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Zombie update: Constructive Feedback

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Shadlington, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Vanguarde

    Vanguarde 'Most Hated' 2013

    Let everyone use the full zoom out again. Put back in the higher jumping. Take out the dark tunnels until that system is fully complete, or give people who run the server the ability to play the game the way it was before this latest patch, or at least turn off the dark tunnels.
  2. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    It'd be nice if I didn't have to lock my archers in a room so they didn't try to rambo the zombies like a knight.
    Bax399, Agent_008 and Eggnogg like this.
  3. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Make your units have aggression options?
    Knight= Defensive (shields all the time, Usual (balance between the two), Aggressive (Just uses sword)
    Same goes for builder with running away, hammering at zombies when they come close and running up to zombies to get them.
    My builders have run out to viciously attack a horde of zombies more than once...
    Bax399, Agent_008, Ej and 4 others like this.
  4. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Add a night counter (without having to die).

    Didn't think about this until people were going nuts over days you survived.
    Bax399, Agent_008, Eggnogg and 3 others like this.
  5. FlamingWaffle

    FlamingWaffle Builder Stabber

    I would like to see a way to zoom out farther when firing a catapult and playing an archer. Not necessarily to the extent of the old zoomed out view, but something that is larger than what we have now. I do not like this sense of 'tunnel vision' when playing as an archer or using a catapult. It causes a lot of blind firing. Which I thought one of the biggest complaints by people was that archers could blind fire and get kills so easily that it was a "nooby" class.

    I know in the middle ages archers shot blindly over large fields, or over walls, and catapults just flung rocks furiously; but this game is far from realistic medieval combat. So 'realism' is no excuse to this decision to cut back on zooming out. (which I doubt it ever was a reason)

    On the argument against this, "Why don't you just pan the screen over, [insert obligatory noob calling here]?" Yes, I know you can pan the screen over, but I disagree with that mechanic entirely. Panning the screen is both disorienting, confusing, and just plain silly when we have the ability to zoom out (at least, we did). I know, MM, you like your whole panning of the screen, (as demonstrated in soldat) but panning the screen in my opinion is a terrible design decision, especially when there is no alternative. That is one thing that turned me off when I played soldat. Panning the screen was so vital in that game that if you didn't; you would be annihilated.

    In the previous versions of the game we had the option to play zoomed out, or pan the screen. Now it seems we are limited to just panning the screen. I have the screen lock on, maybe that's one reason panning the screen is so annoying. Although, I turned it on cause I hated panning the screen. To me, it was much easier to just scroll my mouse wheel to see something ahead and not get disoriented doing so and still knowing exactly where I am, and then zooming back in. Now I have to pan the screen to where my character is now on the edge of it, thus partially blinding me to what is in front of me (which may wound or kill me), because I'm too busy adjusting to the screen moving bizarrely several blocks ahead just so I can see if rocks, or arrows are going to destroy me.

    To me, this is the worst part about the new build, which speaks highly of everything else in the new build. I would like to see it handled in a way that it would no longer be found an issue by many. I know I'm not the only one who hates panning the screen (I'm so tired of saying "panning" now).

    This is my first post on the forum, so thanks for reading it (if you did). I shall now go play this wonderful game.
    xChapx, Verdant, ComboBreaker and 6 others like this.
  6. Ershany

    Ershany Shipwright

    Is anyone having an issue with connecting 2 computers in your house and it wouldn't let it because we had the same IP ?.. And i Am dissapointed in the online play being that you cant see your enemys name..When me and my friends play i like to know when i am fighting them it makes it more fun and enjoyable.. And bomb jumping is gone :( ( Knights are boring now )
  7. Super vertical badass bombjumps which used to rape bases as knights aren't possible anymore.
    xChapx likes this.
  8. This thing which should be fixed ASAP:
    remove bots being recognized as real players, increase toughness of zombies every night faster when playing single.
    Because basically, without building quarters you don't get migrants/party's members and they don't bring anything stronger that skeletons.
    So winning solo is like 10x easier than winning with bots in your team. You can just spam notch walls and shoot skeletons through it. You don't meet any other zombies.
    Monsteri likes this.
  9. Templar_Frost

    Templar_Frost Horde Gibber

    One major problem, is spontaneous combustion of blocks, when i'm building, a explosion will randomly appear and destroys my fort wide open, and screws me.
    ComboBreaker and thebonesauce like this.
  10. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    You have the fixed screen option turned on, in which the camera will keep the player centred unless you 'break' the lock by moving your mouse to the side of the screen. Go to the options menu and un-check the "Fixed camera" box. Now you can easily shift your vision in such a way that your character can be at the very edge of the screen no matter which direction you look.
    Rayne likes this.
  11. jonyfox

    jonyfox Builder Stabber

    The only thing I would change for single player wold be that when it's day time if you haven't cleared out the zombies by midday they start to die anyway that way you can order more migrants and get more resources.

    But in multiplayer mode keep the zombies on a day time seeing as there would be quite a few of you and they would be easy to kill :)

    Other than that loving the zombies!!!
    The_Khan and ComboBreaker like this.
  12. Lizardheim

    Lizardheim Shopkeep Stealer

    Whenever MP comes along;

    when people die they should spawn as a migrant the next day with their hat and shit intact.
    If they get back to the base they damn well deserve it too!
    xChapx likes this.
  13. Naime

    Naime Drill Rusher

    Criticism for multiplayer:

    I know that not displaying the player nicknames makes it better possible to hide.

