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[WIP] heads modifications

Discussion in 'Texture Packs' started by RaptorAnton, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    Sup, I wasn't very active lately, and I don't think I will be any time soon. But! I made the new version of male_heads file, with lots of my heads(and the most popular custom heads).
    The file is uploaded to the first post in this thread (the one you're reading). Enjoy! :D
    Updated once again - I think now I added to the file pretty muvch all of my heads, all outlined well. And added one new hat. Which one is it - go check it on your own! ;)

    Chuck Norris is awesome!

    Long story short - I got bored and decided to customize the male heads(not all of them - just the boring ones). They are all team colored(in some way).
    Mine are:

    -the Executioner's mask.
    Executioner's mask.png

    -the Knight's parade helmet.
    Knight's parade helmet.png

    -the Shaman's feathery hat.
    Shaman's feathery hat.png

    -the Stalker's bush disguise.
    Stalker's bush disguise_01.png
    Stalker's bush disguise_02.png

    -the Ninja's headwraps.
    Ninja's headwraps.png

    -the Assasin's hoodie.
    Aassasin's hoodie.png

    -the Desert Madman's cow scull.
    Desert Madman's cow scull.png

    -the Gladiator's lion mane.
    Gladiator's lion mane.png

    -the Barbarian's buffalo head.
    Barbarian's buffalo head.png

    -the Rastaman's hat
    Rastaman's hat.png

    -The Nasty Gidrotsefal Zombie

    Also, I made two little changes to the custom hats:
    now team colored.png now feathered.png

    And I made three hats for ingame admins and guards:
    -Paper Bag
    paper bag.png

    -Hen Nest hat
    hat nest.png

    -Player's best friend
    man's best friend.png

    What do you think of them? =)
    Some of them look better on specific classes.

    Here, take them! :D
    View attachment 3040

    Other ideas and suggestions on improving current modifications are appreciated.;)


    Attached Files:


    D0VAHKIIN Shipwright

    Some sweet hats here! The assasin's hoodie looks like from assassins creed ;) And that parade hat looks bloody cool dude!
  3. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Your work is pretty high quality, they look great.

    Also, about your question: Geti does plan on adding more heads in the future, but currently all the heads you see in the head's sprite sheet for male and female are the current ones.
  4. TheBlindSteve

    TheBlindSteve Shipwright

    Looks quite good, I might think of using these later. I do doubt it though, I'll probably just forget about this and end up playing Terraria.
  5. Guro


    I really like your work and I would be more than happy to see some of these implemented as official heads at some point. That said, I do think that some of the heads are a little too large (like the cowhead and the bush disguise), it just looks a bit ungainly. Fantastic work though. You have my support.
  6. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    That's why I called it assasin's hoodie :D It's all just because of my style of playing archer - I hide, wait, and then... WHAM! AN ARROW TO YOUR KNEE! WHAM! ANOTHER ONE! :D
    Speaking of those in the list - there are three hats at the top of the male heads file, that aren't included into the game, and there are two big black empty places for hats. Why?
    Also, I wish I had some kind of scheme for hats files - to know where exactly ends one hat and where exactly starts another.
    *shrugs* In case you will - let me know. Maybe I'll change someting specially for your mod.
    Thank you for kind words. And speaking of cowhead and bushes - they were meant to be big. The cowhead scull is supposed to look a little foolish. Like the Pyro from TF2 - he is cool because he is silly :D And the bushes are better suited for some game modification, bacaus they make no sence unless everyone else playing with you have it. It's meant to help archers hide in the tall grass near trees, looking like the lower brunch, or at the top of the trees, that don't have enough leaves to hide the archer properly. That's supposed to look like that:
  7. TheBlindSteve

    TheBlindSteve Shipwright

    What do you mean by "In case you will - let me know. Maybe I'll change something specially for your mod." Never did I say I was making a mod for Terraria. But I do have the coding skill up to par for it. No, I've just been messing around with a few user created Terraria mods.
  8. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    The top 5 rows of heads are mainly "secret" heads that can't be selected from menu. The first 2 are what the developers use for whenever they are in game and the 3rd one used to be used by guards. The 2 blank heads are just there, probably as filler or something for later on.

    As far as the schemes I can't really help you there.
  9. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    Dude, we're at KAG forums, I wasn't speaking of terraria. I just thought you wanted to use my sprites in some KAG modification. Oh well, whatever.

