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[281]Easy-as-pie tower

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by ComboBreaker, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    Before I'll say anything , I suggest you looking at this picture."Enemies" will come from --->


    Seems,like this tower has been assaulted by a spammy builder and is ready for getting assaulted,right?
    Pit is useless,its easy to jump over it, start climbing and start slashing door

    Well,now lets reanalize it again,but now add archer in the top part of tower,possibly with arrow workshop nearby.


    A).Archer can shoot through this hole.As we know,charged shots will knock victim off the ledge,and it'll be unable to airstrafe during fall.Since knights will have to hug right wall to climb the ledge,they will fall directly into 3 tiles pit.What a shame.

    B).According to "[274] Miscellaneous research" falling from 15 blocks height on spikes will result in instant death ,2 hearts damage if height is less.Depending on tower's height,how high the victim has to climb to get to the door and pit's depth,you can achieve these 15 blocks height quite easily.
    Trabridges on the left are for friendly knights - they can jump on enemy without losing speed.

    C).Reinforced spikes sandvich!Bombs,thrown by enemy knights in hopeless attempt to disarm pit will result in making pit stronger,since they are making pit deeper,while it remains functional.Make 3-4 of them to make your pit's life longer.

    It suffers from the same things most builder's creations do :

    -It is easily countered by enemy builder.Thats why you should actively pay attention to incoming builders and kill them while they are advancing using common archer nest on top-left.
    -It is easily spoiled by your fellow teammates-builders.Even if you are experienced builder,this tower may seem too risky.
    -And last,but not least : if you've made this tower,it means that it is your job now to stay there and keep it functional : otherwise it'll get captured.
    killatron46 likes this.
  2. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Other thing to note, if enemies are at the this tower, you must have archers so actually preventing knight from reaching the top.

    Possible suggestion: Take the 2 ladders on top of the B line off so that Knights have to jump to hit the door which if you have only a single archer available, will give them more time to knock them off and still give an advantage to ally knights as they'll be slightly higher.

    I really like that spike pit. Like you said though, it's probably easily ruined by builders on your own team, especially if they don't know what you are building.
    UnnamedPlayer and ComboBreaker like this.
  3. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    Yeah,but if you like to play archer,it shouldn't be a problem.As I've said if you build something like this ,it is your responsibility to keep it working,or at least explain the concept to someone from your team.

    This way even a huge crowd of knights can't cover with their shields slashing knight,since he has to jump above them.Slashing knight is extremely vulnerable then.Thus effectiveness is increased.Bravo!

    Yeah,thanks.I've always had spike sandvich concept in mind,but it was inapropriate for most pits,since it is way too resource consuming.Works with this minipit though
    = )
  4. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Um, one bomb and that top section is coming down. And I can make that shot about 70% of the time. Then your camping archers become open to enemy fire, have to back off, and then all the enemy has to do is climb up those ladders you so nicely provided.
    FlameHaze3 likes this.
  5. Arlus

    Arlus Shopkeep Stealer

    Knights at door will be able to hit you if you wanna shoot at them. However I like this idea of making spikes under the other spikes.
  6. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I like the concept. It will never work on a public/noobish server cause other builders will not listen to you while your explain wow this is smart and amazing, but it's fun (I will try it out).
    I like traps/towers who use the knight-doors attraction for kill them.

    Now the negative side:

    1- Even if you remove the 2 ladders on top of the B like kouji said, It's easily bombed, 2 bombs can detroy the door and give all knights a way in. I belive this is this tower biggest weakness.
    2 - The archer spot is sustented by 2 draw bridges. One luck shot from a cata can destroy the archery place and make the tower pointless.
  7. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    Well,when I've been making it I was more worried more about showing the concept then the sturdiness of the structure.
    Of cource it needs more background walls to become more safe.
    And everything that archer have to do to counter bomb flying from bottom is to simply jump up to close the arrow slit,so its hard to throw bomb directly into the tower.At least on the first throw.
    Anyway,I guess having a friendly builder to repair archer nest in case of getting bombed will do the job.

    Yeah,didnt see that coming.
    I guess rising archer nest by 1-2 blocks will do the trick.With additional background walls.

    Well,thats why I don't want to build it alone.1 builder can't build tower and dig such a deep pit at the same time,and you allways need a fellow builder who will keep repairing door and archer nest.

    This tower is defensive tower,to thin enemy ranks,and then counter attack.Its not suppoused to hold forever,just give to your team 15-20 ticket advantage.
    Noburu, BlueLuigi and Chinizz like this.
  8. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    If you don't mind no one getting through have doorway be an Auri surprise about 4 thick and people exit by dropping through archer tower.

    In general 'winding staircases' of bridges are very cool for many things, one going from there would be good, it assures they can't just break it to get up, but gives an 'extra' way through, as long as you don't have any idiots on your team going through the auri surprise.
  9. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I like the idea of "Luring" derp knights into impossible situations, this could prove most interesting. I hadn't thought of using the mechanic of fully charged arrows to push a knight into a trap, I've hit knights off ladders before, but this is cool! :)

    However, Derp-proofing towers is going to become a more important thing as the community grows. This is already pretty close to the edge of bearable for those Derps, they wouldn't be able to help themselves if you put an Auri surprise on there too.

    They would go "Derp!" (ground level doors) "Derp!" (removes ladders and replaces with bridges) "DERP!" (makes ladders INTO pit and destroys the three stone blocks down there because 'there is no point'). :p

    Also, Combobreaker, to curb confusion, the orientation of your tower suggests that the enemies are coming from,
    <------this way---------
    -------that way.-------->
  10. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    At first I wanted it to end with an auri surprise too,but then I've decided not to for a few reasons :

    -I never make structures which does not let allies to retreat into them,even on unlimited respawn servers.Imagine bashing 30 gold as knight from enemy builder and impossibility to get to tent,change class and build needed siedge workshop.This results in eventual death and losing your stuff just a few metres away from heal and bombshop.

    -Its impossible to attack those knights who are in your auri surprise without risking getting stabbed/bombed through arrow slits.And when you add glitching through "+" shaped holes you get knights right on top of your tower.

    -Once your auri surprise is cut - your structure will hold on remaining stone blocks - and it is hard to get inside and repair it since there is a bloodlusting crowd

    -If you can't repell attack/archer is dead/archer nest got annilated - which resulted in knights breaking door - simply block it with stone and ask help from your knights.Pretty much the same result as with auri,but costs less.
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  11. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Btw combobreaker, something like this for the doors works really well:

    Archer perch

    This might work better than an auri surprise because you can just fire arrows down into the hole if they break through the first layer of doors.

  12. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    It will work better, if it is combined with an auri suprise, cause there is always allies that will let the enemies enter, if it's just a door. At least with the auri surprise, no knight would pass the tower. And I remember that the design of an archer hole against knight attacking the auri trap (and make also possible for builder to repair it) , already exist and is easily implemented to the trap.
  13. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Made a neatly modified version of this, different pit (mostly auto kill pit so similar), kneecap shooter and some other mods
  14. owthathurts

    owthathurts Shark Slayer

    hmm, maybe an idea to secure your tower slightly more, i may be wrong, but it looks to me if both doors are broken, your archer tower will fall down? if its an intentional trap, then ignore this comment :P