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Average age of KAG player?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Obzen, Feb 3, 2012.


How old are you?

  1. 12 and under

    9 vote(s)
  2. 13 - 15

    40 vote(s)
  3. 16 - 18

    34 vote(s)
  4. 18+

    94 vote(s)
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  1. evol_nomad

    evol_nomad Bison Rider

    GGSP (Good Game Spawn Point) I think its called.

    I'm 12 myself

    Also I use Opera.
    Just saying.
  2. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    Definitely right about Aussies, look at how the polling has shifted overnight (I watch too much west wing, I don't think I'd have ever put it like that before...)
  3. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

  4. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

  5. Bracket

    Bracket KAG Guard Tester

    16 and 63-ish days. 16.1726 years.

    That number up there. It is a metaphor for me. It is literally my age. I'm 16. Hi.
  6. Jamburglar

    Jamburglar Horde Gibber

  7. Miggles

    Miggles Shark Slayer

    I hate the unfair generalization that everyone under the age of 16 is a high-pitched, immature, dwarven hog. I, personally, am 14, I have a decently deep voice, and I'm 6' tall, almost.

    I sometimes get sad at how young people are represented as idiots just because they have a tendency to sometimes act like their age is the same as their IQ. I will tell you that when I was 12, even 11, I wasn't nearly as immature as many people would think I was. In fact, I'm almost pretty much the same since then, other than the small things that change you in 2 years.
  8. Vidar

    Vidar KAG Guard Donator Tester

  9. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    21 today ! yeah i'm so old and mature now !
    ComboBreaker and Rayne like this.
  10. Lolrage.
    And stop saying that bullshit. People under 18 are usually morons. Yes, there are few exceptions but still 99.99% are morons.
    Beef and Chinizz like this.
  11. Riletyface

    Riletyface Horde Gibber

    Never knew that. Same.
  12. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    After reading first page - it appeared to me like a troll topic. I've got urge to smite it down.
    Anyway, cast my vote. I'm 21.
    Chinizz likes this.
  13. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    With posts like this it kinda seems like one...

    Dunno how anyone can say "lolrage" and then go on to complain about young people, your hardly speaking with the eloquence of Stephen Fry there.
  14. Miggles

    Miggles Shark Slayer

    You're completely wrong. Young people are tomorrow's future - sure some of the newer generations have some stupid cultural differences, and maybe not as smart as some older generations. (that of which I can blame parents for)
    To say that 99.99% of -18 year olds are idiots isn't even arguable. To say that 100% of the post you just made is completely, undebatably wrong, would be speaking the truth.

    I want you to step back and see who's being the moron right now.
  15. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    And 78% of those who are 18-21 wank over the fact that they are older than others?

    Kids are annoying.Snobs are annoying too.I always try be polite to everyone,even if they are younger than me.Unless they are dicks.
  16. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Ej is clearly the worst troll ever.

    Anyways I'm 19, will be 20 in about 3 months.
  17. Still you.
    Kids are stupid and it isn't debatable. It's a fact. They like bad films, listen to bad music, play bad games etc. But the biggest problem with people in 12-17 age is a fact that they are always wrong and they always think they are right. Annoying "rebellious youth". That's why I say kids are stupid.
  18. Bracket

    Bracket KAG Guard Tester

    Yeah, I'm going to agree that Ej is the worst troll ever. Must've picked it up from Contrary. Or he's terribly ashamed of his youth and the awful music he listened to.

    ... or the post I just read was full of sarcasm.
  19. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    By god if I don't start seeing numbers and happy faces this thread is so closed.
    FuzzyBlueBaron, Noburu and Bracket like this.
  20. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    13 13 13

    My age is 19.13 is just an unlucky number,so I've decided to spam it a lil.With happy faic.
    yes,I couldn't resist
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