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Good players are usually snobs. – How to fix!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by killatron46, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I have found that skilled players (myself included) generally are acting in a way that is unkind and degrading of players that are trying to learn the game, or who don’t understand what you’re trying to do.

    For instance, you’re building a specific tower, in a specific way, in a specific spot, with the angle of the sun hitting it just right with the stars aligned to form the perfect awesome that is what you're constructing. Then, someone comes along and starts building with you (ruining your awesome). Then (you) rage at them to stop ruining your tower, spike pit, or death-machine-of-awesomeness or whatever. What usually happens next is the player that was (helping) goes from someone willing and wanting to help, to a Griefer. (I have watched this happen multiple times to others, and to myself).

    I believe THAT THIS, THIS is where most of the griefers are coming from! People coming into the game wanting to learn how, so they “help” people that look like they know what they’re doing (to learn how) then they get raged at. I believe we need to fix this reaction of raging out at people who do not know what they’re doing. (if you don’t have a problem with doing this, stop reading this post, or give me suggestions for this thread :S ).

    Here are some things I suggest you do when someone does anything like: building on your tower in a bad way, door spams, digs spike pits during the building phase, puts up a 1x1 thick tall tower with no back wall, deforests the area during build phase, or anything else (nooby).

    (1) Hold on a second.
    (2) Stop please.

    (1) They’re in the way of your tower: Can you move? I need to build here. =S
    (2) They are messing up your tower: Can you stop for a moment please? – What are you doing?
    (3) They're digging a spike pit during build phase: You know you have infinite resources during the build phase right? Why are you digging then-help me build this!

    (1) Show them what you mean, and the reasons for not placing 2-over9000 doors in a row. =S

    (1) They aren’t getting it and continue: Please stop, I’m trying to help/show you something.

    (1) Not everyone is good at everything, including understanding, be sure the said player you’re helping understands what you’re trying to do, and present yourself with an air of helpfulness, kindness and respect.

    Find help,
    (1) You have tried all of the above, and they still will not listen/keep griefing ect. Then it is time to seek help. Call a votekick for this person by saying to your team that the said person is griefing or Hit ESC, then click on Chat and call a guard via in-game IRC by typing "!guard", then tell them the server/player name ect.

    I hope this thread will be helpful to us all, and maybe it will reduce the amount of Greifing! Because why would anyone greif if we don't give them a reason too?
  2. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    While that maybe so, I think you're underestimating the number of griefers that grief just for the hell of it. The reason is, it's fun to grief. Most people will find it fun. Why do you think we laugh at griefing videos of games like Bf3 or tf2, because it's funny. It doesn't make it right though.
    Noburu likes this.
  3. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I've seen instances like in my example multiple times where the player turns around and griefs. I still think everyone would benefit though from trying to control themselves a little more. I always tend to be a very picky builder, and my pet peeve is when someone builds onto or nerfs my tower in some way or another, I usually flip out. If anything this thread is only to help me.

    Yes, sometimes it is fun to collapse things and such, but I find myself mad at the griefer, more than I laugh with him.
  4. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    I can try, but it doesn't help that most people you speak to don't reply or reply abusively back to you!
  5. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    That, sadly is also true. In which case I go find a gaurd (if they grief). I'll put that in my post.
  6. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    Haha, do you know why I rage at new players? I've tried so many times to be constructive and helpful in steering them to polite co-operation and stuff like that but it ends up in me just getting told to "fuck off". So I tell them so outright. I hate that every builder thinks he can just throw down stone on what you're building. Its incredibly impolite. If I want to build on something with someone I ASK people need to get some god damn manners. Its common sense, I have no idea what they are building and how dare I have the audacity to assume that what I build on their stuff will be instantly better than what they have planned considering they've probably designed the tower for a specific purpose.

    Thats why I rage. I've put a lot of effort into my tower designs and when some snot nosed little newbro strolls up and tries to "improve" it with no idea of what they're actually doing. I've tried diplomacy. But no more.

    There are rare occasions that I don't ask if they want my help. If they're building a bridge or workshops or some other such single purpose building. Those are pretty straightforward things and I can assist them without hindering them.
    Boxpipe and Ej like this.
  7. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    But why would you assume there would be any sort of code of etiquette in a game like this when you first pick it up and start playing? I don't see why you assume that someone building on your tower thinks they know better either. I still find personally, that at least half of players doing something pretty objectively wrong will respond to being told nicely why they shouldn't, whereas raging rarely gets you anyway. Even clueless people rage, and there's alot of people of that ilk that will rage without having any sort of idea what they're talking about, so when you start playing a game there's no good reason to listen to people raging cos they could for all you know know nothing, whereas most people that are genuinely helpful seem to have some insight into what they're talking about. Plus pretty simply if someone's been a dick then your not exactly inclined to listen to them regardless.
  8. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    I have this all the time and I start to build things and other people start adding to it i used to tell them to go away now I just turn around and leave, and maybe fix up peoples buildings.
    Also i'm sick of people placing "shops" just in the open because some noob "accidentally" lets a bomb rip and BOOM all you shops are gone then I start to curse!!!
  9. Brine

