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Beo's KAG Servers

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Beo, Sep 21, 2011.

Mods: jackitch
  1. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Generally, I tend to police the abusive glitches, such as flying knights and 1 block tunnels, but let the lesser ones go. It's always fun to freeze and unfreeze a flying knight, and let them plummet to the ground as their punishment. :3
  2. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    THESE glitches are totally harmless. One-tile elevator needs special conditions and hard to build naturally - it mostly happent by itself, due to map generator. And flighing couple of knights is a perfect aim for archers.

    What REALLY makes me sick is possibility to shoot through single-tile walls.

    And the glitch that makes Daniyo sick - is using outpost as demolition weapon.

    So, I think that our attitude to all glitches must be single for all the glitches.
    Boromir and Daniyo like this.
  3. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    But.. but I use the archer glitch all the time D:

    Honestly there are so many little glitches these days, some are harmless but some can be used as a serious tool, that they should be treated differently.


    Knight blimps: Not so huge deal, see if it starts to happen often, then begin to freeze people - if that doesn't work, 30 minutes ban.

    Shooting through walls: Again if one guy uses it now and then, nothing, but if it's used by many guys possibly a freeze but no ban. You can counter this easily anyways by having a knight to shield the arrows, and the archer can't do anything anymore.

    Squeezing: If it clearly is an accident, nothing, but if it's being purposely used, a freeze, and if the offense is repeated, a ban.

    Catapults bomb>rocks: Naw nothing, catas are easy targets for archers, and using bombs with catapults is a legal thing.

    Elevator: Nah nothing either, this can be used by both teams, and it is the builder's fault if he made the tower 2 blocks wide.

    I don't remember more glitches, but generally I would like a smooth touch on players. It feels really unfair and bad when you get banned / kicked unfairly, especially if you had played for a long time in that server. And when we don't need to care so much, it's also better for us.
    Hella likes this.
  4. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    I only dislike the archer glitch and outpost as a demolition wepon (never saw anybody using it on this server though) everything else is fine with me :)
  5. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    the archer's glitch really pisses me off, dude. "You can counter this easily anyways by having a knight to shield the arrows" - I already have the damn WALL to protect me. I insist on adding this to "see first - make a warning, see again - ban out" list.
    I'm even ready to keep myself from op-demolition thing, though I really like it.
  6. dengesai

    dengesai Catapult Fodder

    I've a complaint to file here.
    I was banned completely unfairly and without any form of warning or justification.

    We had a skybridge that we had made reach the enemy base, so it was all good.
    But at some point, one of our allies says that the enemies have breached and are gonna use the skybridge to invade us. He also recommands destroying it.
    So I unzoom at maximum, and indeed I see a bunch of enemy knights on our skybridge, I then destroy it to stop the invasion. After that, one ally complains and I'm frozen and a second later banned.

    Griefers I something I hate, but I think I hate even more abusive moderation.
  7. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    I agree. Griefers are incredibly annoying, as are abusive moderation. However, did you consider that the moderation were doing their job?

    Yes, you were following the recommendation of another player, and you probably at least partially harmed those knights.
    Yes, the moderator in question should have frozen then talked to you to clarify the situation.

    Before you accuse us of being abusive, make sure you think on what you are saying; we are not being abusive by freezing someone who brought down a large portion of their own teams base; we are not being abusive by kicking someone who brought down a large portion of their own teams base.

    Now, I am sure that you are not in the wrong if you were truly doing as you say. I'm not accusing you of griefing in the same way you accuse us of being abusive. As moderators, we cannot ban you from the server permanently. However, we can kick you, which bans you until the server restarts.
    You are right to come here and complain if you have been kicked unfairly, because that way we can solidify how we act as moderators; however, I reiterate my previous and predominant point: You have no right to accuse a moderator of abusing their position if they are following their job describtion to the letter.
    You will undoubtably be welcome on the server once it has restarted and you are able to join again, but expect moderators to kick players who wreak havoc upon their own team. It is our job.
  8. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    You, sir, are a liar. Those knights were far under our bridge. I know it, because I was standing at that very end of the bridge. And the guy screaming "wolf!" telling you the enemies were at the bridge, got banned too. At first - for griefing the bridge, lots of our teammates were still standing on and under; and second - for disinformation. Those damn knights had no chance to get up there. btw, one of enemies have destroyed their skybridge a second later after you destroyed ours.

    Also, your ban will last for 8 hours.

    p.s. I didn't talked to him before kicking out, because I had three big collapses(over 500 blocks) at once, so if I tried to clarify the situation - it would took too much time, and everyone wants to play, not to listen to "Why did you griefed the skybridge?" - "I didn't!" :huh?: . (one collapse was inflicted by the Ryu, second - by this very guy up there, and the third one was made by the other team, but nobody there said that it was a griefer or marked someone, so, I think they did that on purpose).
  9. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    The collapse log is bugged, it pretty much tells everyone near the collapse collapsed it.
  10. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    Let's make it clear.