    But please...!!! I wanna see whom I kill on surface. Also when I have to choose whom to kill, I wanna scroll over their names and pick one. Thats part of the social fun.

    I think its technically possible to hide their names when its dark (tunnels/ night) and show them when its daylight/surface.
    That would be a good compromise?
    xChapx, Mister_Meatball and Pizza like this.
  14. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Too easy really, but they have their own ideas about MP, and it will also be quite moddable, this would be interesting as one of the options to make it easier on some players.

    Let admins press a button (like F5 or something) to toggle showing all names or not. I had a fucker who kept glitching under my base and it was pure darkness, I had two options:
    1)Leave him there and make a bedrock line all the way under the base (That's unfair)
    2)Break the entire bottom til I can see the guy

    Need to be able to find out who it is if we HAVE to.
  15. Ezabs

    Ezabs Catapult Fodder

    First off. I like the dark tunnels ALOT. You can lay traps that the enemy can't see, sneak into their base, dig under their walls and sabotage them from within etc. The minimap spoils this a bit tho, also when you dig out a stone block and it has no wall behind it it shows you up. Would like to be able to place stone backwalls behind stone wall or something. Would like something that blocks light but not people like a door that anyone can go through.
    I dislike how lamps give light through walls, if I'm in a sealed tunnel I don't believe I should be seen. Apart from that I like the lanterns.
    Kegs are fun. New collapse stuff is nicer than before, would like to see some physics on the buildings tho. Getting 5 blocks through a 6 block thick tower should make it topple or parts to fall off, that's for the suggestions tho I guess.
  16. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Hmm, after playing multi-player for a while, I'm having a huge issue with trap bridges absorbing arrows.

    The biggest problem I have with them is that they make sky bridges even more overpowered than before. This is due to the fact that fully charged arrows at max speed can go through the trap bridge, but if they aren't at max speed, they'll be eaten up by it.

    What does this mean? It means that archers on sky bridges can shoot down (although they can't spam arrows) but anyone trying to shoot up to counter it, will be unable to hit anyone above unless the bridges has gaps and it the arrow goes perfectly through the gap. This also means that it's even more difficult to counter trap bridges as everyone on it is now basically invincible since bombs and bombjumping have been nerfed. This means that only a cata or a really tall tower can counter them.

    Personally I find this to be a big issue.
    killatron46 and Neat like this.
  17. Nice solution proposed during discussion about metagame changes:
    [16:40] <BlueLuigi> btw proposal to bridge fix.
    [16:40] <BlueLuigi> 1 bridge - eats enough velocity for minimum arrow, but not medium or anything past 3 blocks
    [16:41] <BlueLuigi> every bridge you have to go through eats another '2 blocks' or so out of your bar
    [16:41] <BlueLuigi> after 4-6 bridges you are not shooting through
    [16:41] <BlueLuigi> also they should just eat velocity, in a way where if thye shoot max and it's through 5 bridges, you'll only take 1/2 heart cause it's going the speed of a minimum arrow at that point
    [16:41] <BlueLuigi> I'm not sure if that's possible it's just an idea
    Wonkyth likes this.
  18. AgeOfMe

    AgeOfMe Shopkeep Stealer

    I'll post more besides this when I get time, but:
    The Archer bots have 0 aim, they just randomly shoot off arrows in the general direction of zombies (that and the 'prefers Zombies and Skeletons to Wraith's' thing is annoying)
  19. ilaks

    ilaks Bison Rider Donator

    - Arrows should go through bridges no matter of velocity.

    - The chat position should be an option in settings. Im getting kind of tierd of editing the config files after every client update.

    - Could you make an option to toggle the pie menu ON/OFF when buying arrows/bombs/lanterns (pretty much from shops that offer one thing only. As much as i like that you can tap E to buy, the menu that's popping up is giving me epilepsy.

    - Also, now that there is night, the lantern on quarters makes it impossible to make stealthy bases. Lanterns are something that should be bought and placed wherever you want, not something that comes automatically with shops etc.

    - When holding a lantern and pressing C [Drop] , the pie menu should pop up istead of just automatically dropping the lantern.

    - When holding a lantern or keg the camera is fixed to the character (can't move mouse far away). I don't understand why and would like that changed back.

    - The jumping feels reduced. Sometimes i can barely get on a bridge that's two tiles above. (Crank it up please?)

    - Arrow charging feels slower. It's way too slow now.

    - Bomb arrow should follow the mouse better.

    - The hitbox needs some more working. A lot of times when i hit someone with an arrow it
    doesn't do any damage.

    - Get rid of the cmd box next to the launcher?


    - When you buy lanterns the animation is similiar to when you loose health.

    - Bridges show up as black boxes in dark areas.

    - Custom heads don't show up until first death

    - The materials and items you gathered remain if you rejoin a server.
  20. Adinxs

    Adinxs Bison Rider

    Found a nasty little bug, if you hold a migrant body and it turns zombie your game crashes.