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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. Saibot

    Saibot Shopkeep Stealer

    1.Who? [UMAD lordhatclock
    2.What? Griefer and closed me!
    3.Where? [POWER] U.S, California CTF
    4.When? Now
    5.Proof? Yep, Video :

    Skyglass and Noburu like this.
  2. mklj

    mklj Shipwright

    1.Who: buldierer3
    2.Reason: griefed several buildings including front tower and sealed the main
    3.Where: Fun CTF
    4.Proof: vid:

    Additional comments:
    This is his second wrongdoing, so I hope punishment will be severe ( look up, I reported him 2 posts ago ) [ Yes, he changed one letter in his nickname ]


    Two another griefers:
    Ryder303_ & Laka AkonBeyken, griefed @ GFrost global

  3. Saibot

    Saibot Shopkeep Stealer

    1.Who? light87
    2.What? Griefer and closed team!
    3.Where? [POWER] U.S, California CTF
    4.When? Now
    5.Proof? Yep, Video :

    Please permanent ban reiterated grifing


    Shad: Banned
    Vidar likes this.
  4. Vidar

    Vidar KAG Guard Donator Tester

    Thank you for posting this Saibot. He's been up to this all morning. Banning obviously is still bugged and a KAG Gaurd wasn't available.
  5. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Player marking is fixed now, but server owners need to restart their servers.
    Noburu likes this.
  6. Ryu

    Ryu Shopkeep Stealer

    Who : Pedo_Bear
    What : Grief
    Where : U13 KAG
    When : 2:35 am (UTC/GMT +1:00)
    Proof :

    1. Spiking up the bridge

    2. Pretty proud of himself

    3. Griefing the base in the next game (enjoying the bug preventing him from being kicked)
  7. Skyglass

    Skyglass Shipwright

    1. lordhatlock
    2. Removed team bridge, threw a bomb at us after we got trapped in the pit because of the missing bridge, dug an entrance for the enemy to get into our base, threw our observation post into a spike pit before dieing from the spikes, destroyed our ladders as we tried to make a way out.
    3. I'm not entirely sure as I was playing on a few servers this morning, Maybe the [FR] server? I could be wrong, if you need more info I can post logs.
    4. January 25th, 8:50 AM
    5. Yes: Youtube video proof:

    Bonus: 1:10 of the video you can see Karma stepping in, I couldn't stop laughing for a good 10 minutes.

    Edit: Didn't realize that someone else above has posted proof of the same guy griefing on another server.
  8. Saibot

    Saibot Shopkeep Stealer

    im report them :

    1.Who? [UMAD lordhatclock
    2.What? Griefer and closed me!
    3.Where? [POWER] U.S, California CTF
    4.When? Now
    5.Proof? Yep, Video :

  9. lordhatclock

    lordhatclock Shipwright


    I've actually contacted Youtube and am having your videos pulled as the violate my privacy.
  10. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    They will not pull that out.
    And you will get banned.
  11. lordhatclock

    lordhatclock Shipwright

    Actually they will. Enjoy your misinformation.
  12. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Pedo_bear and lordhatclock... Banned.

    EDIT: lordhatclock has also received a forum ban for his behaviour in this thread.
    Stevedog, knightl, Beef and 6 others like this.
  13. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    What:griefed starting tower and boasted about it in chat
    where: action ctf unlimted [!]
    when: a few miniutes ago
    proof:video of him boasting in chat and people complaining about him and the log that shows the same chat


    this video is uploading atm so it will be a few miniutes

    Attached Files:

  14. Saibot

    Saibot Shopkeep Stealer

    1.Who? "Sir Knight-Hunter"
    2.What? Griefer and help enemy team... (Contruct Ladder)
    3.Where? [POWER] U.S, California CTF
    4.When? Now
    5.Proof? Yep, Video :

