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Zombie update: Constructive Feedback

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Shadlington, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. cykalu

    cykalu Shopkeep Stealer

    A keg of explosive weighs a ton when launched from a catapult ;< which drops dead in 5 tiles
    Inexorable likes this.
  2. Mister_Meatball

    Mister_Meatball Base Burner

    First off, I agree with the favorites menu, I would like quick access to my often played servers.

    Second, I have stopped my zombies binge to play the updated CTF and while a mix of better and worse, (at least in my opinion) this could all be solved by a "Classic Mode" option or just plain old customize any aspect of the game for your servers.

    Third, this applies for both zombies and MP, sometimes I will push a keg and sometime walk through it, I think pushing it full time would be better, is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

    Fourth, this has been said by many people before me but when I buy arrows it look VERY similar to the damage effect.

    Finally: There was an issue on the mac version where KAG crashed every time I tried to join a server, I reinstalled and fixed it but It might have been an issue with the update. Also sometimes it says I am banned from a server but I just reconnect and I can Join, this is also new as of the update.
  3. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Is there a reason zombie bodies destroy spikes? If this is a glitch it should be removed. Having to constantly repair traps is very harsh, especially considering you have wraiths blowing up your building you're trying to survive in anyway. Z-Knights and Wraiths should be the only zombie that can destroy your blocks you place.
  4. DrZaloski

    DrZaloski Shopkeep Stealer

    I have a problem with migrants inability to open doors. I keep a system where I have doors and the top of a high tower with stops in it to keep the zombies from climbing, (the doors are mostly for safety measures against wraith, but also to make a house a home), but if a migrant manages to climb my 2 tile wide trap bridge ladder, (a difficult feet for them, so only the true champions can join my cause) I have to come open the door for them. This is a problem considering a wraith murders them or they just decide to throw themselves to the zombies before I manage to help them. I'd also like to have doors a little more durable against the zombies, maybe even invulnerable to zombies and skeletons, but not to Z knights and wraiths.
  5. AgeOfMe

    AgeOfMe Shopkeep Stealer

    On a related topic (this patch) the archer fire rate need a nerf. I was in a server where 2 archers were pumping out >5 arrows a second, that's ridiculous.
  6. Delta

    Delta Shopkeep Stealer

    Since the update shadow and lighting is enabled when you are in editor mode.
    Please turn shadow and lighting when in editor mode off like in the older version.
  7. Sqquall

    Sqquall Shipwright

    At first, these guys are in a vampire-zombies thinking line, but there is no connection, zombies have no problem with sunlight, the only suggestion valid was one guy who say that flying zombies starts to fire in sunlight.
    And, based in a first version, AI will be improved naturally...

    So, here my suggestions:

    - Fluid gameplay, in second time you play, there was jesus-zombies in first wave, i guess that is wrong, should be something like:
    Wave 1-3 - Derp zombies
    Wave 4-6 - Derp zombies + jesus-zombies
    Wave 7-10 - Derp zombies + jesus-zombies + flying zombies

    - Instead of coming walking from the edges of map, they could raise from the groud in random places of the map, like BZB, that would force the player to build ground inside the fortress for avoid zombies spawn inside the building and will add realism and more awesomeness to the game.

    - It seems that spikes disintegrate after some 'steps', i don't know if this is a bug, but makes sense, so the zombies wont be in a infinity loop, stepping on spikes and dying making the game easy... but that could be more realistic, like the spikes don't disintegrate, but after some dead bodies (like 3) above it, this turns 'step-able' until the bodies decompose (after 3 days for example) or you buy a lantern or some fire item (new) and throw it in the trap burning they goddam all and 'cleaning' the spikes. *-*

    And to finish, a new zombie:

    I don't feel in a zombie game without a fatty zombie who vomits intestinal juices on me, that vomit could erode the stoneblocks/doors/ourface, it would be pretty cool.

    That's it, the update was very cool, congratz to KAG dev team. ^^
    Delta likes this.
  8. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    By the way, I think that now that the bombs have greatly been nerfed, their price should be lower. It now takes multiple bombs to destroy stone walls, the height of a bombjump is minimal and they deal way smaller damage to players too.

    This is not bad, but the price for them is so high compared to the effectiveness, that you would rather buy arrows for archers than bombs for yourself.

    10 or 15 coins would be ideal imo.

