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player models are lagging

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by msl, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. msl

    msl Catapult Fodder


    I've just managed to start a KAG gameserver on linux centos 6. Everything seems to run fine but the player models of the other players are lagging massively. You can see the mining but the model is completely on another place. It moves just every 10 seconds or so.

    Start up line:
    ./KAGdedi nolauncher autostart Scripts/dedicated_autostart.gm autoconfig Scripts/serverconfig.gm ip xxxxx port 50213 slots 4

    Server Log:
  2. Teemo

    Teemo T͔̕e͖͚̖̯̩̪͙͝e͡m̖o̤̪͘ Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    CPU speed? All details on system? HD?

    do `top` and what's the wa% ?
  3. msl

    msl Catapult Fodder

    It's a completely free Opteron 6272 server with a SSD. The hardware is 100000% not the cause for this.
  4. berktt

    berktt Catapult Fodder

    I am having the same problem, and I'm running CentOS 5.7. CPU load and RAM levels are just fine, no other applications running, and the game is really laggy with the characters barely moving.
  5. Teemo

    Teemo T͔̕e͖͚̖̯̩̪͙͝e͡m̖o̤̪͘ Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I just KVMed in and did a network install of CentOS 6. I'm getting the same issues here with a completely empty CentOS system (with even 3 people on at once)

    My heavily loaded servers running Debian 6 and FreeBSD have no such issues, even when running on much less resources.
    This is just strange.
  6. berktt

    berktt Catapult Fodder

    Good thing I caught it in time - I scheduled a game for people tonight, and this gives me just enough time to install a VM Debian or find another alternative solution. In any case, thanks for the confirmation Teemo.
  7. Teemo

    Teemo T͔̕e͖͚̖̯̩̪͙͝e͡m̖o̤̪͘ Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Make absolutely sure you use VMware ESXi or KVM or something on a decent machine.

    OpenVZ fucks with game timing randomly, and occasionally you might find your entire server banned for "speedhacking"
    Rayne likes this.
  8. berktt

    berktt Catapult Fodder

    BTW, while Debian was installing, I tested something else which I think narrows down the problem. I changed the game mode to Sandbox mode and restarted the server. This time, there was no lag and I could see my friends character moving around properly.

    The problem might have been caused because we were in the CTF mode, and the game doesn't start without at least 4 people (it was just me and a friend testing the server out). Mayhap this is what caused the "problem"? In any case, I'm still installing Debian so I might try that as well and get back to you when I run a KAG server from there as well.
  9. Teemo

    Teemo T͔̕e͖͚̖̯̩̪͙͝e͡m̖o̤̪͘ Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Random thought, are you on 64 bit or 32 bit?
  10. berktt

    berktt Catapult Fodder

  11. msl

    msl Catapult Fodder

    It's good to know that I'm not alone with this bug. Hopefully the mighty developer has a look into it ;)

    I'm quite new to the game. Is there an option to start the match with 2 players only? So we can test CTF without having 4 clients.
  12. berktt

    berktt Catapult Fodder

    I haven't tested this, but it should work. Modify your game rules configuration file for CTF, which is locate in /(gamefolder)/Base/Rules/CTF/gamemode.cfg. I'm going to guess that when you change the value of "minimum_players_inteam" to 1 instead of 2, it should work. (Also, you could just set the server to play Sandbox mode to test it like I did).

    In any case, I did revert the server to CTF yesterday, and once there were more than four people in the server, there was no problem anymore, and fun was had by all.