getting kicked and ping-banned if they are frequent enough.

    Honestly next build I'm seriously considering removing the short bans caused by high ping and just making it a kick, because it's a point of confusion for everyon.
  5. Shadowblitz16

    Shadowblitz16 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Thankyou Geti I think removing the ping ban would be a good idea. that way players can just reconnect again when they have good ping.
    Blue_Tiger likes this.
  6. Elf

    Elf Bison Rider
    1. A Special Forces [SF#]

    @Geti now add it to Classic too :QQ:
  7. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    But some people have constant high ping or high ping for long periods at a time and it would get really annoying if they just keep reconnecting right after they've been kicked.
    FoxyLady likes this.
  8. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    This is indeed the rationale for the current system, but in that case they can be vote kicked and they'll receive the usual vote ban time, or a moderator can intervene if it's particularly egregious.

    I don't have classic code on any of my machines any more and I never intend to touch it again if I can help it.

    However: It's actually possible just from autoconfig by setting sv_pingkick_time to 1 instead of 300 (you can nag server hosts about this) - the reason I'm "forcing" it for KAG Proper is that there's more server hosts there who might not be paying attention to small changes, and we don't have a good way of modifying defaults between versions.
    Elf likes this.
  9. Elf

    Elf Bison Rider
    1. A Special Forces [SF#]
