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What are you playing?

Discussion in 'Other games' started by Ej, Feb 24, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. I noticed that there is no such thread yet. Purpose of this is to share with funny games and post our opinions and maybe even some small reviews.

    I'll start:
    Super Meat Boy: Ultimate Edition! - I have to say that I wasn't really happy about paying like 15 euros for SMB but now I'm sure I would do it. I won the game in a contest some time ago and started playing yesterday. Hard, annoying, good-looking and fast. Brilliant.
  2. bobboy555

    bobboy555 Catapult Fodder

    I'm playing:
    Minecraft (With the Technic Pack)
    I love making convoluted contraptions that do absolutely NOTHING. Bought it back in alpha just before the Halloween update.
    Frogdo likes this.
  3. VinnieTheJacket

    VinnieTheJacket Shipwright

    I'm playing:
    Corpse Party (for the psp)
    Saw how enticing a visual novel could be after Katawa Shoujo, but this is the complete opposite and depressing. x] Great game none the less.
    Yokomuri and Hal like this.
  4. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    Rogue Trooper for the PC


    A really good third person shooter.... its on steam for ten bux...
    Birdman159 and AJ like this.
  5. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    BEEP. :D
  6. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    Love this game.

    I am playing Tribes: Ascend.
  7. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    What am I playing.png

    I'm hardcore
  8. Hal

    Hal Shopkeep Stealer

    I'm currently playing:
    Diablo II

    I decided to complete the game another time around, it's really fun. A few of my friends decided to tag along so we are having loads of Diablo LAN parties. :D
    Overlord and Zegovia like this.
  9. Templar_Frost

    Templar_Frost Horde Gibber

    I'm currently playing:
    ArmA II

    This game is fun, maybe a bit too fun.

    Gf: would you like to go on a date tonight?
    Me: Bitch please, i'm too busy playing ArmA II
  10. Arthurox

    Arthurox Bison Rider

    Well i play a lot of games:
    Tf2 (JUST PLAY IT)
    Dungeon keeper 2 (strategy/management, its old but one of the best games 4 me )
    Homeworld 2 (space battles strategy/management)
    Dwarf fortress (if you dont played this you dont live in internet)
    Mount and blade (strategy/rpg/management mediaval age)

    You can play multiplayer on those games (exept df)
  11. WanderMark

    WanderMark :) Donator

    King Arthur's Gold. That's about it.

    It really sucks. I used to play a lot of different games, but for about 12 months now I've just not had the economy or time to buy and play through all the new games. Indie titles are great since they are usually a bit cheaper and still a lot of fun.
  12. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    The number of hours Ive lost while LAN'ing Diablo 2 with my buddies.... is immeasurable! :D
    Hal likes this.
  13. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Ok, I just wrote these all down, then realised just how arbitrary this list would be unless I gave a little info about each game.