    I thought that gamedevs can make theselves better hats :/

    And it looks like I will have to make schemes by myself =(

    Also, I need a guy that always keeps an eye on all the head mods(and any mods that include modified hats/heads), so he could show me them all, so I wouldn't need looking through the whole forums ^^'
    I have lots of ideas currently, but, as I said, I don't want to do things someone have already made - nobody needs that.
    Except for the cases when I can do that better than the other guy =)

    As far as I find them interesting, of course ;)

    D0VAHKIIN Shipwright

    Make a paper bag head :D I don't have premium now , but it would look trolly :DD
  11. Guro


    You know I think I would rather have the devs just give us custom head support. It could work in the same way that minecraft skins do, you just replace the default head file with your head file. Does anybody feel the same way? As for suggestions for new heads; I think a viking helmet or an Oni mask would be mighty cool (although you do already have the barbarian buffalo head).
    Maybe something like this? Just a thought, lemme know what you think. Perhaps use google images to search for better pictures if mine are not up to scratch.
  12. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    well, as far as I remember - some guy have already made the whole Vikings mod, which, obviously, has hats with huge horns.

    Heeeyz! a little update! :D

    First of - I made that paper bag hat.
    paper bag.png
    And put it into the game is a gamedev one.
    lol, also I gave them the han nest hat :3
    hat nest.png
    No idea why I did that - I wanted to give them a crown or... pff, whatever :D
    Also, KAG guards are now... DOGHEADED!!! :D
    man's best friend.png
    They're... you know... guards... xD
    okok, no hard feelings - I just needed some place for new heads I made, no offence ;)

    Also, I made the Rastaman's hat! :D woo! Peace, doodes ^__^
    Oh, and I made the zombie head look more humpy and scary, looking at the zombie mod preview :D

    yay! ^_^

    btw, made some changes to the hats gamedevs have made =)
    now feathered.png now team colored.png

    all that can be found in this little file :D
    D0VAHKIIN likes this.

    D0VAHKIIN Shipwright

    Nice job dude. Really good idea with the nest hat .
  14. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    that's that very nest from the KAG ad. I didn't really do anything ^^'
  15. DarkHairedIrish

    DarkHairedIrish Shopkeep Stealer

    Just saw these hats. They need to be in the game. They are amazing. Keep up the good work!
  16. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    If I get payed for that - I'm ready to make all the 200 hats developers want to add ;)
  17. DarkHairedIrish

    DarkHairedIrish Shopkeep Stealer

    Someone link this to Geti/MM
    RaptorAnton likes this.
  18. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    Heyz, boys and girls! :D

    As you may have noticed - my last set of hats got full, so I had no place for new ones.
    And I started a new one! :D

    For the moment, I have three new hats, and one "hey-look-what-I-can-do" hat, that I made just for fun :)

    So, our first new item was inspired by the image of the King Georg. It's called...
    "The King Georg's Blessing" :
    god_bless_you.png :D (seriously, at that image of him he got the funny aura around his head and some plant at his forehead xD)

    Our next item is for those kings, who don't care much about god and their afterlife(Valghalla is waiting for them! Bwhahahahurrr!!!)
    "The King of the Battlefield":
    king_at_the_battlefield.png :3
    (I swear, when I play with this hat on - I'm lucky as never before - it must be cursed! D: )

    And the third hat - the one I wanted to make for so long, but my memory never allowed me to...
    One of my favorites...
    "The Teutonic Angel"!

    oh oh oh! Almost forgot to show you my little funny hat, inspired with hours of playing Cortex Command:
    "The Brain Commander"!
    cortex_brain_commander.png :D
    (this can't be considered as advertisement, as Cortex Command game will be frozen after next update, still unreleased. Developers got tired of it, and also excited of the new game engine some guy gifted them. So, this is not an ad, I'm just a big fan of CC)

    you can have all these hats at this file:
    MaleHeads (2).png

    p.s. Guys, please, if you don't really have what to say about my hats, but you like them - at least "LIKE" my post, so I could know that I'm not doing all that for no one. Just press "like" and we all will have more hats from me! :D Inspire me with your love and joy! ^_____^
    16th, BlackKlit, Gofio and 1 other person like this.
  19. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    The brain hat is genius,only bad thing about these(in my opinion) are that they lack an outline.
    They blend too well with the enviroment and make them a bit less-fitting for the otherwise outlined classes.(and making them uglier at distance)
    For the rest,great.
  20. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    Hmm, I'll think of making hard black outline later. Thanks for your reply =)