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Rules Question

Discussion in 'Help' started by Mazzarx, May 9, 2017.

Mods: makmoud98, Mazey
  1. Mazzarx

    Mazzarx Catapult Fodder

    Hi, is it illegal to go spectator on official CTF servers and provide help to the other team, such as "RED YOU HAVE A PERSON TUNNELING UNDER YOUR BASE!" or "RED, YOUR FLAG IS IN DANGER!!!"?
  2. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    basically, you go full dickhead when you are doing that, and being a dick is generally not tolerated by rules, but there's no rule for banning for that~
    Asu, Osmal, J-man2003 and 2 others like this.
  3. Mazzarx

    Mazzarx Catapult Fodder

    Well i have screenshots of somebody spamming this type of behaviour, with 2 admins on and people complaining.

    The admins did not even bother typing anything or even responding to those asking for the admin to intervene, would it be worthwhile posting screenshots?
    I dont understand why so many admins are admins, when they cant be bothered dealing with even the most basic things, being an admin isnt a 'well done - long time community member - cheat codes' badge, its a responsibility.
    Osmal likes this.
  4. Lawrence_Shagsworth

    Lawrence_Shagsworth Joke Slayer Official Server Admin

    Since this incident occured on the Official Servers, direct your complaints to this thread instead
    J-man2003 likes this.
  5. Fuzzle

    Fuzzle Grand Grumbler

    It's allowed. It is not possible to benefit from ghosting.
    All positions of players (and flags) are available on the minimap.
    Last edited: May 11, 2017
    Asu, makmoud98, J-man2003 and 2 others like this.
  6. Mazzarx

    Mazzarx Catapult Fodder

    I just played a game where the enemy under us was not visible, i could see them for a fraction of a second due to some glitches (like sparks or just a flash) but when i checked my minimap, nothing, when he finally popped up and started attacking he appeared on the minimap from thin-air and i could see his dot, to my surprise there was another person in there aswell, so you're wrong.

    Lets continue with the discussion, otherwise if nobody believes me i can make a recording?

    Edit, abit concerning a "tester" with 200 posts is incorrect?
    Last edited: May 11, 2017
  7. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    generally, you're supposed to shout *RAAAAAAAAAAAATS* in team chat as soon as you spot them, since rats are mostly most experienced, well-prepared and annoying players of the enemy team, + love using drills and tunnels making them a real danger
    either way, you can't see the enemies on the minimap as long as noone from your team sees them/they are in the air block, i think~
  8. Fuzzle

    Fuzzle Grand Grumbler

    You are correct.
    Last edited: May 11, 2017
  9. Mazzarx

    Mazzarx Catapult Fodder

    Cool, Thanks Barsuk for confirming and Thanks Fuzzle for rethinking.

    So... is it legal or not? should one of the 2 admins at the very least replied to the community in the game with even a one word answer instead of ignoring because, adminship = "long community player service cheat code badge?" as opposed to...actually being an admin (Responsibility & Knowledge).

    If i dont get a reply, i'll just spam in various categories of the forums, until an admin/dev can see it.
    Hopefully me using the word "spam" triggers a sensitive admin and i can get a reply here.

    Im not trying to burn the admins at the moment, just looking for clarification on the topic.

    Heres one screenshot, i got abit more, and there was alot more, but i didnt screen cap it all
    Last edited: May 13, 2017
  10. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    This is one of those things that's obviously bad sportsmanship and in generally I'd be prone to kick the player but I don't think there's anything specifically about this in the rules. I'd hope admins would pay more attention but we can only ask so much.

    That said, there's fairly little to be gained from this - if players aren't watching the game closely enough to notice rats, they are unlikely to notice spectators giving them hints in chat. It's more likely to troll good players than help bad ones.

    It's clear that you were unhappy with the situation though - did you try to vote-kick the player? (you can kick specs by swapping to spec and starting a vote from there IIRC, and non-specs should be able to vote since recent changes) Did you question the admins repeatedly or just that one time? It's quite easy to miss something in chat when things are heated.

    As for "why are there so many admins" - we've actually done an admin inactivity purge semi-recently. There's simply not enough players that there's not going to be some level of demotivation though. We'd rather have some semi-active admins or admins that don't "quite care enough" than have servers under-moderated.

    We all make mistakes :) Game is heading towards end-of-life and that behaviour resides engine-side, which Fuzzle doesn't have access to the source of. The minimap visibility is controlled by light levels so in many cases they actually are visible - and the tunnel they dig is certainly visible on the map.
    icemusher, an_obamanation and Asu like this.
  11. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Seeing the enemy player dots on the minimap is not the only way you can find out there are tunnelers - if you see blocks disappearing underground without any ally close (and IIRC you can see all of them, regardless of the lighting), it's pretty clear someone is tunneling. Also, spectators cannot see teamchat, so someone in that team might already warned his teammates. It's really unlikely he does change the outcome of the match, and you do believe he's just being annoying, just ignore him or votekick him for spamming.