    NOTE: These are all the games I've ENJOYED in the past two weeks, not just played. I've probably played another 50, but didn't think them good enough to recommend.
    In No Particular Order(although mostly organised alphabetically):
    Xotic. One of the few high-score-based games I've enjoyed of late. I have a similar love for this game as I had for Mirror's Edge and Dustforce, in that it gets you into a badass state of flow. It's an FPS, where the aim of the game is (generally) to combo the destruction of a hostile environment in as efficient a way as possible.
    BEEP. There's been a few things that have pissed me off about this game, but in general it has been an absolute charm! It's a lovely physics-based puzzle-platformer in beautiful cartoony graphics. I kinda feel as though this game has a lot of untapped potential, which annoys me, but it's great as it is, too. :)
    The Ball. Good luck describing this one... Killing stuff/solving puzzles with the aid of a giant steam-punk ball...
    A Valley Without Wind. A procedurally-generated side-scrolling RPG adventure composed of pure awesomeness. You could play the game for years and not find everything of awesomeness, which is good, because it isn't even out of Beta yet!
    AI War: Fleet Command. Somewhere between a standard RTS and a 4X, I've been playing this nearly every day since I bought it, which was some time ago! I can only manage it in short stints, normally, as deep strategy tends to give me a headache, which is why I haven't yet tried it's extensive layer of awesomeness that is Co-Op. Basically, the premise is you're a (large) bunch of humans who have so-far survived the revolt of the computer-controlled "AI" team, and are making an attempt at wiping them out. This is tricky, however, as the AI forces are well into the quadrillions of times larger than yours, and have a deadly habit of responding to attacks with larger counter-attacks. As a result, you must plan carefully which enemy targets you take out and when, so as to destroy them at their central processors before they have time to squash you with a fleet (sometimes literally) 100 times yours.
    Altitude. Multi-player 2D aerial combat game! Anyone who loves the kind of fast-paced action you get on KAG servers using a Bar-Brawl ruleset will love this game!
    Avadon: The Black Fortress. First game in the latest deep-RPG series by Spiderweb Software, one of the oldest Indie developers out there! If you liked games like Planescape: Tourment or Baldur's Gate, then you're sure to love this!
    Borderlands. No need for description, I'm sure.
    Capsized. An action platformer with beautiful hand-painted graphics. Despite the generally lush jungle environments, I'd probably put it's genre down as survival horror, but in a way completely different to any other game I've played.
    Cogs. A nice gentle puzzle game that I've been using to loosen up my mind before doing maths homework. It has a lovely combination of slider-puzzle and mechanical-puzzle, as well as a few things I hadn't seen before.
    Edge. Indescribably fun! It involves rolling a cube around an occasionally shifting landscape of cubes, but beyond that it is, well, indescribable! :P
    Half-Life. Again, I hope this needs no description. If it does, then that's a sure sign that you need to go play it now. :D
    Majesty. A somewhat old fantasy RTS/sim game that I've been playing and loving since it came out back in 2000. Recently I picked up the Gold edition on Steam, which has an expansion pack, which adds a whole bunch of FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE levels. LIKE, MORE FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE THAN THE FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE LAST LEVEL OF THE ORIGINAL! But yeah, this game'd probably be in my top ten. :D
    Nimbus. I've beaten this game plenty of times, but it still hasn't lost it's charm! ^__^ It's probably best described as a flying puzzle game, where the aim is to collect coins and reach the exit as fast as possible. What makes it a challenge is that you're controlling a glider-thing, and therefore need to use your environment to propel yourself.
    Overlord. I'm getting tired, and it's getting late, so from now on I'm just posting a link. :/
    Thief: The Dark Project.
    The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition.
    Star Wars: BattleFront II.
    Titan Attacks!
    Dungeons of Dredmor.
    Chocolate Castle.
    Clonk Rage.
    Da New Guys. (pre-order early play, bitches!)
    Frets on Fire.
    Battle for Wesnoth.
    Hyper Princess Pitch.
    Jump 'n' Bump.
    No Time To Explain.
    Nitronic Rush.
    To The Moon.

    Ok, I'm tired now... :P
  14. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    And waiting for Brick Force
    Hal likes this.
  15. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    Mount and Blade: Warband
    Swat 4
    Hal likes this.
  16. Hal

    Hal Shopkeep Stealer

    Do you play Swat 4 and Warband multiplayer?
  17. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    Used to play Warband multi in 2 clans= BR and was going to join Ra^ (PRT) but my laptop broke and I can't use Warband serial again. Of course, imma buy it again and join multi :)

    Yea I sometimes play swat 4 multiplayer.
  18. palmito

    palmito Shopkeep Stealer

    Ace Of Spades
  19. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    Counterstrike 2D are for soft-cores
  20. Hal

    Hal Shopkeep Stealer

    Cool :). I used to play in the BrC clan for Native and the 51st for that musket mod. I'm probably going to get back into it, it's really good imo.
Mods: BlueLuigi