    Also can we just have different shops for kegs and bombs?
    It feels stupid to have an annoying menu causing epilepsy just for two different things. I think we overall have way too much menus already. Easiest way to piss me off is useless interface ;)
  9. Delta

    Delta Shopkeep Stealer

    You can change the price for bombs, you know.
    And you can also edit the current workshops to remove kegs in one and add it to another.
    Although you can't add new workshops that also show ingame.
  10. hexalslug

    hexalslug Bison Rider

    Not sure how to make this constructive, and i'm not sure what has been changed exactly, but I feel knight combat has gotten worse. When I get killed it is often the case that I clearly shouldn't have (eg. a single jab while i'm shielding killing me), and when I manage to kill others it's often the same, I clearly shouldn't have got the kill. There's also a lot of times I should get a kill, but don't (eg. slashing someone whose shield is open but not hurting them, or slashing someone's shield 5 or 6 times without it stunning them). Today a knight jumped from a ~15 block high ledge (no player could possibly get up it), shield smashed me taking 1.5 hearts, and then was suddenly back on top of the ledge. Stuff like this seems to happen all the time now.

    It could be a problem on my end, but I have also heard quite a few other players express the same thing about knight combat.

    I do wish that jumping height and wallclimbing had not been nerfed too, as something I liked was the mobility of the characters, but it's probably been done for good reason. Other than these, it's an amazing update, I can't say anything bad about it.
    Vidar and Neat like this.
  11. bilbs

    bilbs KAG Guard Tester

    So while I was trying to figure out a good strategy I accidentally found one that's too good.
    In this video you can see a pit I built a wall over that just collects zombies.
    I got to level 11 with minimal effort (then killed myself cause I was bored) because the number of zombies spawning was greatly decreased.

    I'm assuming there is a spawn limit, which is increased at night, and after it's reached a zombie has to be killed for a new one to spawn. Well this pit collected zombies and they never died, so the overall difficulty was lowered.
    Maybe zombies should have a time limit on their life, so if a pit like this is made they will eventually despawn in it?

    Here's the vid. The pit is shown at the start, watch all of it if you're looking for some general gameplay.
  12. Xanoxis-Rawr

    Xanoxis-Rawr Arsonist

    Some servers use kegs already, and as far as I see, kegs are too weak against arrows and swords, most of time kegs explode in OUR BASE, because of random arrow... And even worse, friendly arrow or hit can make keg explode, I think. This isnt fun, seriously. When keg will be official, it should explode only when you ignite it, or enemy fire arrow hit it, that would be balanced and realistic :)
  13. Melan

    Melan Shark Slayer

    After hearing some earlier comments, I think archer bots should have a function to prioritize certain zombies, for example prioritizing higher threat to lower threat, in this case z-knights before wraiths, wraiths before zombies, and so on. This can also be reversed as well, so that archers target those weak but annoying skeletons that break down your doors and stack up. Maybe even make them only target one specific zombie, as I'm seeing alot of "archer bots are stoopid dey target skeletons instead of wraiths ... etc."

    Also stop QQing about wraiths, yes they're sometimes annoying, but they're not even that OP. I survived wraiths with a crappy fort with 2 layer thick walls, and I shoot them down at night time on my roof
  14. Inexorable

    Inexorable The おっぱい lovin' nipple wizard. Donator

    What do you mean ZKs before Wraiths?! Wraiths do way more damage than ZKs!

    Lol interest tactic guys, most of you probably know that derp zombies cant climb staggered walls, dig a small pit in front of walls with staggered edges, derp zombies fall in, derp about, then start eating each other for sustenance .

    Yes thanks to Squall we now have the term DERP ZOMBIES as-well as ZKs.
  15. FallenArchon

    FallenArchon Catapult Fodder

    Yes just played a game (day 15 before quitting) had two Archers up top of tower 200 arrows each, but they choose to waste all there arrows on skeletons while 4 wraiths were flying around, I don't need them to refill there arrows but a dial menu with a target option would be Great.

    Migrants AI needs some love too.
  16. Melan

    Melan Shark Slayer

    It all goes down to a matter of opinion, and that was just for an example.
    Don't forget my other thing about prioritizing certain zombies aswell.
  17. Kurtino

    Kurtino Shipwright

    Something I'm sure someone's already mentioned but is annoying.


    Your main character has his hat but when he switches classes he loses it completely, which makes me want to not switch really since it removes what stands out from the rest of these smelly migrants. You should keep your hat as you change to knight/archer and back to builder as your main character...maybe migrants could have random hats?
  18. Melan

    Melan Shark Slayer

    Make a point underground where altar's can't spawn above it. I really don't think someone wanting to do a serious zombie run would appreciate a surface altar, unless they're just testing.
    EDIT: Two in a row? Wow. :QQ:
  19. Inexorable

    Inexorable The おっぱい lovin' nipple wizard. Donator

    Are you supposed to get derps spawning during the day?

    Like all of these guys spawned during the day.


    ALSO: Thanks to whichever mod merged my double post :D
  20. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    That's the thing man, they just spawn anywhere. Just yesterday I had a sick tower going on, no way they were ever getting in, then all of a sudden a portal spawned in the pit on the left of my tower. Totally fucked.