    [27798] <Call_Of_Duty_Guy> wtf?
    [27935] <AUSS Pitbull7> what did i do
    [28009] <Call_Of_Duty_Guy> wat shit is this?
    [28036] <[CL] Saibot> KICK SIR KINGHT
    [28319] <bugsbunny> make a door
    [28535] New player joined the game
    [28604] Unnamed player is now known as [AOE] Roc_Computer
    [28643] <POWER BC> is someone grifing you guys red?
    [28672] <Call_Of_Duty_Guy> GRIEFER
    [28807] <Call_Of_Duty_Guy> go fuck your mum
    [28866] New player joined the game
    [28881] Unnamed player is now known as call_me_vich
    [29055] <bugsbunny> sjit
    [29087] [AOE] Roc_Computer left the game
    [29197] <O_zone> i cant get out
    [29557] <POWER BC> yeah their being griefed :(
    [30056] New player joined the game
    [30103] Unnamed player is now known as roboboy33
    [30292] <bugsbunny> war
    [30504] <roboboy33> the fuck
    [30564] <AUSS Pitbull7>  i cant get out of base
    [30838] <AUSS Pitbull7> whos griefing
    [30874] <POWER BC> kick the griefer red
    [30891] <Call_Of_Duty_Guy> SIR KNIGHT IS A GRIEFER
    [30972] <Sir Knight-Hunter> thats the point
    [31025] <bugsbunny> shit
    [31111] <Sir Knight-Hunter> hahahahahahahahahaha
    [31117] <O_zone> lol
    [31167] <Call_Of_Duty_Guy> you fucking dickhead
    [31294] <Sir Knight-Hunter> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA1
    [31453] <[CL] Saibot> not problem
    [31575] <Sir Knight-Hunter> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
    [31597] <[CL] Saibot> i record video and report
    [31848] <AUSS Pitbull7> u dicktard
    [31870] <[CL] Saibot> youre account will banned :)
    [32028] Sir Knight-Hunter left the game
    [32195] <bugsbunny> sit face
    [32333] <POWER BC> he left
    [32616] <[CL] Saibot> now report in forum...
    [33075] New player joined the game
    [33087] Unnamed player is now known as Dr_Seven
    [33160] <POWER BC> i'll join your team pit, dont know anyone on this team
    [33239] cheeseftw left the game
    [33299] Dr_Seven left the game
    [33334] POWER BC joined red team
    [33469] New player joined the game
    [33481] Unnamed player is now known as Dr_Seven
  15. Vattic

    Vattic Shopkeep Stealer

    1. Who?

    2. What?
    Destroying his own teams towers.

    3. Where?
    I think it was [FR] Lethiathan Unlimited Respawn but I might be mistaken.

    4. When?
    At around 17:50 GMT.

    5. Proof.
    screen-12-01-27-17-49-14.png screen-12-01-27-17-49-21.png screen-12-01-27-17-50-34.png screen-12-01-27-17-50-36.png
  16. Saibot

    Saibot Shopkeep Stealer

    1.Who? "arche XxsachaxX"
    2.What? Griefer. (destroy sky bridge)
    3.Where? Beo's CTF
    4.When? Now
    5.Proof? Yep, Video :


    Shad: Banned
  17. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    A word of warning; whilst playing on Beo's CTF, I noticed a player who was regularly there. Their name was poisonteam, and whenever they were online, they simply were afk. Constantly.
    From what I can tell, they might simply be a ploy to 'poison' the other team, by reducing their numbers. As an admin on Beo's Server, I checked them out, noticed they hadn't moved since they joined, no points or kills, or deaths. After 4 games.
    Just saying, after I spent a moment applauding the ingenuity, I kicked poisonteam. I didn't think to get any pictures at the time, but I felt it would be useful to share.
    Valkyrie, FuzzyBlueBaron and Noburu like this.
  18. Poisonteam is also a griefer and that's why I cam here
    Who? Poisonteam
    Where? Action unlimited respawns CTF 2
    When? A second ago
    What? Griefing of course.
    Proves? Here you go:

    Shad: Banned

    Attached Files:

  19. Who? vladce5255
    Where? 200x200
    Whne? a second ago
    What? Spamming griefladders
    Not to much, but better this than nothing

    Attached Files:

  20. Vattic

    Vattic Shopkeep Stealer

    Who? leet_hamster
    Where? [FR] www.kag2d.fr Leviathan Unlimited Respawn
    When? sometime after 14:00 GMT today.
    What? Blocking passages, destroying own teams defences, and swapping teams to do the same to them.
    Proof? Just a quick screenshot from the chat with him admitting and laughing at the accusations. F4 doesn't seem to work with the chat open so I could only get one shot. It was impossible to get a shot of him knocking down the enemy tower as I kept getting snipped.

    I highlighted the bits from and about him.
    Also I don't know if you saw the report I made on the previous page: Link.


    Edit: Sorry about the white border on the image; Don't know how I missed that.
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