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The "I'm new/leaving/back" Thread

Discussion in 'Beginner Box' started by Monsteri, Aug 3, 2011.

Mods: Gurin
  1. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Oh hi furai! Welcome back, now you shall get ingame more often >:) also check out gc thread, we have two recruits. P.S I found out that the hard disks fucked, this may take some time.
  2. Chosen

    Chosen Shopkeep Stealer

    I'll be away from the game for a few days. I'm on a holiday and internet's slow as heck, it's not really worth it.
  3. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    (Oh didnt notice this thread here.. oh well, better introduce myself.)

    Ahoy! Im Zegovia, swedish wannabe artist, Used to play a ton of Soldat back in the day but now ive picked up KAG.
  4. UWBW

    UWBW Shipwright

    Ah, hello. I'm new to the game, just picked it up at the suggestion of my friend Sani, who is apparently a mod around here. Seems like a good time.
    Uhh, I've got a youtube, at Kaviar101. Some musics, is nice. Big Homestuck fan.

    Uhh, that's about it, I guess.
  5. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Welcome UWBW, wish you good time in the forums :)
  6. EdgeWing

    EdgeWing Shopkeep Stealer

    I'm Not new anymore , However i may as well say im back!
  7. timeLESS

    timeLESS Shipwright

    Hey all. New here.

    Awesome looking game featuring creative building and 2d mayhem? Check.
    Runs on my Linux enhanced crappy macbook. Double Check!

    Played 5 mins of the free version -> instabuy!

    I'm not much of a competitive player but i am very team-focused and support minded. Hope to pick up on the strategy soon so forgive my inevitable deaths in the meantime
  8. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

  9. epykkali

    epykkali Shipwright

    Hey, I'm new. TB brought me here, like he probably did to many others :). My avatar is Zeratul, a Dark Templar from Starcraft 2, and when I'm playing games I like to think that I'm like a stealthy ninja..... Which I'm not :p. So if you ever see me trying to do something sneaky in game, please forgive me when I end up blowing myself up with my own bomb. Or something like that...
  10. MacD

    MacD Shark Slayer

    I (accidentally) broke my left index and middle fingers with a hammer today. Moving around in KAG is too painful for me to do right now, so I'm probably gonna be inactive for a few days.
    illu and Asterix like this.
  11. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Ugh. Hope you get well soon man, I know how painful that can be >.<
  12. MacD

    MacD Shark Slayer

    I'm back, ready to play some KAG again. I can apply some pressure to my two fingers without feeling pain now.
  13. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Just fyi, if people are interested, I'm flying out to America tomorrow (visiting my wife's family over Thanksgiving and Christmas) and won't be back home until the 11th of January. Seeing as I'm leaving my main machine at home, there's a good chance I'll not be able to play for the next 7 weeks. *weeps* Also, don't know how internet access will go for some of our time over there, so forum access may be spotty... :(

    See y'all when I return from MA! :D
  14. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    Ill be on less often for awhile because of new Terraria update and Skyrim.Ill still be on sometimes and for KAG tournament though.

    EDIT:Also cause of alot of school work and i dont have time to play alot of games.
  15. Bestlock

    Bestlock Shopkeep Stealer

    I'm back for more KAG, I haven't been on for a while because I needed a break from it, I hope I'll keep on playing more often now!
  16. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    Im back.Sooner than i thought.My teachers are not as predictable as i thought.
  17. Wargod-Loki

    Wargod-Loki Haxor

    An oldfag is back ;) (After accident absence)

    Loki's in da house^^
    illu likes this.
  18. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Weeeeeeeeeeee! IS CAN HAVE FORUM ACCESS AGAIN!!!1ONE!!!

    Now to work on being able to play! :B):
  19. bactra

    bactra Shipwright

    gretubgs and hails everyone

    i m new her and it plelases me to wish u all a good day of night so that you can ahve a good rest and walk. i just joined the forum and wish to gain knowledge of kag secrets and share my secrets if i have any. i especially like the knight class anto slay pops with the sword and throw blowing up things from my bomb. i sometimes build with the builder. i hate tbeing the arrow tossers cause i get shot in the face.
  20. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Welcome! :)

    If I may be the first to offer you a direct tip for playing knight well: don't stand around getting in the road during the building phase. Please. Just. Don't. As it is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar too many knights do it and as a builder it is FLAMING ANNOYING!!!1!

    Ta! ;)
    Noburu and illu like this.
Mods: Gurin