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Is the bomb jump an intended, permanent mechanic?

Discussion in 'Knight' started by theBeaz, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    Yeah exactly, I'm totally fine with it, just certain aspects of it - mainly being sheer distance and height possible - need reworking.
  2. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Why? If they are lower we can evade spikes better, besides bombs are about to lose one of their main functions soon
  3. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    What's that? Only thing I can think of that they get used for is killing, jumping, and destroying structures. I know powder kegs are coming but if the latter gets removed that's kinda lame.
  4. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    Knight shouldn't be able to take on structures by himself.Bombs should damage(like 2-3 builder's hit) blocks at best,not instapop them.
  5. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    That's a problem with people relying so heavily on single tiles, bombs are pretty good as is, and are absolute shit underground except against bedrock which they are going to be owned at. Builders will soon be kings of underground and knights simple peasants.
  6. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    Bombs really wear down structures in long games(imagine any unlimited respawns game structure after a long round - just look at this cheese!) : it is annoying as hell.They do not collapse structure,just chip off 1 block there and there.

    While I agree that knights should be able to bring structure which relies only on 2 blocks all by himself,he should use 2-3 bombs for that,since it is not his job.
    So , lowering damage to blocks should work well enough.
  7. Ice_Coldas

    Ice_Coldas Catapult Fodder

    I think Bombjumping is an interesting feature, but I do think it's way too powerful currently. Firstly, the bomb jump can be incredibly high. You can reach heights you would normally have to jump 5 or 6 times as any other class up walls.
    The horizontal flight is also way too far, imo. I've seen enemies jump from their tower over 30 tiles away horizontally AND lower than our tower, while still making it to the other side. We quickly lost that match due to the enemy builders laddering up our towers while that one knight could simply blocks and hold everyone off. The gap he jumped over was easily a battefield on its own.

    The second thing that really bugs me is the knights holding the bomb in their hands, and just block. In fact, I don't think any knight should be able to block while holding a bomb. Not only can you never prevent a Knight from bomb-jumping, you could also just dash in a group and kill anything in sight, without dying yourself.

    I think Knights should only be able to carry a single bomb at a time, too. I've had matches where a group of 5 Knights would bring 3 bombs to the front lines, tossing bombs against the wall quickly, giving the team no chance at all to repair. The blast radius should be reduced a bit too. I think it's simply too powerful to throw one bomb, and kill entire groups of players, while the Archer needs quite some time to kill anything at all.

    I know it seems like a lot of nerfs, but it's mostly a bit in every direction. It feels like a too powerful, spammy 'nuke' while every other way of combat is a much longer fight.
  8. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    I'm still intrigued as to what's gonna drastically change with bombs, given they're fairly costly don't think the damage to structures is all that bad to be honest. 60 coins is hard to come by unless your completely owning everything that you come by so 3 bombs is usually rare, plus builders shouldn't expect not to have to repair their towers as well as build them. Bombs are hardly a threat to most decent towers, especially if they're looked after well.

    As for archer in comparison you just need a bit of coordination with other archers, at range 2 archers should be able to take down a single knight with ease. Archers need to be in packs to be effective, and the same is also true of knights.
  9. Strathos

    Strathos KAG Guard Tester

    I gotta lot to say about bombs, but this is a bombjump thread. Should we start another one?
  10. JackMcDaniels

    JackMcDaniels Haxor

    Held bomb jumping is useful and easily defended against with either a roof with spikes or a high wall.

    Archers complain that knights are overpowered and knights complain that archers are overpowered and both of them complain about builders.

    Why? well it is pretty obvious, is it because the game is balanced and people don't want to have to watch their backs or use their brains.
  11. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    It is not so easy to make a huge wall in small games, do remember that. In big games, sure you can deal with them, but what if 5 enemy knights start constantly to do it? It should not be possible to cross an entire battlefield in 2 seconds, and possibly dashing an enemy to death every time you land.
    By the way, you could still actually do the held bombjump, you would just need more skill as you need to throw it right before it explodes.

    Archers aren't OP :>:(:
  12. JackMcDaniels

    JackMcDaniels Haxor

    Actually the amount of damage a single bomb does to a stone tile is dependent on how close the bomb is to the tile itself when it explodes.

    If bombs are bringing down your building then you're not building them correctly.

    A builder can easily replace a 1 block stone tile broken by a bomb, just sounds like laziness to me.

    Wonder what function the normal bombs are losing, i hope it is not anything too important as bombs are important for maintaining the balance against waves of archers.
  13. FlyingGroundhog

    FlyingGroundhog Shopkeep Stealer

    Well either way I love bombjumping, I found out about it the first day I started to play!!! :3
  14. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I didn't even mention bomb vs building damage.. that thing is fine.

    But when you can just cross 30 tiles in 3 seconds without possible even losin hearts, and hold the enemy for 5-20 seconds back (more if you're good) with a cost of 20 coins, it is overpowered.

    Why not to remove the held bombjump?
  15. JackMcDaniels

    JackMcDaniels Haxor

    I don't know why you think it is overpowered, for one it is like 1 hornet going in to a nest of hornets, if the nest of hornets manages to lose to 1 hornet because of this then they failed badly.

    They can't escape with your flag or whatever if you build to keep people in as well as out of your base, appears to me as if people are just making a scapegoat out of bombs.

    I have never had a problem with bomb jumpers, even when 1 did land on my head and kill me inside my own base when i was trying to snipe somebody else in the distance.
  16. dnmr

    dnmr Ministry of ban Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    they can land in the base and massacre quite a few builders and archers. But that's teh team's fault, they should build proper base to prevent that.
  17. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Which is in small games hard because of the short building times. Already 10vs10 games suffer from this.
  18. Strathos

    Strathos KAG Guard Tester

    Proper base: a lot of effort. Dozens of minutes of mining. Coordination.
    Bombjump with huge horizontal reach: a high spot and 20 gold.

    A clever knight will bombjump past your two front walls and make the most damage. He will target archers, builders and workshops before getting killed. You can't always expect to have someone ready to fight him off, specially on small servers.

    The problem is the the maximum horizontal speed when bombjumping. When you bombjump your character enters a different movement mode where your max horizontal speed is a lot higher.
    The thing about held bombjumping is that the bomb always explodes the closest to you, thus making you bombjump the farthest. Also it just doesn't make any sense.

    I think the issue here is if knights need to bombjump that far. I see bombjumping as a way to go over pits, escape or jump over one wall, not a way to get past all the enemy's defenses.
  19. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I am a bomb jumper, and I approve this message.
  20. Grenze

    Grenze Catapult Fodder

    I think Bomb jumping is fine it's only a problem because most people don't stay builder and those who do end up going underground instead of fortifying against things like bomb jumpers. So many times I'd end up trying to stop them and then get killed cause no one had my back as a Builder. I see it more only overpowered cause in most games teamwork is forbidden.