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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. xX_PROjerome_Xx

    xX_PROjerome_Xx Shipwright

    Well me and mike_hawk go to the same school and we had finals. We didn't get out until 3PM EST so these have to be photoshopped because it kicks someone after 3 votes, how could we have glitched this? Fake.
  2. Zanman777

    Zanman777 Shopkeep Stealer

    There's video evidence as well, Jerome. No point on denying it.
  3. DUZ

    DUZ Horde Gibber Tester

    @ NA server, which I don't remember.

  4. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Guys PLEASE from now on upload your log to http://pastebin.com and post the important part using [ code] [ /code] tags.

    Also simply hit TAB and check the top of the scoreboard for the server name.
    Kagesha likes this.
  5. Drok

    Drok Shark Slayer

    1) Player name: JTG
    2) Action: Griefing (stone block spam during build time to block allies)
    3) Server: I don't remember
    4) Time: Yesterday, according to the date in the log file: 17th January 2012 03:36 AM

    5) Proof: I am completely sure it was him and I provide the following proof:

    (I can upload the whole video lenght and with better quality if needed)

    Chat log: http://www.mediafire.com/?0hdzp1c05d9rzaj (way too long to post here)
    Note the two other witnesses and his unfriendly remarks (stupid, nigga, homo):
    [10965] <[HA] Overlord> jtg why did u put all those blocks..
    [43366] <Scosglen> JTG is hopping around randomly placing stone

    As he is a forum member I sent a PM inviting him to defend himself.
  6. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Player: 3 [RAK] guys, 2 of them are in the pic below
    Action: griefing, they destroyed a red tower "to put doors" ever after we told them not to do it, then one of them changed teams and griefed blue saying he was "building a better tower"
    Server: Power
    Time: A couple of minutes ago (post time)

    I find really confusing the messages on the pic... it seems like they got kicked but they never left the game... is that some kind of hack? I actually joined blue to kick him and we just got the "5 players have marked" but he was never actually kicked :S


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    Shad: Banned Wryhorn
  7. knightl

    knightl Base Burner


    Attached Files:

  8. DUZ

    DUZ Horde Gibber Tester

  9. Vidar

    Vidar KAG Guard Donator Tester

    This is true. He was a non premium player. For some reason we couldn't kick him. He did about 20 to 30 minutes worth of damage before dying in endgame. We tried notifiying a Guard via IRC, no one was available (understandable, impossible to police this game 24/7) but we did our best.
    DUZ likes this.
  10. Iscann4Griefers

    Iscann4Griefers Shipwright

    xX_PROjerome_Xx griefing on video, here is the video evidence:

    Details were given by zanman777 on the post within this page. As you see, he denies it and goes even further accusing others of fake.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  11. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester


    It's best to stick around for a bit once you request a guard, i know the bot said there weren't any guards, but some just hang about. trelawney/n2j3 responded a minute after you requested but you left too early.
    Noburu and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  12. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    I know this is probably a little late but I remember Saibot/Sabito shall we say "trolling" BlueLuigi constantly and when warned, he complained and after his fit carried on and was then swiftly kicked.
  13. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I suspect we have a new hack on the loose, preventing folks from kicking players by marking them.
    Keep the reports of this coming. If you get me a screenshot of the multiple lines of 'X was marked by X players' in the chat window, I'll ban them.

    Scratch that, its just a bug affecting everyone.
  14. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    I don't know where this would go, I'm guessing that they are hackers.


    As you can see, "Geti" and "Noburu" were playing in this server. I've seen Noburu in game and he always wears a top hat and is Premium. I also know that this Geti isn't real since Geti has own special hat and both of these players have free accounts and regular hats. I've seen these impersonators more than once. Lastly, they were glitch exploiting, and griefing their own team.

    Obviously impersonating someone else is against the rules, and if you are impersonating important people, it will confuse and possibly even tarnish the reputation of them to those who don't know the difference.
    Valkyrie, Rayne, Fellere825 and 3 others like this.
  15. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Yes this most defintely wasnt me. Hell I only play on Action servers too...
    Nice to see Im so famous people want to be me though :D
    Rayne likes this.
  16. Wolffkran

    Wolffkran Horde Gibber

    • User warned for posting Off Topic
    Surprised I didn't see my name in there.
  17. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    I've seen the fake Geti as well. If I see him/her again I will post a screenshot.

