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Beo's KAG Servers

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Beo, Sep 21, 2011.

Mods: jackitch
  1. Medieval

    Medieval Haxor

    Ok, thx you guys ;)

    I'll try later :D
  2. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    If the problem goes on i think i remember seeing an unban feature somewhere so i'll try it later :D

    Plus, i still get banned from the server randomly for some reason. And i'm an admin xD
  3. sino

    sino Catapult Fodder

    Hey i am Sino!;) I love the server so much always when i play K.A.G i try to connect to Beo´s. This server is the best. I have on this server the most fun to play. If here still free places to get mod i would have to apply:D.
    justi01 likes this.
  4. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    I'd think Sino would make a pretty decent admin, he's usually a friendly guy. He's part of Galens clan too so thats shows he's trustworthy.

    Kinda sucks that him being an admin would mean less griefers for me to deal with, but i guess there's enough griefers to share.....:rollseyes:
  5. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    Noooooo!All your griefers belong to me now!
  6. MagicDirt

    MagicDirt Catapult Fodder

    I have a question, how do you tell if you're banned? For example, what if you were afk, and an admin banned you for some reason. How would you tell if you were banned? Is there a notification saying "You are banned" or something? I just wanted to know as I have never been banned before, and I can't seem to connect to the server, as it only says "Disconnected".
  7. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    Press the Home button on your keyboard as you get disconected. The console will open, where you can see the reason you get disconnected.
    That may be either "server is full", "Banned. Your ping is too hight for this server" and simply "Banned".
    Each title means just what it says.
  8. TheCzar

    TheCzar Catapult Fodder

    Hey there, i've been a regular player on your server. No i got banned instantly because i was accused of griefing. this was not true. i destroyed three tiles without destroying anything. no skybridge or tower was harmed or intented to be harmed. i dont know which mod it was, but he banned me instantly without a warning or something. There was just some random guy standing next to me saying: " Yeah he always does that" which is not true. I ask you please unban me, as i did nothing wrong by any existing rules. He didnt even gave me the goddamn time to explain myself but banned me within 15 seconds.
  9. MagicDirt

    MagicDirt Catapult Fodder

    So I was playing on the server again, after it came up from downtime, and while I was rushing the enemy team, all of sudden - BAM -.
    I reconnected, "You are banned"
    I was given no warning, no explanation, no one told me what I did. I was just banned. I wasn't even frozen. Just banned.
    I'd at least like an explanation as to why I was banned, that's all I ask. I can stay banned, as long as I know it's a reasonable ban.
  10. Royal_Jester

    Royal_Jester Shopkeep Stealer

    There might be 2 explanations for your problem:
    A. You had a high ping and server automatically banned you for a couple of hours (do not know the exact time though)
    B. After last patch there are sometimes unreasonable bans for players, dunno how long it will last though.
  11. MagicDirt

    MagicDirt Catapult Fodder

    My ping usually never exceeds 100 so I'm not sure what happened.

    EDIT: According to justi, the console autobanned me for some reason.
  12. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    TheCzar -
    Don't worry about it, if your banned then you can rejoin when the server restarts (I think it already has) And sorry if it was me who banned you (It probably was now i think about it) I never actually saw you before that game and i don't tend to trust people the first time i see em. If that guy next to you was a free player then won't bother trusting many free members again.

    MagicDirt -
    I checked the console and it says you got perma banned for some reason :/ i dunno what you managed to do but like i said to the other dude, it shouldn't be perminent, only until the server restarts which i think it already had.[/quote][/quote]
  13. Royal_Jester

    Royal_Jester Shopkeep Stealer

    If I am not mistaken- it is not the first unreasonable permaban after the last patch... I am speaking of what I read in other servers' topics.
    justi01 likes this.
  14. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    The patch has been pretty interesting thats for sure. :)
  15. Royal_Jester

    Royal_Jester Shopkeep Stealer

    Not for free servers though :)
  16. TheCzar

    TheCzar Catapult Fodder

    Thanks a lot then :)
  17. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    Beo's CTF Gold Server? Hell Yeah! Good job, Beo! ;)
    So glad to see the second server of yours! ^__^

    With such a CRAZY auto-tunneling AI for map generator! :D
    Beo's CTF Gold Server Map.png

    p.s. you should think up something about lanterns - they cost 5 wood and 5 coins, but you can start earning coins only 15 seconds before round start, so the rest of about 200 seconds, with the full server, everyone will have to build in the total dark, as time keeps going. Should do something about the cost of the lanterns. Not sure if that's possible - haven't looked into game cfg-s for some time now...
  18. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Nah, lanterns are for pussies. Then, I do appear to be a cat.
  19. Medieval

    Medieval Haxor

    Hi guys,

    I want to report an admin wich had abuse of his power 15 min ago!

    His name is [RUS] something (i don't remember his name, only the RUS)
    That kid (he can't be an adult...) froze us (some guys of his team and of the other team!) because he wanted the red flag, wich was holding by a blue guy near blue tent!
    Also, after he froze us, he left and there were no admins on the server! (Thx to clemo for unfreeze us)

    Other witness of that abuse will come here with screens, i promise you!

    I hope that guy will lost his power on your great server.

  20. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    Yea, we're trying to figure out this problem, but until then i really would recommend leaving the game when you see him on. He's no admin, the password was probably leaked and now he's fucking about on the server.
Mods: jackitch