    Brine Horde Gibber

    I disagree it's usually when they're in some specific clan and then they get elitist...I know multiple people and they were often kinder when they weren't in a well known clan. I don't find snobby people in this game to be a problem much, part of why I play is because it's kind of a casual thing.
  10. Jamburglar

    Jamburglar Horde Gibber

    I have literally never intentionally griefed in any video game I've played. I guess I understand why people would receive entertainment from it, but it's much more entertaining to me to create than to recklessly destroy without cause...I think it the ability to rise above it really defines a person's maturity level and degree of respect.
    Which brings me in agreement with potato. Many players have lost sight of important values of respect, honor, manners because everything is done with anonymity. It's easy to see other players as anything but human.

    On the subject, I also never trash talk or let arrogant cockiness loose. Although I play from behind a computer screen, usually in seclusion, I will never let it take from me my good sense of morales I try to maintain through all walks of life. So many good players are full of themselves, it makes me sick. It's as though they cling onto a sliver of something they have in life, something they can excel at or claim.. where they are held on a pedestal for their frivolous skills, and they become drunk on this power. Which, inevitably spirals them into a moronic powertrip they are never going to leave. It's actually very saddening...

    Anyways.. of course, I can get angry on occasions, but it's always short lived and I never lash out at a player. Great guide though, I hope it helps with the manner issues and whatnot.
    UnnamedPlayer and killatron46 like this.
  11. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Workshops in the open are one of the worst.

    Overall I believe the problem is, new dudes want to help, but have no accessible way to do so, there is not much that they can do during the build phase that will be of use because almost everything they do would be done wrong, so there are usually a few things that they will tend to do if they are new (playing recently, enough to get the basics but not enough to understand the actual game):
    a)Make a pit - You can't fuck up a pit right?! Even if I do it's easy to fix, it's always helpful too! Pit time!
    b)Make a huge wall - You can't fuck up a wall and another wall is always a good thing right?
    c)Shops - Everyone needs shops, let's put shops everywhere, outside, before structures are planned, everywhere, shops!

    They all have several problems, and I'd say some basics are:
    a) Pits are mostly shit, unless well planned they can easily hinder your opponent, unless well lined provide a way of access under your towers, and are generally so hazardous it's not cool, they do have purpose if planned well, but that requires some coordination in usual build times of games.

    b)Huge walls can be good, sure, they can surely stop bombjumpers too, but if built improperly that bomb jumper will just bomb the entire thing down instead, knowing where to lead people, how to make a nice big wall that you can actually help with, all of that, it's usually something they won't get right away, sure they might get the, big wall, a few tiles thick, door super high or on ground level (wrong of course), pit in front of tower, but they probably won't get much farther. No cata area, no archer's nest, no intentional slowing down of the enemy and making them easy archer targets, those things are all very important

    c)Typical shops end up in a stupid place, right next to tent is great, SURE! if you want them all to get blown up by the bloke who jumps in to take your flag. Shops should be high, preferably only easily accessible to you (bridges) and on the way to the front line, they don't have to be right at tent but you should never have to double back for bombs, they should be on your way there instead. Bonus if they will get blown up if the tower they're in ever gets taken.

    Now these tactics also vary based on server, those wouldn't work maybe on incarnum but they work great on unlimited.

    In any case I believe the point is, even the things that a newbie who wants to help would do are usually bad, so I have to say, what would you guys suggest newbies to do during their waiting phase of learning to actually properly build? Personally I always rolled knight during build phase at first when I was a super newb getting back into the game, then I became more of a stockpiler (These were the days that 64 person servers were quite good and not huge maps but lots of pre-structs), stockpiling was great, it provided use for our builders while I went knight and did what I had to do, it also meant we'd have more mats as the end grew nearer, ensuring us victory on at least one front. As time went on I read the builder forum often and learned a lot from it and started building things I saw there but more importantly learned how and why they worked and what I could do to make them (Wyeth's modular buildings were a great help here) and make more cool things like them. As I learned these I quickly became a forward builder as it was more fun and now I'm still learning a lot so I leave things to others that are better, but I'd say I'm good enough to get stuff done, but as you see I skipped completely over my annoy the fuck out of people stage bceause I had that sense that I was annoying people, all it took was one guy to tell me to fuck off for me to understand that I could do more harm than good with this class and that because of this I should indeed simply fuck off until I am educated enough at a basic level to build things myself. Not everyone has this common sense, and sadly many will fight it. :/
    Ej, Carver, killatron46 and 6 others like this.
  12. Eric

    Eric Shark Slayer

    Generally is someone starts building along side me I let them, since it has a good bottom already it generally turns out fine, I may have to attach some things, and then I comment on the integrity of the wall, let them know how good they did.
  13. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    I initially thought that gold members (giggity!) usually where the most competent players since they went out of their way to buy the game they play everyday, Ive grown to realise that is NOT the case. Many times have I seen players with the prestegious gold nametags who play like they are plum retarded while someone who is a "normal" players fight like they could hold their own against the rest of us. So i never take anyone for granted just because they are gold users.

