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Mac Build Performance Issues

Discussion in 'General Help' started by LeonBlade, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. LeonBlade

    LeonBlade Shipwright

    Hello everyone,

    This isn't much of a "help", but more of a post to explain the issues I'm noticing so far with the Mac build to hopefully help out.

    Please note, that when I use the term "lag", I don't mean Internet lag, I'm referring to the game's performance suffering.

    • Smooth scrolling isn't supported with KAG which means anyone with a magic mouse or anything that uses smooth scrolling will not be able to scroll through menus or use zoom with scroll
    • When using the "Editor" selecting a block produces this graphical error due to some sort of bug loading the list of blocks. Certain block index or values whatever number is listed will go out of range and cause massive lag.
    • The mouse will sometimes lose relative tracking like so:
    • Holding down any key will cause the game to lag tremendously, I assume it has something to do with how key presses are being handled, a fix would likely be to handle the keydown as a state rather than responding to keydown as I feel each game loop the key is being registered as a new keydown event causing such massive performance issues.
    I'll update if I find anything else, the game otherwise is running very smooth and seems to perform well on OS X. I'd love to help fix problems, but of course KAG isn't open source. :P
    I hope this helps, and I hope to see these minor issues get resolved!
    Here are my computer specs just for reference.
    Mac OS X 10.7.2
    2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    4 GB RAM
    NVIDIA GeForce 9400
  2. electricspear

    electricspear Shipwright

    i download the mac version of this game and it ran fine when i first opened it, and now when i try to open it it say that it "closed unexpectedly" and will not reopen. any suggestions?
  3. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Wrong thread electric spear. Please put any crash bug reports in the OSX build thread.

    Thanks for the more in-depth report leon. Most of these issues are likely caused by us not being used to coding for OSX.
  4. Benedictthebald

    Benedictthebald Shipwright

    I cant use team chat, the right alt doesn't do anything. has anyone else had this problem?
    trelawney likes this.
  5. madnis

    madnis Shipwright

    I also have the smooth scrolling and right alt issues. I can hold down keys and play fine, and haven't noticed the relative tracking issue.

    The other thing is that when I go to the server selection menu, it appears to be joining on mouseover instead of on click.

    Is there anyway the client can remember the screen res / fullscreen flag? I have to reset it every time I start the client.

    I have had a couple of crashes, but they don't seem to be related and I was too busy trying to get back in the game to remember if anything specific caused it. Could have been heat -- I'm on an MBA and it was pretty hot.

    Otherwise very fun game, thanks for making a Mac version!!!
  6. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I've had reports about the right-alt not working on mac, apparently they send the same input. We'll look into making the key easily rebindable and bound to something different on mac by default.
    MooCowMan, Noburu, Stevedog and 2 others like this.
  7. Miaow

    Miaow The Fanciest Pants always wins Donator Tester

    I know that it was right control to use team chat for me for quite a while, even when the default was right alt. I hadn't changed it or anything, but recently the update changed it to right alt.
  8. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I can't reproduce the performance issues. Anyone else?

    Run the game in fullscreen if it crashes on start.
    The config won't save, this will be fixed in next patch.

    Control works instead of Command for copy/paste.
  9. Machinista

    Machinista Shopkeep Stealer

    Can I also add that the Linux build has the same team chat issue. Please can you make it bindable to another key - thanks! :)
  10. DrZaloski

    DrZaloski Shopkeep Stealer

    This is a little late I know, but I have the reverse problem for the mac team chat key, its also bound to the colon/semi-colon key. This isn't a huge problem, and I know it sounds silly, but the loss of smily faces in chat is heart-wrenching for me, and the equal key doesn't work either.
  11. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Huh. Goddamn OSX. We'll look into it.