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Poetry Contest

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Clazy, Mar 2, 2012.

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  1. Clazy

    Clazy Shopkeep Stealer

    Hey Carver good stuff but can you please create one poem instead of two? Thanks!
    Possibly combining the two.
  2. Carver

    Carver Meitantei-san Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Ah well Clazy you see, I had written the first freely, but when I read the OP I realised it didn't fit in with 16 bars and a rhyme scheme -- So I made that second entry.

    They're separate works, so I'd strongly prefer not to combine them -- but I'm assuming you're wanting to judge one entry per person. In that case, if we can ignore the OP's specifications (as others have e.g. Birdman's 5-line stanzas) I'll go with my first. if not the second.

    Just update your post and I'll make appropriate changes ;)
    EDIT: oops, asking for you to "update your post" was too vague -- I meant to update your current post with an answer! (sorry)
  3. Clazy

    Clazy Shopkeep Stealer

    Sorry Carver. I will not change the specifications i'll consider your entry after some thought. But I'll give you the final word soon.
  4. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    The knights stormed through our castle, bombs ablaze, swords in amaze.

    That a figure stood, on top of a tower, flying with grace, landed on the azure knights, sending few to the death.

    Hundreds of arrows, hundreds of shields, the crimson knights pushing forward, as if they were ablaze.

    That is, until a bald man, with a hammer connected the two things to make death , Gravity and Bricks
    leaving one, agile, knight standing,
    with arrows flying, and the time of night dawning, and with the gods laughing , as once the night

    came, so did the dead, and with both the cobalt and blood fighting the ones of undeath , a

    phantom appeared, with something in hand, throwing it up in the air, a blast bright as the

    sun was made, and a burning death was given to the undead, when then, a beam of light

    shone through the trees appeared, was a time of happiness, and despair, as though the allies

    of the living had to die again, an alliance was formed of the two, until the night's dawn

    came, and in the chaos of dead and living, was a barrel, full of black powder, on the wall of

    the fortress, with the mark of blood on it, it went off, destroying the fortress, and the cobalt

    stowaways inside the fortress, scared as they were, joined in, as there was no reason , nor no

    place , to hide in this time of chaos, and, as if the time of day and night was connected, the

    last of the living died, on the crack of dawn, leaving only those who died, to live.
    Epilouge :
    With an arcane appearance there was a flash of light from nowhere.
    Where then a divine creature scoured the battle field.
    And when a zombie re animated itself, it bit the creature, turning it's divine power to darkness.
    The one wilted dead White Lily stood on his feet, growing roots , becoming a silky black, and blossoming.
    Oddly , in the end of a war, with casualties being higher than the sky.
    That something can find life.
    Weird, Huh?

    Jackal, sj67 and DarkHairedIrish like this.
  5. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    Wrote this in 5 min hope you like it :p We can have more entrys right?

    The War is here! The War is here!

    The dark day has come,
    All the evil has come,
    Evil deeds must be done,
    Some say the end has begone,

    The War is here! The War is here!

    Knights are arming up
    Archers are taking a shot
    Builders are building walls
    And migrants are coming up

    The War is here! The War is here!

    In the cold halls of Camelot Arthur death is near.
    He couldn't be saved even by a magic bear.
    Every hour counts as a great army is build.
    Thousands of soldiers are armed with a shield.

    The War is here! The War is here!

    The never ending dead have come….
    Wraiths rise to explode for fun,
    While skeletons are ready to face the sun,
    Zombies march on there foot,
    And z-knights are ready to hoot.

    The War is here! The War is here!

    Heroes from the distance come,
    To slay the evil and make it undone,
    With a great chin most of them have,
    Which they show for the forces of light,
    There light couldn’t withstand even a blight.

    The War is here! The War is here!

    Nothing can save us now…
    The end has come…
    Jackal and DarkHairedIrish like this.
  6. Clazy

    Clazy Shopkeep Stealer

    One per person.
  7. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    Reorganized my poem, to make it easier to read.
  8. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Uhh, yeah, Blue Knights, Archers, Builders
    You know how we get down. Shaders off, win-dowed..

