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Useful Structures - a community effort.

Discussion in 'Builder' started by Swaggernuts, Jul 21, 2011.

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  1. Swaggernuts

    Swaggernuts Guest

    Hijacked by Geti:
    This thread should be used to post shots and build details of any useful structures you've designed for use in-game.
    It is open for all users from any clan to use, and good structures should be eventually moved to a list on the wiki.

    This thread was started by Kingdom of Masons leader Swaggernuts:
    Here i will show pictures and a description of some of many useful buildings you can build in KAG.

    Generic Spawn Tower:
    Description: This is a generic Spawn tower, as you can see the entrance is actually on the 2nd floor. The spawn tower comes complete with a Friendly 1-way Wall and an Archer Window. Which ill explain more later. But Really this makes it Easy to leave, And easy to enter by your team. But harder to enter by the other team.

    Archer Window/Slit:
    Description: This is a door thats lowered. People thing its just a messed up door. But in reality is a really safe place for archers to shoot out of. The door is lower so that archers can shoot downward toward the enemy. And if they are taking to much fire, they can back up and the door closes so that arrows cant get to them.

    Friendly 1-way Wall:
    Description: It uses Doors to allow friends to jump over it but not enemies.

    Spiky 1-way Wall:
    Description: This one is like the Friendly 1-way Wall, But instead it uses Drawbridges and spikes. And when the enemy gets near the drawbridges retract, and they end up running into the spikes (which will flip from going up and down to sticking out of the wall). Dont worry, the spikes wont hurt friendlies that try to jump over it.

    Description: Its a 2-3 wide by 6-12 deep hole. Where every layer is filled with drawbridges besides the bottom 3 layers. Which is then filled with spikes on all sides. The reason the entire thing is filled with drawbridges is because it makes the Fog-O-War appear, which makes the pit harder to spot(which is also why its only 2-3 wide).
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Spiky Pit Plus:
    Description: Is a generic spiky pit, but with added pillars ever 3rd block. The minimum height for the pillars is 2, but the taller the pillars are, the better.
    Also i added another layer of drawbridge, The reason is just in case the enemy blows up the top layer, Theres sill another layer they would have to blow up.

    360 Tower:
    -not very expensive.
    -6 tiles thick wall.
    -layered wall so that the enemy is never safe from arrows.
    -2 archer nests for 360 degrees of death. The enemy can never attack your walls safely.
    -doorway in the bottom makes it very easy and cheap to repair.

    The Perilous Plunge:
    After playing a map which turned into tunnel wars. People often jump off the same cliff over and over and don't really pay attention. This trap siphons the enemy into certain death while keeping your allies safe

    Sani Sani's Super Excuse-me-I'm-too-busy-flexing-to-care Tower of Power
    It's actually quite a simple trap that uses few resources

    The Crusher
    Cut the ladder and a hammer comes crashing down on anyone unfortunate enough to be bellow it.

    If you have any usefull builds that you use, feel free to follow the format i use, and ill update the post with your builds.

    [b]Building Name:[/b]
  2. Wargod-Loki

    Wargod-Loki Haxor

    i think i fell already in ur spiky pit plus once xD
  3. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester


    You archer window is ok but I prefer this kind. It exposes you less than yours and it allows a much wider area to shoot. And it's worked since the Build 20's.

    Two tile high walls are even better for archers, but those take up more space, are harder for people to use, and let enemies in easier.
  4. Swaggernuts

    Swaggernuts Guest

    The problem is that its alot harder to shoot down through a 1size door. Yea you can also shoot up and down. It just requires a bit more thought when doing that. And i just assume that the average archer just wants to walk up to an edge and shoot arrows with as little thought as possible.
  5. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Guest

    Contrary's sniper window exposes you the least, but makes it near impossible to hit enemies attacking your door/wall, hence making it better for a long range archer nest, which should be situated higher up in the base.

    I think the best anti attacker sniper window is a 1 wide door situated beneath an overhang (so archers can look down on attackers.
  6. Swaggernuts

    Swaggernuts Guest

    That is one of the other things i do. Actually im gonna try to make that more often. Only problem i see is bombs could hit you if your low enough.
  7. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Right that's a good point. I like to supplement archer windows with doored murder holes in front of the entrances, as also shown in the screenshot. But still, that is a good point. I'll have to mess around with that kind of port.