    The chat part:
    [294815] <Ryu> stop <== That's when he first tried to grief and I saved the bridge.
    [295045] <Ryu> we need to destroy that skybridge
    [295185] <RaptorAnton> the fuck was that?
    [295300] <Ryu> Oh come on, I'm not a freaking griefer
    [295434] <RaptorAnton> we don't
    [295588] Unnamed player left the game
    [295782] <Medivend> NOOOOOOOOOOO <== other people start noticing griefers
    [295837] <Ryu> Ennemies are going to use it against us
    [295879] <CZ/SK Hekosik> griefer
    [295911] <Sir Land00> waa we have a greifer
    [296367] Vayolet left the game
    [296547] <dengesai> no i heard that the bridge was to be destroyed, so i acted quickly <== Our "whiner" collapsed the bridge and is totally happy about that.
    [296659] teemis left the game <== Somewhere here Ryu managed to grief the rest of the bridge I saved from the first guy a minute earlier
    [296811] Tro9n2001 joined blue team <== Somewhere here the other team member collapsed the enemy bridge
    [297002] <CZ/SK Hekosik> ban and kick server
    [297031] <Medivend> EARTHQUAKE
    [297050] <Sir Land00> the hell?
    [297249] <=bro=jekastar> lol
    [297355] <Medivend> ASS
    [297545] <CZ/SK Hekosik> kick
    [297570] <Medivend> DENGESAI!!!
    [297579] <dengesai> why am i frozen ? <= I reacted, then understood that I can't just freeze them and talk, as that will take too much time with all three of them.
    [297688] dengesai left the game
    [297780] New player joined the game
    [297795] Unnamed player is now known as RUS_Sciv
    [297880] <Medivend> KICKED :D <== People are happy that griefers got kicked.
    [298044] <CZ/SK Hekosik> jea
    [298093] Ryu left the game

    The console part:
    [294926] <RCON> [RCON FROM RaptorAnton]
    [294926] <RCON> \freezeid 4123
    [294926] <RCON>
    [295316] <RCON> Server: Banned client trying to connect 2934885969:54529.
    [295316] <RCON> Server: Disconnecting player 2934885969 reason: 7
    [295628] <RCON> COLLAPSE by dengesai (size 436 blocks)
    [295670] <RCON> COLLAPSE by Tro9n2001 (size 439 blocks)
    [296048] <RCON> COLLAPSE by dZark (size 60 blocks)
    [296171] <RCON> [RCON FROM RaptorAnton]
    [296171] <RCON> \unfreezeid 4123
    [296171] <RCON>
    [296463] <RCON> COLLAPSE by Ryu (size 368 blocks)
    [296609] <RCON> COLLAPSE by Ryu (size 371 blocks)
    [296704] <RCON> [RCON FROM Paul_the_Peasant]
    [296704] <RCON> /players
    [296704] <RCON> [RaptorAnton] (id 91)
    [296704] <RCON> [fulcrum_zero] (id 3780)
    [296704] <RCON> [mitim1] (id 4949)
    [296704] <RCON> [LV Tomins] (id 4856)
    [296704] <RCON> [marxmacher] (id 3921)
    [296704] <RCON> [dengesai] (id 4894)
    [296704] <RCON> [lonewolf100] (id 3692)
    [296704] <RCON> [Lord TittySprinkles] (id 4850)
    [296704] <RCON> [astefan16] (id 2996)
    [296704] <RCON> [CZ/SK Hekosik] (id 3899)
    [296704] <RCON> [MadMans] (id 3966)
    [296704] <RCON> [Moehrensalat] (id 3845)
    [296704] <RCON> [czartulinka] (id 2067)
    [296704] <RCON> [Paul_the_Peasant] (id 4792)
    [296704] <RCON> [Talvara] (id 4844)
    [296704] <RCON> [aerstone] (id 3156)
    [296704] <RCON> [8x] (id 4106)
    [296704] <RCON> [Ryu] (id 4123)
    [296704] <RCON> [dawid dawidsienny] (id 2982)
    [296704] <RCON> [Sjavi Hallic] (id 4811)
    [296704] <RCON> [Sir Land00] (id 4696)
    [296704] <RCON> [Specht] (id 4838)
    [296704] <RCON> [Tro9n2001] (id 2964)
    [296704] <RCON> [Pindar____] (id 4783)
    [296704] <RCON> [dZark] (id 4831)
    [296704] <RCON> [Medivend] (id 1900)
    [296704] <RCON> [=bro=jekastar] (id 5208)
    [296704] <RCON>
    [296983] <RCON> [RCON FROM RaptorAnton]
    [296983] <RCON> \freezeid 4894
    [296983] <RCON>
    [297054] <RCON> COLLAPSE by marxmacher (size 81 blocks)
    [297681] /rcon /kickid 4894 500
    [297686] <RCON> [RCON FROM RaptorAnton]
    [297686] <RCON> /kickid 4894 500
    [297686] <RCON> Server: Disconnecting player 1010968922 reason: 7
    [297686] <RCON> Address: 1010968922; banned for 500 minutes : reason 7 : User was authed as dengesai
    [297686] <RCON>
    [297780] <RCON> New player joined the game
    [297796] <RCON> Unnamed player is now known as RUS_Sciv
    [297800] <RCON> [master] Player is authenticated RUS_Sciv (3958004816)
    [298022] <RCON> Server: Banned client trying to connect 1010968922:50420.
    [298022] <RCON> Server: Disconnecting player 1010968922 reason: 7
    [298085] /rcon /kickid 4123 500
    [298090] <RCON> [RCON FROM RaptorAnton]
    [298090] <RCON> /kickid 4123 500
    [298090] <RCON> Server: Disconnecting player 278174547 reason: 7
    [298090] <RCON> Address: 278174547; banned for 500 minutes : reason 7 : User was authed as Ryu

