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Discussion in 'General Help' started by Inexorable, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Inexorable

    Inexorable The おっぱい lovin' nipple wizard. Donator

    Guys, I might just being a total noob here but I'm having real trouble with zombies. I can never get past day 4. Because every time day 4 comes heaps of the flying skeleton kamakazi things come down from the sky and blow my castle to oblivion, and I only see 3 types of enemies in those 4 days.

    The two types of walkers and the flying kamakazi bitches.

    Also once I got to day 5, but then those kamakazi things started coming out of the ground in an endless wave and I couldn't stop them all...

    Is this supposed to happen or am I being a colossal noob and just lost all my forum swagger?
  2. Roaper

    Roaper Catapult Fodder

    You just seem to be having bad luck. Build a nice big castle like I do and maybe it will help. screen-12-03-03-01-46-59.png
  3. Inexorable

    Inexorable The おっぱい lovin' nipple wizard. Donator

    I build much bigger nicer castles than that (no offense) With stab holes on the lips and that the bases of the walls and all the workshops in separate blocked off rooms for protection., 2-3 block thick walls, and every 4th night my shit gets fucked up...
  4. Foxodi

    Foxodi KAG Guard Tester

    I think the difficulty on zombies is soo inconsistent. Sometimes I get z-knight on the 2nd night, other times I wont see one until 12 nights. I've only died once legitimently before KAG crashed, because I uncovered a portal right below my base and left it there for a few nights until a constant stream of wraiths eventually ate away all my resources/base.
  5. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    The best thing for flying skeleton is archers. I place one archer at the top on left and right and kills all of them. ;)
    Like that:
    Beef likes this.
  6. Inexorable

    Inexorable The おっぱい lovin' nipple wizard. Donator

    The archer ai is so fucked up they can't hit a ground taget let alone an airborne one...

    I've never seen any other special zombie than kamakazi muthafuckas....

    And they always come on the 4th night.

    Its still happening by they way ive been trying all morning...
  7. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Kill them before explode. I put a lign of stone each side of the castle and i have the time to kill them.
    Another example:
  8. Roaper

    Roaper Catapult Fodder

    How did you do that to my picture?
  9. BlitZWTF

    BlitZWTF Shopkeep Stealer

    Put selection box around block
    Move it to where you want it.
    (May vary with other programs, it works like that in Photoshop and i think even paint)

    On-topic edit:
    Wraiths are my worst enemy, they ALWAYS kill my entire force of bots, and i either get killed by said wraith or i get a ZKnight's arm through my shield and into my face. I can't get past 3rd/4th night, i don't survive a night after discovering a spawner, because wraiths, wraiths everywhere.
  10. Inexorable

    Inexorable The おっぱい lovin' nipple wizard. Donator

    Just got to day 12, still saw no other enemies than wraiths and walkers....

    How I died was the screen went black for abot 3 seconds and I heard all my people die...


    I think the wraiths are way to OP they just ruin the whole experience for me...
    1 of them on their own if they dodge enough arrows, which is fully possible because some of them go really fast, can fuck up your game, it only take one broken lip to lets hordes of zombies in and kill all your structures and bots.

    I can't believe the testers thought wraiths were ok, sure if some ground unit could break walls or blow up that would be fine but a high speed flying one is a bit much.
  11. BlackKlit

    BlackKlit Shopkeep Stealer

    I don't think so. Wraith really very butthurting enemy (more than ZKnights i think), but they also can be killed easily by 1 any power arrow. So in difficult cases I simply take archer char and kill every airforce which are flying around my fort.
    Besides of that, wraith are attracted to lights because they need fire to be lighted and explode at all! So:
    1. No open fire!
    2. No lanterns with your soldiers!
    3. Thicky floors(at least 2 stone blocks thick).
    After that you will get MUCH less badstuff from these kamikaze. Really fucking thing is portal spawner which spawns wraiths in real numbers. Tip: don't activate portals when your fortress is weak, and immeditealy explode with keg or spam arrows to each activated darkportal, or your life will be much more difficult:D
  12. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I think they don't. At least wraiths from my games just light up without any source of fire.
  13. BlitZWTF

    BlitZWTF Shopkeep Stealer

    Yeah, i rarely even use lanterns on the surface and they light up anyway, i think they need to figure out a flight path to their target before lighting up. (Even if it takes them through solid stone, they blow up anyway)
  14. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    Just to be clear here : wraith won't be killed by 1 minimum powered arrow.

    They seem to ignite after 15-20 seconds of flying around if they are on the surface and they ignite the same second they spawn from portal.
  15. Inexorable

    Inexorable The おっぱい lovin' nipple wizard. Donator

    Bro I've tried every trick in the book when it comes to fighting wraiths, including 4 lanterns on a big ladder above 4 archers...

    They are unstoppable in some cases.

    Also the arrow needs to be half powered to kill, and unless you spend all you time killing wraiths and completely ignore derps and ZKs, you're going to get buttsexed by them...
  16. BlackKlit

    BlackKlit Shopkeep Stealer

    You're right, they someway appear and kill good soldiers. Even good fortresses may be blown up by them. But more srchers gives more chance to survive... Also ZK and lesser zombies won't do their badstuff if fort is defended by notched walls:) They will past it in few portions, so you will can easy kill them. ZKs must be killed only by archers, because bombs and kegs are very expensive.

    At all, this addon really includes some bad things:
    1. Wraiths/aka flying bombs, who can ignite themself:((( and explode. Also bad is knight's defense from it. They don't even shields:( and became gibs or new zombie.
    2. Portals spawn zombies in huge quantities and can be spawned in any place. So you MUSTN'T go to underground if you don't wanna be slaughtered in some time. Also portals don't give anything when destroy - it's bad too.
    3. Arrows is always in deficite - no time to gather it or money to buy it:(

    I think and hope that in next patch MM and Geti will fix these badstuffs.;)
    Inexorable likes this.