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[281] Donfuy's Generic Tower

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Donfuy, Feb 17, 2012.

  1. Donfuy

    Donfuy Shipwright

    Okay so, disclaimer. This isn't a groundbreaking tower, nor it attempts to be. What I wanted was a simple tower based on simple concepts. Sometimes, I think it's good to stick to simple things first.
    Here it is. Comments on it after the picture.

    Okay, so, first things first, as a generic tower, you won't have much of a hard trouble at explaining newer players what you're doing, which can get pretty annoying on bigger public servers.
    I'm pretty terrible with words so I'm juts gonna enumerate the features:
    1. door is at the maximum height you don't get stunned when falling
    2. as an archer, i always hated those "archer nests" with windows, cause it makes me feel claustrophobic, you don't have freedom to shoot wherever you want. The only advantage over full blown doors is that there won't be any transit opening and closing your window, effectively not letting you control it. That is why I like to have several archer zones, and a public archer zone up top.
    3. that little slit near the second level door is crucial on this tower. the archer is totally protected, since knights can't get in and outside archers will have a bad time trying to fit an arrow inside without getting killed first
    4. i usually don't make the pit myself; everyone knows derp builders loooooove building pits, so i just let them do it, and then fix them if it's blatantly flawed.
    5. as such, it's not a tower that has many compromises. it's tall enough to stop wright-inspired knights, thick enough to withstand a cata until it gets destroyed by your archer, isn't terribly slow for your teammates to get through it, you can expand it to have workshops
    So yeah. I've done some variations of this, and all of them made pretty good out there in the battlefield.
    killatron46 likes this.
  2. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    With the archer door just bt looking at it won't it just open leaving you as target practice but good tower.
  3. Donfuy

    Donfuy Shipwright

    It's the same with the archer windows, really. Most people think that it's hard to hit an archer through a window, but it's really not that much harder than shooting at a door. My point is the added protection isn't worth the freedom of a full blown door, in terms of movement, control of the door and shooting range.

    edit: oh, maybe you mean the door opens when you are shooting through the slit? Nah, it doesn't open if you don't go to the right too much (which shouldn't be needed).
  4. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    Yeh sorry I was talking about the slit but you can use a one door but two door is still very good but they have there pros and cons.
  5. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    This is a good generic tower . . . However I think if you're going for something cheaper and simpler, you might try looking through this thread. The KISS tower is still viable even though it was designed in build 203. As are many of the designs in the builder sub-forum.

    A problem with your tower is how expensive it is, towers now a days do not need to be as thick it seems because catapults don't get used as often. As a tent tower it might work pretty well, but it is still very expensive. I like your points on 1, 2, and 3, but 4 and 5 seem a bit off, because a simple 2x3 or 3x3 trap works so amazingly and they're so easy to build why not.

    Something like this:
    My Tower.png
    here is how I've been building my towers recently, this may help you if you wish.

    Anyway, hope this helps you!

    Also I totally see what you mean about archer perches, I try to make mine very open though, I really like the 45 degree one. Sometimes too its nice to just have an open set of doors, so I usually try to leave that as an option to archers.
    BC likes this.
  6. DustStorm

    DustStorm Shipwright

    one question... wont it be too expesive?
  7. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    Killatron's design don't seem to expensive, and seems to be easily adaptable without high cost.
  8. Donfuy

    Donfuy Shipwright

    Yeah, I usually build it during the building phase, so expensiveness isn't a problem.
    About the traps, it's probably my fault. I've read some threads about various traps and all, but I traps usually don't interest much, so I end up neglecting them. Gotta look more into them.
    Your tower seems pretty good. I love that corner archer door, and I have no idea how I've never thought of something like it. Definitely something I'll check out on next games.
  9. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    A good trap is always useful, it will slow enemies knights, and protect the tower from some bombs.

    And this tower will be more easily protect if you build it just next to a tree, so laddering would be harder, and the ladder faster to destroy. Just use an team door escalator, it will be harder to destroy, and harder to convert buy enemies team.
  10. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Even if you build that tower during the building phase, it doesn't matter how expensive it really is, but it would be difficult to put that tower up in a standard 180-200 second building phase. (without helpers of course). In my eyes, cheap and simple go together, because with simple wouldn't you count time to build as well? The KISS tower can be put up so fast . . . Its almost amazing. I've also gotten pretty good and building my tower.
    Noburu and BlueLuigi like this.
  11. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    On the subject of archer windows I totally disagree, I'll try to use the fancy new emotiles to explain:

    This is my properly bog standard archer nest


    Obviously you have bottom window for firing down toward a tower door and the top one for long shots, a little restricted in the middle of the two angles what with there been a massive bit of stone there but you can get round that by having a few levels of the same kinda layout as you have on your tower already. The problem with doors is that you obviously have to fully poke your head out, and if an archer shoots at you then you have to run back, so if the enemy archer is on target often you'll get hit if you don't get the door closed in time, with archer windows you can duck out the way, personally I always put ladders behind for that purpose and so you can refine your firing angle a little. I do like to make somewhere for high angle shots to be fired from, and that kinda thing can be shared with a cata nest too because obviously they need to be fairly similar.

  12. :castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall:

    I find this better just because it's more protective and you have faster movement. You can shoot almost everywhere that your's can except a small restriction where the stone is. At the enemies by the door, and you have a large angle at the door. If you jump on the platform you can fire at a downward angle.Plus enemies can't use this to get in without breaking stone. Just my input. (I like the emotes :p I hadn't used em before)

    and to the OP, the spike pit (probably just for show anyway) is easy to jump into without getting hurt by the spikes. You can jump on the corners of stone and be unaffected by them
  13. Donfuy

    Donfuy Shipwright

    Hm, I've been able to make them during 180 building phases, with no help. But I do understand that it may not be worth the time spent.
    I'm quickly realizing that the best scenario is having both options. The door when you have few archers around, and the other, more restricted zone when you have a bunch of'em firing at you. Maybe it's just me, but I find controlling windows a bit harder than doors. Also, thing about ladders is that while they offer much better precision than bridges, they slow your movement a lot. Hence, I like jerloch's design better.
    Haha yeah, I made it strictly for show.
  14. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    Yeah having a more open area toward the top is good for that, I prefer the lower areas to be tight, well covered, and with good low angle firing angles. Having a more open area up top is also good cos it means your knights have more then 1 way to get out, which is good for flanking knights near your tower from both sides, and also for knights that wanna go rush archers and builders when they aren't well covered to get a few easy kills that take a bit of pressure off, since your archers don't have as mush threat and can concentrate their fire on catas and knights, and you don't give them as much chance to fortify outside your tower.

    Also having spikes under team door like in your spike trap that is bad news, cos it means there's no way for your team to get out, a knight is stuck in there without bombs either way so you might as well leave them to rot, far too many people go out of their way to kill knights that literally can't do any harm to you whatsoever, any you might as well leave them to suicide one way or the other. like you said it's just for show but just thought that was worth mentioning just in case.
  15. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    I don't really want to complain, critiscise, suggest because when I get into that it's really boring all I can say is well done good design. :D