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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. greyfox

    greyfox Shipwright

    AIG chaoticredux
    JAJA solidsteff

    Griefers (blocking their team's doorways, crushing buildings)

    Now and last 1 hour

    [Aha] karpol has proofs or could confirm my words.
  2. Saibot

    Saibot Shopkeep Stealer

    1.Who? "arek123"
    2.What? Griefer. (destroy tower red and change blue team)
    3.Where? 150 x 150
    4.When? Now
    5.Proof? Yep, Video :

  3. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    I banned him yesterday. He is on our official banlist.
  4. puro

    puro Shipwright

    Who: Santpin23
    When: Jan30 10:45am
    Where: [!] Action Unlimited
    What: Griefed an entire tower, then switched teams.
    Proof: Another premium member has proof and hopefully he'll post it.
  5. Saibot

    Saibot Shopkeep Stealer

    Sorry, the video is bad, and the evidence can not come up ... But I support the report as an eyewitness of the facts ... The tower collapsed a Red team and then change to the Blue Team ...

    [6072] Santpin23 joined red team
    [6759] <[?] puro> no space bridges u fucks
    [7471] <[?] puro> everyone kick macd
    [7768] New player joined the game
    [7812] Unnamed player is now known as DESTR txia
    [7815] <[!] Stephmo> Please stop
    [8094] <Malutki> SKYBRIDGE
    [8096] <Joman> ooow
    [8128] Santpin23 joined blue team
    [8178] <[?] puro> rofl
    [8358] <[?] puro> sky bridges are fine
    [8406] <[!] Stephmo> Please kick Santpin23, blue
    [8472] <[?] puro> space bridges are not
    [8479] <[!] Stephmo> he griefed
    [8493] <Frikman> the fuck
    [8592] <[CL] Saibot> Santpin23
    [8748] <[!] Stephmo> Kick Santpin23 BLUE
    [8762] New player joined the game
    [8774] Unnamed player is now known as Epic Dorkenhimer
    [8817] <[CL] Saibot> im record you
    [8891] <Malutki> uj nice
    [8921] <[?] puro> oh he switched teams?
    [8941] <[CL] Saibot> =)
    [8983] <[?] puro> what a faggot
    [9183] MacD left the game
    [9241] New player joined the game
    [9250] Unnamed player is now known as Laxjeff2002
    [9330] <[!] Stephmo> Kick Santpin23 BLUE
    [9484] Laxjeff2002 left the game
    [9496] <[!] Stephmo> he griefed and switched
    [9578] <Joman> collapse our side of castle
    [9816] PL Mystery left the game
    [9825] <Epic Dorkenhimer> First thing we should do is claim that castle as our own.
    [9949] DESTR txia left the game
    [10008] New player joined the game
    [10017] Unnamed player is now known as Ixel12
    [10250] <[!] Stephmo> Blue kick Santpin23
    [10470] <[?] puro> blue kick santpin23
    [10724] <[?] puro> unless u wanted him to grief
    [10728] <[!] Stephmo> Blue please kick Santpin23
    [10813] New player joined the game
    [10831] Unnamed player is now known as xTinus
    [10939] <[?] puro> in that case ur all banned for over 9000 years
  6. Speedwagon

    Speedwagon Shipwright

    I have the pictures of when he switched teams after he had broke the bridge

    E: this was probably actually a different game, but regardless he did the same thing

    Attached Files:

  7. Ryu

    Ryu Shopkeep Stealer

    Who : AIG chaoticredux
    What : Grief (bloquing the base with stone at the beginning of the game)
    Where : Le Serveur des Elites
    When : 4:30 am (UTC/GMT +1:00)
    Proof :
    Locking us down :
    Making sure no stone remains broken too long by adding new ones :
    "Here's how I respond to gloating" :
  8. knightl

    knightl Base Burner


    he was also abusing his powers on "an aussie kag server eggnog..." so he made another account i guess

    i recorded a video of alot of people in chat complaining about him and him saying we can't stop him from doing it so i recorded it and everyone else in chat will support this claim

    the log is attached and so is this video (its uploading so chats here if you want video of people saying it aswell ill post it
    Who: PedoBeary
    What:abuse powers
    Where: An aussie kag server eggnog
    When: Now

    proof: see above

    Attached Files:

  9. He is already supposed to be banned.
  10. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    ^ (about PedoBeary so its still on topic i believe)

    That explains his confrontation hes had before he talked about
  11. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Different account :/
    Also, chat logs are not enough proof by themselves.
  12. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    ok ill provide a video of the chat as well i guess but beside that a few people said they took a screenshot from the (Woo) clan hopefully that might be enough as well (im uploading video now so it might take some time)

    it'll be a hour or two of uploading i guess
  13. Ryu

    Ryu Shopkeep Stealer

    Who : thecheguevara
    What : Spam
    Where : [FR]Excalibur
    When : 1:30 pm (UTC/GMT +1:00)
    Proof :


  14. Who: Arkan lucatron
    What: Griefing
    Where: Action Unlimited Respawns
    When: Right now
    Also, I think "arch ws" was partnering him. He didn't grief anything but was making "2" when lucatron was griefing. And as you can see at one of the pictures he also defended lucatron/mocked guys who wanted to votekick him.

    Attached Files:

  15. MrJinkies

    MrJinkies Horde Gibber

    if u read the text file of the chat i was in it he was abusing admin powers at first by placing ladders for his benefit to get over our walls (the ones that can be clearly seen in the video above just for those who didnt notice the floating ladders) then i warned him then he started taking apart our base so he could just jump in and take our flag so as usual i owned the crap out of him and repaired the base and then he just removes all the repairs that i have done so he can just jump back in . not to mention wasnt supporting his team at all but thats hardly something i can complain about
  16. greyfox

    greyfox Shipwright

    Who: Angry22
    What: Griefing (destroying red tower and base)
    Where: Action [!] CTF Unlimited
    When: Now

    Attached Files:

  17. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    yeah i understand that a chat log might be edited which is why i did that vid lets just pray this is enough proof (beary was being a ignorant ass thinking he was untouchable)
  18. Who: Bower lilili8888
    Where: one of Jeadizzle servers
    When: now
    What: griefing to help her/his team (and it's not first time when I see him/her doing that, he/she should be banned asap)

    Attached Files:

  19. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Who: thejman3000
    Where: GFrost Playground 24/7 or sth
    When: now
    What: griefing red base

    The pic is actually funny. But he deserves ban! screen-12-02-03-23-06-06.png
    Ryu likes this.
  20. Mister_Snazzy

    Mister_Snazzy Shipwright

    1. What was the players name?: Game1122
    2. What did the player do?: Constant trolling, racism, greifing etc.
    3. In what server?: Jaeziddle's House #7
    4. In what time?: aprox. 9pm on February 5th
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)

    He's been trolling pretty much all night, this is just a fraction of the racism and trolling he's been doing. He also collapsed many bridges and purposely destroyed walls.


    EDIT: More stuff
    Also, I'm fairly certain that the account "kissbaby" is an alt of game1122, they both frequency accuse others of trolling, greifing, and do both themselves.
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