    This is a good way to be banned and being ignored completely. How many testers, forum admins and developers do you expect to get an answer from?
    BarsukEughen555 likes this.
  12. Mazzarx

    Mazzarx Catapult Fodder

    Alright thanks Geti & Magic for the reply, in the future ill hop onto spec and vote kick, wasnt aware that function was available.

    And yeah, the admins were questioned multiple times, even with the text bubble while standing on them, they also replied to all other chats, but chose to ignore this one, as it would of ment actually thinking and doing something, even a "im unsure tbh" would of been a good start, but we got nothing.

    On a side note, I've only ever seen admins (globally) use powers for self interest, which is typical for a game that doesnt see large influx of new players or drastic updates, but still crap to see. Even got Makmoud98 running around headless because, quote, "im special, deal with it". Despite probably being able to choose any of the other special heads that used to be micro-transactions (if memory serves), its off-putting and disorientating to follow his movements, i know it, he knows it, its why he has it, for an advantage because being an admin is a long service community cheat badge.
  13. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Look, it's pretty clear you have a beef here and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to convince you otherwise. I'm not interested in debating how admins are handled with someone who's shown up and spent their first 5 posts threatening to spam the boards because they weren't getting enough attention and making snide remarks about how poorly they think the place is run. Good that you've been playing for a year and thanks for your interest and all that, but you're not making a great first impression.

    Makmoud98 literally just has his (shared with yagger) unique head as blank frames, he's not abusing any secret powers. I think claiming that having no visible head is a meaningful advantage is pretty tenuous.

    Your baseless ranting about what he can "probably" do and what you perceive as abuse of powers is paranoid. Heads were never available for microtransactions, they were for long-service to the community or large donations. People started gaming the latter one so we stopped doing it.

    All that said, It's bad to hear that admins are ignoring players asking them direct questions in-game. I expect a lot of people turn off the chat bubbles because they clutter the screen (I know I do) but it's important to keep an eye on the chat if you do. @Darruin @JayP9 if you've got anything to add about this specific thing feel free to add it or get in touch over PM as it seems you were the ones there.
  14. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    No clue how maks head gives him any sort of advantage, if anything it may confuse him if he's in a large cluster of people as he has no unique colors or patterns to look for while playing. Pretty much all the animations that tell you what someone is going to do are in the torso area.

    You can see the rats on the minimap through blocks disappearing or through giant rectangular holes in the ground. You can use lanterns depending on how close they are to the surface, see their emotes if they accidentally use them, etc. Chat generally goes by quick and many people simply don't even look at it.

    The people who did this are jerks and are clearly doing this to be obnoxious but the other team would honestly benefit more from that spectator player helping them build and fight rather than giving them information on your average enemy rat pit, which is found pretty quickly most times and can be very easily found on your minimap.

    Also, did you try pming the admins or (if possible for you) messaging them through steam? Can't tell you how many times i've bothered @Solaris and @makmoud98 on steam with problems like griefers or just server hosting stuff and have had them help me. In almost every instance i've experienced kag trouble i've used steam to grab an admin if they weren't busy and got them to help.
  15. Mazzarx

    Mazzarx Catapult Fodder

    It seems that i've hit a sour note for you and put you in a defensive stance, which wasnt my intention, but can you not see it from my perspective?
    I came on here, asking about a rule, i didnt get any interest and the only replies i had were incorrect (multiple people even 'liked' the post with incorrect information)
    I then commented how i've seen the admin role being abused for self interest (Can provide evidence) and the developer tells me to eat shit, pointing out i got 5 posts on the forum as any means necessary to downplay anything valid i may have to say. If a dick measuring contest is super important to validate me, then i have 2x the hours on kag than that of a former admin if that puts your concerns to rest?

    I think you've made a great game, with a pretty good community and support, i acknowledged before that the behavior is typical for a game with such a tight community without radical updates, its not a reflection of you or your management by any means, its a natural development (ive seen it afew times from the perspective of a player and admin in other games). That said, it doesnt mean nobody should speak up, being such a tight community and the response i got from you it seems pretty difficult and daunting to say anything negative, no matter how true it may be.

    If i were to get multiple people to confirm that its disorientating to come up against it, would you still choose to make an excuse? (dont need to answer it to me, but think about it yourself, honestly)

    They werent micro-transactions, but could be bought?
    From a purely objective perspective it seems like you're trying to push me down any way possible.
    Regardless, the dude would have access to a cache of these 'rare' heads, why choose to completely remove 1/3rd of the player model? Surely if hes such an outstanding member of the community who can remove 1/3rd of his model, he could submit his own head even?
    Theres a reason why hes chosen it specifically.