    Though i cant deny the sense of comradeship i feel when i fight alongeside someone who also spent money on the game.
  14. Vivicus

    Vivicus KAG Guard Tester

    Wolffkran, RoboHobo and BlueLuigi like this.
  15. Drok

    Drok Shark Slayer

    I'd really like to be polite and explain anyone in 5 paragrapghs the future consequences of their actions. The problem with that, though, is that you miss all the building time. I generally say a single phrase like "Move please" or "Don't spam doors", or if they are obviously griefing for pleasure, call the team to kick. But one should never stoop to their level and start insulting. Not because it is against the rules or is a very immature decision (neither of those reasons matter a lot nowadays, do they?), but because that's exactly what they want.

    Put yourself in their shoes. If griefers wanted to see things collapse, they would have entered the sandbox, or even better, they would be playing other than a 2-D game with (intentionally) outdated graphics. "Don't feed the troll" is a smart comparison: by raging at the griefer you are giving him exactly what he came for, insults, and encourage him to continue.

    In the case of novices with good intentions (which I don't believe are the most), if they really wanted to be helpful, they would head to the forums, ask other people or simply get their hands off the keyboard and watch how the other people build. Building unknowingly is not acceptable, regardless of the intentions. If you perform surgery on a friend without any medicine knowledge and kill him you are all but a good person, in spite of how good your intentions were.
  16. Vivicus

    Vivicus KAG Guard Tester

    Let's examine the logic here, and start at the end:

    If A, X occurs
    X is a bad consequence
    Therefore, A is bad.

    You're saying if A (Surgery without knowledge), X (Death of a friend) occurs. Your friend dying is a bad consequence, therefore surgery without knowing what the hell you are doing is bad. That's fine, a classical syllogism.

    So let's extend that logic- hyperbole is not your friend in this case. Trying to compare the death of a loved one to fucking up in a game for a little while is so amazingly absurd that it crossed the line from hilarious to disconcerting.

    This becomes argumentum ad consequentiam, or appealing to the consequences.

    I'll stop there with any sort of critical analysis, but yeah. It's easier to teach people for a few minutes and have a not so good game while they learn, than to totally shut someone out and yell at them for not meeting your standards.
    UnnamedPlayer likes this.
  17. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    ..Last night I tried to build a basic tower, 5tiles up, then a door, flat side to stop bombjumpers.
    Someone kept trying to break the bottom(before putting backwall up), calling me a retard for not putting a door there(rofl).
    Then he kept "reinforcing it" as he put it, by building onto the front, compromising my structure's purpose, as it was not flat anymore.
    Then I asked him to stop, nicely, I was trying what's been said here, but I got raged at, saying I was incompetent and stupid.
    After that, I just told him how terrible of a builder he was, and left the server.
    Honestly, I'm just going to rage myself, it usually gets my point across better than asking them nicely.
  18. Wolffkran

    Wolffkran Horde Gibber

    You need to learn the game? Hell I just jumped in and picked it up naturally. Y'know, like every game I play.
    <- gamer.
  19. Acavado

    Acavado KAG Guard Tester

    Griefers wreck stuff for the lulz and pretend to be newbies to avoid punishment; Newbies wreck stuff without knowing the difference and look like griefers. A willing-to-help person who's doing badly isn't considered a griefer. They won't get punished for that. Sometimes it's hard to tell between the two and the quickest way to find out is just to call griefer and see what answers you. As rude as it is.

    I dunno, a lot of people are surprisingly cordial when I ask them to move. But when teamwork means so much in this game, the stress level goes a little high and people snap. There's no time to teach someone ze fine art of architecture, just shut up and get out of the way, thar be enemies at the doors.
  20. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    @Jamburglar -
    This is what we all strive for, but I haven't found myself to be as restrained as this. I am very elitist, and I find it hard to control that sometimes. It isn't that I'm in an awesome group of friends (moles) that I'm elitist, but it is my own way I play games, I find the best strategies, and the best structures and improve them as best as I can. This is the way I am.

    @BlueLuigi -
    This explains a lot about why I made this post, I felt like many people in the community could benefit from this, and sadly not as many people as you would think are as level-headed when playing a game to realize they're not helping. So maybe brute force is the only way to make some people understand.

    @ Rayne -
    This happens to me sometimes too, but instead of leaving I usually cut the stuff off and explain why. Half of the time the people grief my tower when I do this.

    @ Acavado - "There's no time to teach someone ze fine art of architecture, just shut up and get out of the way, thar be enemies at the doors."
    That is exactly how it is, thank-you for pointing that out!