    Also, another tip I would give is to add overhangs to your buildings. An archer like Eggnogg for example would walk right up to the front door and arrow ladder himself up in an instant. An overhang won't exactly stop him but we'll probably pause him for a time to set up and cause him to use more arrows. Also it looks prettier.

    Fun fact: I use to only build and not only that, but I was focused more on aesthetic than functionality.
  8. Swaggernuts

    Swaggernuts Guest

    Fun fact: i used to only be an archer, then i started building things so when i was an archer i would be more safe... So i build more for functionality then on aesthetics.
  9. Vania

    Vania Guest


    So this is a tower designed for Build 90.

    -not very expensive.
    -6 tiles thick wall.
    -layered wall so that the enemy is never safe from arrows.
    -2 archer nests for 360 degrees of death. The enemy can never attack your walls safely.
    -doorway in the bottom makes it very easy and cheap to repair.
  10. Swaggernuts

    Swaggernuts Guest

    Thank you for posting this.
  11. Nebuchadnezzar

    Nebuchadnezzar Shopkeep Stealer

    These are pretty good, I'm usually the guy mining up full stone and rushing to the frontlines to build my shit. That archer window would be nice :)
  12. KorJax

    KorJax Guest

    I'm assumign the pit is just for aesthetics and isn't actually part of the build (because it realistically invalidates the whole thing)

    I don't understand the bottom doors. they are VERY expensive to build and its only purpose is to make it easier for builders to repair...? Why have the doors anyways? the enemy isn't going to use them obviously because the other side is blocked by stone.

    As such the pits don't make any sense to me, other than to provide a way of building a tower cheaper. They serve no functional use at all, are too small for arrows to effectively pass under, and are located where enemies wouldn't be located anyways (since they can't get through the doors).
  13. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Right, this is now a generic "Show us your structure" thread.
    Anything shown to be excellently helpful should be moved to the wiki on a dedicated "Useful Structures" page.

    Please keep discussion civil and on-track, suggest changes rather than picking holes in designs, and most of all be creative!
  14. Swaggernuts

    Swaggernuts Guest

    Oh thank you Geti.
  15. 2phar

    2phar Guest

    [img=Perilous Plunge]http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg838/scaled.php?server=838&filename=deathtrap.png&res=medium[/img]

    The Perilous Plunge:
    After playing a map which turned into tunnel wars. I found people often jump off the same cliff over and over and don't really pay attention. This trap siphons the enemy into certain death while keeping your allies safe
  16. Snoopicus

    Snoopicus Guest

    broken image.

    I'm assuming this was the game we played. I uploaded a time-lapse video of it too, hah.
  17. 2phar

    2phar Guest

    it should be working now and yes :] it was that game, one of the better ones ive played.
  18. Swaggernuts

    Swaggernuts Guest

    brilliant idea. I edited the OP with that. building.
  19. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Not a worry.

    Keen to see what you guys come up with.
  20. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Well,make a drawbridge,place 4 pieces of drawbridge than one block of ladders,and stone bloc ON those ladders and repeat!
    After you get the lenght that you want,place 3 ladders blocks on your drawbridge and destroy one bridge piece that is under the middle ladder!
    Than place doors block in place where you destroyed drawbridge block.
    You can use archers and shoot down on enemy,they can shoot you 2 but reeeeeealy hard.
    Use builder,pick stone,stand on the doors part and place stone just under it and drop it!NO ONE will survive lol.

    To make it stronger,place ladders on top of it,3 blocks high and reinforce everything,2 blocks high!

    When you are done,place stone blocks on the last ladders blocks and you are done!

    Wall that is hard to take down,impossible to climb up for archers!
    Secret is in the hole under it!All bombs that knights throw(or most of them) end up in the hole and they dont reach stone blocks!
    Hole needs to be 8 blocks deep!4 blocks wide at top and 5 at bottom!
    Bomb used in picture is the one that i "made" lol
    On top place 2 support blocks one on each other and place stone on the above one!
    Than place spikes around the stone,under and where is place for them.

    Now a combination of the "bridge" and some spike wall.
    Make couple of 1 block walls whit doors under them.Or whit out them,as you wish.
    They need to be 1 block apart,one bigger and one smaller.Place spikes as on picture.
    Than place holes in your bridge right above the gaps between walls so you can drop stones on enemy,and you will not destroy your wall!Some bug that dont let it.If they fix it,it will colapse and kill enemy... :s
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