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[281] The Totem Head

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by mishKa, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. mishKa

    mishKa Mayo for everybody. ┗┃・ ■ ・┃┛ Donator

    Ok, I'll go straight to business.
    I'm not sure if this has been posted already here, if it has I've completely missed it.:>:(:

    Firstly the basics:

    After some testing I came across with this (unpassable/passable if you're careful) route which works both ways red&blue. It will only cost 48 stone and 40 lumber, cheap, but easily destroyed (with bombs or breaking the trap bridge), but very effective if enemies run into it like blinded sheep. The broken trap bridge is important!

    So to the Totem Head and beyond:

    If you look closely I started off with the basic construction above.
    Every spike will hurt resulting in a dead body :skull: (-3 hearts). The squeeze effect will throw anyone who's trying to get through to the top of the construction resulting in hitting every single spike en route. This as well is relying on the broken trap bridges. To make it ally proof =(not hurting allies). Fill the holes with trap bridges.

    There you have it. Happy building.

    Cheers, mishKa.

    (off-topic: wow I really love the new emoticons. Finally they were added. :thumbs_up: )

    Attached Files:

    Alkaine and Rayne like this.
  2. Dallas-13

    Dallas-13 Shopkeep Stealer

    Nice but knights can walk under it and break the broken trapdoors. Does it still work even if the top trapdoors are completely broken?
  3. It depends on where the spikes are placed. Most spikes will become null though as the platform kind of confuses the spike and makes it a "super spike" which can hit multiple times in succession. All the spikes will lay down on the team platforms and only some spikes will do damage, as some will be air spikes and others will be on easily passable walls. The middle one, being a corner spike, may do some damage still.
    Dallas-13 likes this.
  4. mishKa

    mishKa Mayo for everybody. ┗┃・ ■ ・┃┛ Donator

    Well jerloch clearly knows what's going on with this trap. Nothing to add to that really, but the enemy knights will be stuck in the trap.
    I've made a major improvement in the build though. Much simpler and much faster to built.
    It has two L-shaped stone structures and only one broken trap bridge with a spike. It also has oneway passage for teammates (newbie friendly).
    :castle_wall::ladder_bg::bridge::castle_wall: <- the ladder represents broken trap bridge
    :castle_bg::spikes::bridge::door: <- archer hole

    + screenshot
  5. Awesome, still the horrible problem of them being able to destroy the platform. So why not throw them into it?

    Now this uses the elevator glitchy thing that only works with red team (without extensive design redoing) and may be fixed soon, but it has no way for knights (unless they get behind it) to break the trap, but builders can break it with one block (although stupid builders wont figure that out.) Another set back is it cost more, but you usually have that much when a match starts.

    Finished version...

    Once Killatron showed me about it I became interested and looked at it extensively :P sadly I never build in game so haven't anything on anyone but myself and a few unlucky fellows on POWER training server lol
    Noburu and BlueLuigi like this.
  6. mishKa

    mishKa Mayo for everybody. ┗┃・ ■ ・┃┛ Donator

    That's what made me fool around with squeezing and broken trap bridges. :D I think simplified structures work better in the "real" matches.
    For instance in this simple build it doesn't matter if you destroy the broken trap bridge. It will still hurt. It just won't be as effective as it was. (and works both ways, better for blue actually) Have to agree though, your building is deadly. I'm gonna try it in the next game. Probably a lot of the other builders will just try to break it:>:(:
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  7. Sadly the general populace will probably just destroy, call you stupid, and when you give them a reason why it's good, completely destroy it :P had that problem earlier...Apparently sniper kill-holes are horrible things and should never be the main part of a castle...even if a door is 2 blocks under it xD
  8. mishKa

    mishKa Mayo for everybody. ┗┃・ ■ ・┃┛ Donator

    True true. Some even are certain of it, that they do it right or even better. i.e. tunnel-doors, no archer windows, etc. and I have yet to complete your squeezing elevator.:(
  9. dudekazoo

    dudekazoo Catapult Fodder

    I've been looking for simple yet effective traps to try out in game because I can never pull off anything complicated in the heat of battle. This looks like just the thing. I have one really noobish question though; which side goes toward the enemy?:oops:
  10. The opposite of the door. So they can go in and be trapped but yoou can get out :p the door faces your tent
  11. dudekazoo

    dudekazoo Catapult Fodder

    Thanks for clearing that up. To be honest I don't totally understand how a lot of these traps work so I couldn't figure out what constituted the killamajig and entrance/exit.
  12. mishKa

    mishKa Mayo for everybody. ┗┃・ ■ ・┃┛ Donator

    You can always play with them in the sandbox mode and see how they work, just don't build the whole team bridges to see how the spikes react. :)
    Acavado likes this.