    Check it, while I shine bright like deep dishes
    To smite your weak skybridges,
    Rock mics, noob bitches, bombjumpin' technique vicious
    You pick up the hammer to fight, receive stitches
    While I reap riches, this is one of my three wishes
    the other two is first I smother you
    fuckers who grief everything a brother do,
    lamer than Redigit too,
    indestructible. It's unbelievable
    How I leave a crew, lacerate buildings inconceivable
    Dead your men like evil do, we knew all stunts in the street
    Cause once in the street with Beef you can get double slashed in the teeth
    Now you're spitting bone gibs, your catas and OPs ripped
    By the rhymes and cold stripped like chicks I bone swift
    In zones, it's TK, we slay each day it's Fat Beats and tres
    Then we blow you away, so fuck your nice day.

    Ripped off from and rapped to the tune of one of the finest raps ever. :heart: Serpico sample
    Beef, BlueLuigi, AJ and 1 other person like this.
  9. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    Edit - realized my poem had 12 lines, not 16. Adding one more group of four. I will make a new post for that poem.
  10. Templar_Frost

    Templar_Frost Horde Gibber

    Roses are red
    Stormcloaks are blue
    I'm out of rhymes
    Riletyface, Carver, BlueLuigi and 5 others like this.
  11. VDreamer

    VDreamer Shipwright

    i was going to write a poem until i finished looking through page 1 and 2, everyone whos submitted crushed my dreams!
  12. Sarathos

    Sarathos Shark Slayer

    I don't expect this to win, but i enjoyed writing it nonetheless,​
    anyone that knows me a little will get the many references in there.​
    (Made some slight changes)​
    Amongst the armies of red and blue
    Few could stand against the might of WoO
    With many an archer and knight in their ranks
    They fought a noble war, without many kegs
    This clan of heros stood together as brothers
    Failing constantly, yet hiding it from others
    Amongst them an archer noble and brave
    His name Sarathos, ponies his way
    Facing enemies like Exid, Foxodi and Sar
    Shooting against shields and knees from afar
    Alas, Sara fell against these great knights
    With no members of WoO within his sight
    Bound and tortured he would be for days
    By the great and evil Frogdo, arch-mage
    Thus is the story of Sarathos, a hero
    Maimed in a way that we shall never know.
  13. Frogdo

    Frogdo Shopkeep Stealer

    Ah to hell with it, here's my contribution to this here shindig you have going on.

    You also don't want to know what I do to Sara...


    Smoke, thick, black and overpowering
    Burned its way through my throat,
    As I lay, as a coward, cowardly cowering
    Whilst wicked Death did gloat;

    “Thine efforts are fruitless,
    Thine bow, thine spirits are shattered
    And from thine fate I will not digress,
    Not that thine life, even mattered.”

    With a wicked grin, Death did spake,
    His voice slicing through mine soul
    Leaving nought but agony in its wake,
    As I lay dying on this accursed knoll.

    With a dejected sigh, I accepted my
    Fate, the clamour of bloodshed raged
    On around me, so with but a sigh
    I was resigned; to death I was assuaged.

    Violence, mayhem and bloodshed
    Raged on, Red surging against Blue,
    Refusing to rest, until the other was dead,
    As to why we fought, who knew?
  14. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    Is your signature part of the poem?
  15. DarkHairedIrish

    DarkHairedIrish Shopkeep Stealer

    Good question, didn't even notice it.
  16. Adinxs

    Adinxs Bison Rider

    A haiku:

    A breeze on the wind
    It smells of decay and death
    Zombies are coming
    sj67 likes this.
  17. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    16 lines :(
  18. Adinxs

    Adinxs Bison Rider

    I do not want to win, I just wanted to share a poem.
  19. keyofdoor

    keyofdoor Haxor

    Oh, then I have a Hauiku too!
    The zombies, the worse.
    Always getting in pudding
    Making it taste bad.
    Jackal and Birdman159 like this.
  20. Adinxs

    Adinxs Bison Rider

    So true.
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