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Weirdest Glitches You've Seen?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BindNation, Dec 27, 2011.

  1. BindNation

    BindNation Bison Rider

    Some of the weirdest glitches I've seen yet is a "double" of myself. I was a builder and a copy of me, a knight, was following ALL of my movements EXACTLY. It was kinda freaky and he had the exact same name as me. I have a few pics to prove it, if you want evidence. (They are 100% legit. No photo editing involved.) A double BASE, not a double outpost, in which one blue base was place on top of the other. This base had two flags. Also, some of the structures like the healing room and the arrow shop had sunken into the ground. Some other glitches were me being magically stuck in a huge heap of dirt and traped within it. Everytime I got out, I got stuck in another huge pile of dirt.

    All of these happened in one game. (These glitches were rare though, but they did happen. The dirt one happens more frequently than the others, but not by much.)

    Please share some of your glitching expereinces. Some pics of some you've seen/experienced would be nice too! I'd love to hear some of your stories. ;)
  2. Kyzak

    Kyzak Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Seeing the rare and elusive corpsefish is about as weird as it gets for me! Truly, they are ferocious creatures.
    rocker2, Valkyrie and Neat like this.
  3. BindNation

    BindNation Bison Rider

    Those guys are piss the shit out of me. How can a flopping dead corpse shoot arrows, build, or swing a sword? Tell me? How!? :eek:
  4. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    Yeah the corpsefish are the stuff of nightmares... worst part is you cant hit them back!
  5. Ranged66

    Ranged66 Bison Rider

    how to get in corpsefish mode?
  6. Read carefully, this exploit may be hard.
    1. When you play KAG alt+f4 (srsly)
    2. When you think the game is closed (it isn't) press alt+f4 and then (as fast as you can) enter
    3. ???
    4. You are a superfish.
    Chiguireitor, Miczu and Valkyrie like this.
  7. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    I tried this and i can confirm it works.
    As for the weirdest glitch ive ever seen,the same.
    Getting overrun by crawling corpses spitting out arrows and rocks.
  8. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    I like the pinball knight glitch. Charge attack in mid air and get hit by another knight and you get pinballed around the area till you finally come to a stop.

    A bit like...

    Jump to 0:45. :D
  9. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    @Neat, um, why were you watching that video? You have an odd game taste. :p

    And this is the 2 things that come in my mind when I hear 'corpsefish'.


  10. Zanman777

    Zanman777 Shopkeep Stealer

    The wierdest things I've seen... hmm... I've seen a knight from my team running towards our base, almost getting to the tent with the enemy flag... Then the movement cycled. It was like that for the whole match since then.

    Up front there was a friendly archer floating in the air, doing nothing... spooky.

    I couldn't stop laughing for about 5 mins during the game. :D
  11. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

    Biggest WTF moment was for me, bug that make you spawn on top of the map if your outpost get destroyed or moved (do not know really) - like 5 ppl fall from the sky to die seconds later was quite stupid xD
  12. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    4 letters. AVGN

    Oh yeah and we had one knight just floating in midair down in the caverns once. I kept trying to hit him but eventually he disappeared and it said "Player has left the game" extreme lag maybe?
  13. Ranged66

    Ranged66 Bison Rider

    yeah, sure dude. why dont i believe you?
  14. SpitfireXero

    SpitfireXero KAG Guard Tester

    I pooped and when I finished nothing was in the toilet. GHOST POOPIE
    BindNation and Ranged66 like this.
  15. Ranged66

    Ranged66 Bison Rider

    that is on a rope between of topic and on topic.
    its a IRL glitch XD
  16. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Can we survive a single thread without someone making some off-topic joke that's what I want to know..
  17. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    Does anyone else ever get launched all over a map like its pinball. I cant tell if its connection lag or the game just wacking out but I bounce off of everything when some power charges me at the right time. I once got knocked to the roof of the map do to this :c another time I goomba stomped someone on accident
    Neat likes this.
  18. BindNation

    BindNation Bison Rider

    That pinball thing has happened to me as well. Another glitch is the knight shield glitch... This one is a bit cheap because basically, all you need is two knights to pull it off. You basically have both knights on the same level ground, shield upwards together AND on the SAME spot, and more at the SAME time and speed. If you do this correctly, you will float all across the map together, as long as both knights are together.
  19. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    I remember seeing that done when the mouse menus were introduced its a cheap trick =/
  20. Zanman777

    Zanman777 Shopkeep Stealer

    LMAO floating knights, and all... This game has it all!!! :D