    Also, I repeat for the last time, that there were NO enemies at our skybridge( I was in there and seen our bridge being clear from enemies) and none of them managed to get on it. Also, more of our people, than enemies, have died from their collapses.

    And, doesn't that means that he is a griefer, if people all around have seen absolutely the same situation as he seen, but didn't think that there is any need in collapsing the huge skybridge (at our territory, mostly)?
  11. Boromir

    Boromir Builder Stabber

    Just here to apologize i was afk on the server got kicked. hope i didnt get banned,my bad wont happen again i love this server :)
  12. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    Boromir, It's ok =)
    I thought that you lagged or something - you were moving right and jumping endlessly.
    Everything is fine, I just kicked you out into a one-minute ban ;)
    Come back and play whenever you feel like that ^__^
    Boromir likes this.
  13. Boromir

    Boromir Builder Stabber

    OH PHEW ok thanks man have a good one
  14. Beo

    Beo Bison Rider Tester

    Maybe just punish only "huge deal" glitches like archer glitch and op demolition glitch for now and wait for incoming build. Let's hope there will be much less glitches in it.

    f12, it's just a game :)

    Should i enable editor for moderators?
  15. dengesai

    dengesai Catapult Fodder


    First, I'm sorry, but I have to consider you a "liar" as well (I guess). I did unzoom and saw at least 3 enemies players ON our bridge before I destroyed it (there might have been one ours as well, I'm unsure about that), I'm 100% sure of that fact, I wouldn't have done anything otherwise.
    Secondly, I don't see how it is relevant to say that the fact that there was too much talking to do justifies the instant banning (especially since I initiated the conversation myself by explaining my actions), thank god that's not how it's done in the real civilized world, there would be fights everywhere.

    I can't even believe you're actually saying this.
    I come here completely clean explaining everything, trying to make things evolve, and your first reaction is to call me a "whiner". Plus you make assumptions about me (I'm supposed to be "totally happy" about the loss of our bridge, in your wildest dreams, sure), how old are you ?
    Could I please talk to someone else ?
  16. dengesai

    dengesai Catapult Fodder

    Agreed, if it's following orders, then the moderator isn't abusive (the rules are ;)), sorry if you felt I came a little aggressive, that wasn't my intention.
  17. Boromir

    Boromir Builder Stabber

    Sorry to interrupt but i cant join the server still says im banned. no rush just letting you know, hope i didnt get banned for too long.
  18. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester


    Dont you mean disable conisdering i can use it :P
  19. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    No worries, buddy. I probably seemed a bit agressive too.. :p
  20. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    Boromir, now I'm not sure if I was the one kicking you out - I may have though about other guy I kicked...

    hey, other mods! have anyone banned this guy?

    dengesai, you are a whiner indeed. Stop crying already! It's just 8 hours ban. I used to give much longer bans, even today.

    No matter what you guys wanted to do - that lead to death of lots of our people and destroyed the result of long and hard work of other players of ours. THAT is griefing. You, guys, destroyed OUR building ON PURPOSE, which lead to MANY DEAD TEAMMATES and fucking up spitting on the result of work of other players, as well.

    When one starts to point out his opponent's qualities, trying to humiliate him, that means that he just can't prove himself right. What do you have as proof? You word. That's it. I have My word, and all the filthy words, addressed to you by our team members, saved at chat logs, as well as all your demolition work, saved at the console logs.

    Be a big boy and wait manly for the end of your ban.
Mods: jackitch