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[281] Rapidiffy tower

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by prostosuper, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. prostosuper

    prostosuper Haxor


    The name of the tower stands for "rapid" and "iffy". It means, that this tower is fast to build, but it's not fairly robust solution, notwithstanding requires many lumber. The idea of the tower lies in disposing your shops in the very beginning of a round at the safe place, where they wouldn't get blasted with only one bomb. Inasmuch as the tower is pretty weak by itself, it should be placed behind the outpost (the castle back walls denote outpost of Blue army).

    The order of shops isn't scattered. I've built the most important shop on the first floor and the less important, on the fourth one.

    Building process:


    Team doors use is intended. You can climb up the tower in a fast way:


    Update: your criticism has been taken into account, I'm showing slightly improved Rapiddiffy in the real world example (been built on a public server):


    Update: greyfox has contributed his own implementation of "Rapidiffy", which is neither that rapid nor that iffy. Check it out:


    Browse other variations of this tower by greyfox.
    Bracket likes this.
  2. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I know the most important is on the floor, but you definitely want the bombs hire in fact, and here's why:
    1)You could easily break in and now have access to bombs as a knight
    2)If you happent o somehow fall in, you have access to bombs without jumping.
    Bombs should be on the third floor, arrows can go on bottom.
    Overall though good, 3 wide so they can't use the glitch to get up, it's rapid but first thing to do when a chance is given is to strengthen it in the front given it has access to so many workshops and is easily converted by enemy builders.
    Bracket and FliesLikeABrick like this.
  3. They can.
    Thanks to that pointless stone blocks next to trapbridges you can use this glitch.
  4. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Your concept for keeping the shops up out of the way is an interesting one, however I see a few problems with the tower posted in your pictures.


    This setup is extremely hard to enter from the top, use this instead:


    and if you wish to keep the same amount of protection given by the two doors side by side . .


    Also, as EJ pointed out, why is there a stone under the right side of each shop?

    This tower looks very similar to the KISS tower in an older thread here on the forums. I highly recommend to you that you go through and look at the designs posted on the Builder sub-forum. Not just because you might be reinstating someone's idea, but because there is an insane amount of useful information in all of the older threads.

    Keep up the good work!
  5. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Oh couldn't see that stone block (his screenshots are all blue and shit @_@)

    Yea, that's a terrible tower if left as is since they can get up, use all your shops with ease, and it has friggin' ground doors giving them easy entry as just knights.
  6. And another thing I totally dislike: that wall square in the front of the tower makes spamming ladders and sealing the bottom door really easy.
  7. prostosuper

    prostosuper Haxor

    Thank you, lads. That are reasonable remarks.

    I have to disagree with you. I've tested that entrance and, surprisingly, it turns out, that, actually, it's pretty easy to get in. You can try to test it yourself, if you don't believe me.

    The only similar thing between the KISS tower and Rapidiffy is that both are tall and narrow. The KISS tower is aimed at strengthening attack lines, while Rapidiffy solves (at least, trying to solve) absolutely different problem. Let's imagine, that you are playing 5x5 game. Say, the warm-up time is set to 160 seconds. If you choose to build Rapidiffy, you'd fall within that time lapse quite easily. Because you haven't much time on fancy defense, you need quick (maybe even dirty) solution, and Rapidiffy can help you there.

    Thanks a bunch!

    To all readers: I'll update my post with a new picture of the tower.

    Update: I've updated the first post.
  8. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    I can tell with my low experience, that a (door, door) setup is really buggy, especially, when they are more than one guy in it, when you use this setup to go up or down, to make sure no one will be stuck in it, it's better to use (door, bridge) setup.
  9. prostosuper

    prostosuper Haxor

    Okay, fresh in-game screenshot has arrived:

    Click for the bigger image.
  10. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Personally I just prefer to put shops over other towers and defenses.
    But I liked, cause people ussually make a castle with tons of doors and put the shops on ground level, filling every non door space.
    This is a lot better then ground level stuff.

    Seems good to building phase but I don't think it's a good idea make it in the middle of the battle.
  11. greyfox

    greyfox Shipwright

    I've made another versions of your tower. But it's not "rapiddiffy" now i think.

    1) another (faster) way to go up
    2) archer nests
    3) thick towers harder to collapse


    Attached Files:

    HERaLD and killatron46 like this.
  12. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    @ greyfox, looking good! I would instead of putting spikes on the roof, make 6-8 blocks higher with a hanging corner spike to make bomb jumpers fall off. You could also leave the roof open (with doors if you like). I try really hard not to cap off the roof of any of my towers because you will almost always need to make it taller in a raging battle.

    I really like how you have the thick stone part on the bottom, then thinner along the top, (this is the best way to build towers now) as not many people use catapults, and this deters the common person from simply mining through your tower, thus collapsing it. I also like how you satisfied the need for archers. Good one! :)
    greyfox likes this.
  13. prostosuper

    prostosuper Haxor

    Thank you. I've updated the post, so people can see your tower.
    greyfox likes this.
  14. Xorlathor

    Xorlathor Catapult Fodder

    How exactly would you build one of these in a public server? It's so standard to put workshops in the horizontal layout rather than vertical, if I tried to build this nobody would help and you'd probably end up having duplicates of all the workshops.. X3
  15. prostosuper

    prostosuper Haxor

    The animation shows, how exactly to built the tower. Actually, I use this tower a lot, but nobody helps me in building. By all odds, you can implement the tower without any problems.