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Time Management.

Discussion in 'Builder' started by TheF1N3One, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. TheF1N3One

    TheF1N3One Catapult Fodder

    How can I manage my time wisely as a builder?
    When do I know to move up and what are the different sections of the map?

    After what amount of time do I start to develop a full tower/thing if my team is still behind?

    At the tower we make closest to the hill at the front of the game, is that our main tower that we should work on if we aren't front lines?

    Im trying to make a structure that can combine the rappidiffy tower with a good archer structure and The KISS/Pre-Build tower, as well as the Acavado door and spikes as well as some other traps. Any place and time I should do this? should I devote the whole game to doing this? (Not that I don't mind it).
  2. prostosuper

    prostosuper Haxor

    First of all, could you post the image of your creation?

    Secondly, in answering your questions, we must know some conditions: how many players are currently playing, what is the warm-up time and how many trees and stone mines do we have.

    Third, sometimes it's hard to build something predictable at the public server, syne you don't know, what other builders are going to do. As for me, I experienced million times a situation, when I've built a foundation of my bidg, but some builder, with the best of motives, screwed up my idea.
  3. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    I don't know if recent updates broke this mechanic, but you can create a structure I dubbed as "Bighuges" to save time (I don't want to choose something dramatic to call it that's just silly)
    They go something like this;

    X █ X

    Where the black boxes are bricks and the Xs are doors. The reason for using doors instead of drawbridges I'd rather not go into because when I post my reasoning on the forum people magically find ways around all my traps.
    The base height is four blocks high and three blocks wide. It can be freely altered to be any height and width so long as the new dimensions are above the base. The best part is that these can be spammed everywhere in little to no time at all. Once you get enough of these to stop your enemies in their tracks- save for the bomb-boosting knights that make it over your structures anyway- you can build whatever you feel like building.

    I haven't played in quite a while so I don't have many other tricks up my sleeve than I did about six months ago- I don't really need any tricks other than those ones, though.
  4. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Vaulting made a tower of that height obsolete. It'd need to be 5 blocks tall to block anyone from getting over it. Also, a knight can full slash and break that door down and then jump over it pretty easily.


    I think as of the current build, and using slightly less resources than you have suggested, this might work better as a quick wall.
    Noburu likes this.
  5. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    Yes, well that kinda goes full swing back to my reason for not explaining why I used doors for that tower. Here, I'll send you a PM.
  6. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    Remember,never copy KISS,Rapid-whatever tower,premade archer nests completely(unless it they do perfectly fit into needed situation).Sometimes,some parts needs tweaking to fit into your terrain.

    The main rules are:
    -front door should be at 5-8 blocks height.
    -it should be possible for archers to attack those who are slashing doors.
    -your team should be higher then enemy when on top of the tower.Towers which are too close to a hill are trash.
    -passing through your tower for teammates should be as fast as possible.
    -it should allways be possible to retreat back into your tower.
    If all main principles are in place - congrats,you've made a decent structure!

    If you want to build something serious on frontlines - make simple 6-7 block wall infront of your future construction to let you build without worrying about enemy knights at least for 20 seconds.

    During build-up try to spend last 10-20 seconds in spamming shop pieces around - it'll save you a lot of time later.Instant stone and wood is allways great,and screw coins anyway.
  7. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    Big front doors are pointless when people will only use the bottom two doors. If they're too tall, they're useless, and if they're too thick, they're annoying.
  8. Depending on time, number of knights and archers with me and recources those are mine favourites:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Of course these two are very basic structures and you should dump all your resources to make them bigger and optimal for a current situation. Then improve them as long as are you not able to push forward and make another tower.
    Edit: this post is about topic of rush towers started by saniblues and continued by Kouji.
  9. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    Doors on the ground level is the worst thing you can do with your tower.Ground level doors shine when there is crowd slashing at your door - to fight them I have to open door and let them in,so why the hell did I build this tower in the first place?
  10. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    Sometimes I close my eyes and see a world where structures are of a moderate thickness and where gold stones are forgeable.