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[Solved] Functioning autoconfig / Port Forwarding

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Hunk, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. Hunk

    Hunk Shopkeep Stealer

    Hello all, sorry for the last message in wrong section..

    Maybe will some of you think it's an abusive asking but.. After lots of try, I CAN'T create a fully fonctionning server..
    There's always something wrong..
    Most of the time, it's the same thing, my server is in master server list, but nobody can join it... I opened all the possible ports I've seen on the kag site in TCP AND UDP (To be sure .. )
    I'm not a programmer, but I can say KAG is the only game I have difficulties to hold a server on..
    So, I was asking if someone can't share his functionning Autoconfig file ( With deleted "rcon" and other personnal things) and post it here :S
    Thanks to all of you to help me ! (And to make no attention of my horrible english :p but I think I'm still understandable) xD
  2. Rioja

    Rioja Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Have you port forwarded, yeah? And if so, have you used the correct IP address? I have a dynamic one, so it changes every few days and i have to go back into port forwarding and change it.
  3. Hunk

    Hunk Shopkeep Stealer

    I opened ports on my internet connection, if it's wath you are talkin off ! But if you can explain..
  4. Rioja

    Rioja Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Well, when i go on my router, i have a tab (its a Linksys router) that is Applications and Gaming. In there, you can port forward games. So for me, the application name is KAG, the port forward is 50301. If you have a modem, im not sure about the next bit but on my router i can port forward to certain IP address' for multiple devices. If you're running windows, open th cmd, type IPConfig and find th IPv4 or IPv6. Put that in the slot for your IP address, usually yu only change the last bit. For me, that can vary from .100 to .106. Hope ive helped.
    Hunk likes this.
  5. Hunk

    Hunk Shopkeep Stealer

    I already did it for 50301, 50601 and 50328 In TCP and UDP to be sure, and I have a fix IP Adress... =(
  6. Rioja

    Rioja Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Well have you put the IP address in? Also, have you tried connecting through 'Connect to...'? If not, try the default; it should already be in therre. If not, try your IP address, the same one you get out of IPconfig and add the port forward to it. By the way, can you get into the server, and are then disconnected? Thats the problem i had so if thats it, tell me.
  7. Hunk

    Hunk Shopkeep Stealer

    Yep, I can connect by "connect to", and I can play on it.. But when I try by the Server list, it ask me to check if the server is open.. nanana.. Connection failed..
  8. Rioja

    Rioja Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Hmmmm... I havent had that problem. Try reinstalling KAG, installing it, then just boot up the server with no changes made. If that works, start changing things one by one and if one stops the server working you have your problem.
    Hunk likes this.
  9. Hunk

    Hunk Shopkeep Stealer

    The uninstall-reinstall is an already-done thing.. :/ But Thanks for trying to help me ..
  10. Rioja

    Rioja Ballista Bolt Thrower

    If only i had access to the auto config file at the moment im sure i would be of alot more use. When i get on later, if you havent found a solution i'll be sure to help. For now, you're best going on the KAG IRC. If they cant help, your only options are to not host a server, or have one hosted for you. Im sure things will get sorted though.

    And no problems.

    Edit: Have you tried turning your firewall off partially, on gaming mode and off entirely?
  11. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

  12. Hunk

    Hunk Shopkeep Stealer

    Yep, I'm on windows, and no, no one can join my server, but they also see it in the server list !
  13. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    http://dpaste.com/hold/672971/ < here's dedicated_autoconfig.gm

    I would try to reboot the router after applying the forwarding, sometimes it needs a soft reboot to kick in.
  14. Hunk

    Hunk Shopkeep Stealer

    Mmmh.. I'll be testing it.. It's strange, Am I the only one with this error in the world, or I've just failed with some port and IP Adress stories..
  15. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    I would try doing what Rioja suggested and alternatively switch off firewalls at OS level (windows firewall) or Router (they usually have some firewall going). Also, make sure NAT on your router in enabled, in the unlikely event it is off; this could very well be a routing issue. Have you ever hosted any other games? What make/model is your router?
  16. Hunk

    Hunk Shopkeep Stealer

    Yep I hosted so many servers on so many games, Terraria, minecraft, killing floor, ace of spades.. I'm belgian, I don't think we have routers name you'll know :S...
  17. Hunk

    Hunk Shopkeep Stealer

    After a looooong discussion with trelawnley, he finally found the base of the problem, it's finally solved :D Thanks to him ! If anyone ever have the same problem look closely at the IP you used to open ports, it have to be the source of the problem, bye, AND THANK YOU :D
  18. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Pro-tip: Make sure you're not forwarding ports to your hamachi IP
    inactive_account and BlueLuigi like this.