    Thanks for acknowledging, that was my main problem before going off on the tangent i created.
    Genuinely apologetic if you feel like i've attacked you personally Geti.

    Hard attempt at making an excuse. Cam follow would nullify your 1st point, as for the 2nd point, thats a fair point, but removing 1/3rd of the model still doesnt justify it.

    Not if theyre low enough + seeing a small pixel disappear on the minimap would require consistent staring and checking of it. Theres a reason players arent 1-4 pixels big on the minimap, but a HUGE bright dot.
  16. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    No, as a human he probably simply got annoyed that you were and are insulting >4 well-known members of the forum and of this game because you are spreading misinformation bashing everyone on your way.

    Well, considering it's so easy, try to apply for admin on B&G for example. (you will get refused)
    What is your evidence of abusing the admin role and where was it? I think you don't understand that server hosts gives the admin role to whatever they want and no one will stop them because that's not THD's problem. Official servers has applications that were largely vote based and finally accepted or denied by the THD staff.

    Why do you think Geti has to give excuses to anyone?

    Yes, there were special slots people could buy from the THD staff, but there aren't slots left. It was unrelated to their admin status.

    You are the one seemingly attacking all admins, most testers and random popular members.

    I like how you decide it's a microtransaction only when it is easier for you to bash him. If you're playing on servers with the Blowjob mod then makmoud is really the least of your problems, lol.
    dual_chiecken and an_obamanation like this.
  17. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    I'm not agreeing but he's talking about official servers with official admins, not B&G.

    And Geti has to "give excuses" because he is the one responsible for fixing problems with the game. That's his job.

    Also, Mazzarx, the head doesn't really change anything. You have 3 states to your head: attacking, not attacking, and dead. With the majority of heads, you can't even tell the difference between attacking and not attacking - Look at these - can you really tell the difference between them?

  18. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator


    Hold M and it gives you the entire map (Unless you've binded it to some other key.) And as you can see on the right there is a weird L shape which i'm using to represent a tunnel, it's only two blocks tall and wide. It's more than large enough to tell when rats are about and it's the smallest that a tunnel could be in both width and height.

    Also, you really don't need to be so snarky. It's rude, and makes people less inclined to help/converse with you.
  19. Mazzarx

    Mazzarx Catapult Fodder

    Which information?
    I can provide screenshots if necessary.

    I've attacked most testers and random popular members? Who?
    I havent attacked any testers or members at all. One tester was incorrect, i did a test and let him know, he effectively took back what he said and it was the end of that.

    I like how you decide it's not a concern, like we all play on modded servers with a specific mod. irrelevant.

    Its more about removing 1/3rd of the player model, than anything else, even though the head animations do help.
    I mentioned it was disorientating to go up against and that its intentional, i didnt think the animations help, but they give you alot more information when fighting.

    Here you go

    The head doesnt pull back (head bob), Mouth doesnt open.
    Pair that with rapid movement and jumping, and its even harder to tell what stance hes in.
    You now have to look at a smaller part of the character, with more precision.
    The 2nd image, you can barely tell in a real movement battle, and the last image of being stunned you cant even tell if he was moving.

    Bonus image round, taken from above, if no head.

    Fair enough, but that only tells you if there is a tunnel, not that theres somebody in it right now and digging, unless you just sit there the entire game monitoring the map for pixel changes.

    Its also difficult to converse any differently when some people are trying to push me down with absolutely anything.
    If you read AsuMagic's post, objectively, you'll see hes even making things up entirely to try push me down even more because ive obviously said something negative about a popular player in this tight community.

    I've encountered the following from official admins (screenshots available)
    1. Kicking players without reason and when asked by the community why a particular person was kicked, being told that they answer to nobody and can do anything they like without a reason.
    2. A player stole an admin's name and tag (which was fine by the admin) but when another player had a similar (but different) clan tag, they became threatening.
    3. Being threatened by an admin when asking the builders "Dumb-asses, push forward, stop playing minecraft", for "not being nice" (theres nothing else to the story or text here either)
    4. Admin lighting kegs from a tower, pretending to throw them and then undoing it, keeping people from pushing forward.
    5. having a dude missing 1/3rd of his model and being told "im special, deal with it"
    6. I got afew other ones, like being frozen for lols or overriding my buildings.

    Thats just some i got screenshots of, there had been much worse, but i either didnt or couldnt take screenshots.
  20. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    Geti, you can just change the head to something else. I don't wanna rustle any feathers, I just want a unique head. I have had multiple people complain about the head. Although I do admit that it gives me a slight advantage, I don't think it is very significant. Either way, I will try to get in contact with @Yagger and see if he is willing to change it to something else.
Mods: makmoud98, Mazey