    But here is a chat log:
    [1260] <[!] Kouji> Hey SJ
    [1328] <CZ/SK MC_RetarT> pokeball
    [1397] <Geti> Is there an admin on the server right now?
    [1481] <[!] sj67> Hi Kouji
    [1682] <[!] Kouji> Me and Clemo
    [1686] * Can't spawn units depleted
    [1805] <MOLE Birdman159> Clemo and I
    [2161] <[!] Kouji> right right
    [2174] <Clemo7> GG but i see BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG LAG
    [2725] <CZ/SK MC_RetarT> good
    [2913] <Geti> Well there is a problem with RCON and we need to let the server owners know about it
    [3319] <CZ/SK MC_RetarT> geti go down xD
    [3325] <MOLE Birdman159> ]That isn't real Geti
    [3465] <[!] sj67> I forget the rcon.......
    [3483] <MOLE Birdman159> I know for a fact
    [3651] <MOLE Birdman159> that isn't real geti
    [3755] <MOLE Birdman159> some griefer
    [3785] <Geti> I am geti.
    [3909] <MOLE Birdman159> Prove.
    [4070] <MOLE Birdman159> And you would message server owners
    [4129] <CZ/SK MC_RetarT> geti go down
    [4163] <Geti> Disprovve?
    [4475] <Clemo7> Noob
    [4566] <MOLE Birdman159> You are in my skype chat and I can hear you typing
    [4591] Zeliphe left the game
    [4636] <CZ/SK MC_RetarT> lool
    [4725] <[!] sj67> Geti = suiciadal?
    [4879] <Geti> Why are you stalking me?
    [5257] <MOLE Birdman159> ]haha
    [5287] <Geti> And yes, this Birdman guy is making me sad.
    [5327] naotriix left the game
    [5544] <Clemo7> 5v2 !!
    [6062] <[!] sj67> Ohider Bird.
    [6160] <Clemo7> 1v1
    [6183] <CZ/SK MC_RetarT> ups
    [6191] New player joined the game
    [6198] Unnamed player is now known as bknifefight
    [6375] <Clemo7> 1v1 !!
    [6560] New player joined the game
    [6584] Unnamed player is now known as gustavocha
    [6676] <CZ/SK MC_RetarT> sj stop
    [6704] <MOLE Birdman159> wtf
    [6780] <MOLE Birdman159> I hate this bug
    [6848] <MOLE Birdman159> worst bug
    [6852] Clemo7 joined red team
    [6881] <MOLE Birdman159> alltime
    [6899] <Clemo7> =)
    [6929] <[!] sj67> I got him guyz.
    [7009] MOLE Birdman159 left the game
    [7224] New player joined the game
    [7235] Unnamed player is now known as MOLE Dallas-13
    [7249] New player joined the game
    [7253] Unnamed player is now known as MOLE Birdman159
    [7473] <MOLE Birdman159> Hey Dallas!
    [7483] CZ/SK MC_RetarT left the game
    [7514] * Can't spawn units depleted
    [7684] <Geti> Birdman, that is why I am telling server owners about the bugs and how to fix them.
    [7845] New player joined the game
    [8068] <MOLE Birdman159> That isn't a serverside bug
    [8269] <gustavocha> 1 vs 2
    [8325] <Geti> Yes it is.
    [8356] <MOLE Birdman159> falsegeti prophet
    [8397] <[!] Kouji> You aren't Geti, if you were, you'd have is head
    [8407] bknifefight left the game
    [8415] <MOLE Dallas-13> hey birdman and sj :)
    [8590] <[!] sj67> Hi Dallas.
    [8942] <MOLE Dallas-13> hey kouji too :)
    [9070] <[!] Kouji> Hey Dallas
    [9498] Unnamed player left the game
    [10226] <Clemo7> 0.0
    [10316] <MOLE Dallas-13> 0.o
    [10612] <[!] sj67> Okay, I'm gonna go play some GTA MUltiplayer after this round/
    [10707] <Clemo7> BUG
    [11082] <MOLE Dallas-13> i think it was lag clemo
    [11264] <Geti> Clemo, what is the bug? I am working on the new build and need to know of all the bugs.
    [11446] New player joined the game
    [11456] Unnamed player is now known as naotriix
    [11699] <MOLE Dallas-13> ow
    [12051] <MOLE Birdman159> lolwut
    [12139] naotriix joined red team
    [12199] <MOLE Dallas-13> :/
    [12277] <Clemo7> 1v1
    [12404] <Clemo7> lol
    [12621] <[!] Kouji> I almost feel like kicking this guy for trying to impersonate Geti
    [12672] <Clemo7> :)
    [12733] <[!] sj67> How did red win?
    [12828] <MOLE Dallas-13> indeed
    [13025] * Can't spawn units depleted
    [13054] <Geti> I am not impersonating anyone.
    [13056] <MOLE Dallas-13> wonder how he did it...
    [13168] <MOLE Birdman159> He is
    [13303] <MOLE Birdman159> For a fact I know
    [13368] <MOLE Dallas-13> D:
    [13391] <[!] sj67> Anyways, bye.
    [13457] <Geti> No.
    [13469] <MOLE Dallas-13> didnt you block that?
    [13483] <[!] Kouji> cya
    [13611] <Clemo7> WTF
    And then I left to play GTA.
  18. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    I have seen them both too.They seem to move together and leave when you call them out.
  19. Wolffkran

    Wolffkran Horde Gibber

    Kouji should've kicked him. It would've been a win win situation. on one hand, if it was Geti, the lulz of accidently kicking him. On the other hand, you served a guy with no life.
    Beef and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  20. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    There is also a fake shadlington I have seen, reported long ago
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